Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package SEDI (ABAP Editor) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SEDI |
Short Text | ABAP Editor |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SEDI contains 14 function groups.
BREA | Breakpoint handling |
ED_UTILITIES | Editor Utilities |
EDEX | Editor exits for SAP model |
EDITOR_START | Start ABAP Editor |
FRFC | RFC functions for Editor |
LOCAL_EDT1 | Parameterized editor |
S_SEARCH | Find / Replace (OO Version) |
S38E | Editor function modules |
SEDA | Program parsing |
SEDC | Progam Parsing: Extra Function Modules |
SEUR | DW: Create, find & replace global |
SPLIT_START | Start splitscreen editor |
STCL | General SAP clipboard |
TPYP | Insert program |
SAP Package SEDI contains 9 database tables.
TSE00 | ABAP/4 Editor applications |
TSE01 | ABAP/4 Editor application Fcodes |
TSE02 | ABAP/4 Editor user commands |
TSE03 | ABAP/4 Editor update functions |
TSE04 | ABAP/4 Editor Line Command Meanings |
TSE05 | ABAP/4 Editor insert commands |
TSE06 | ABAP/4 Pretty printer statements |
TSE07 | ABAP/4 Editor pretty printer block statements |
TSE08 | ABAP/4 Editor pretty printer special tabulator |
SAP Package SEDI contains 1 views.
H_T100A | Help view for T100A |
SAP Package SEDI contains 25 structures.
BREAKLINE | Breakpoint Line |
EDCONT | Type of Editor Container |
EDERROR_POSITION | line, column |
EDITCURSOR | Cursor for Editor |
EDITORMODE | Editor mode for dynamic editor call |
EDITORSTAT | Editor status for callback |
EDLINECOMS | Structure for editor line command table |
EDLINEINDX | Line index for editor |
EDLINENUM | Structure for editor line number table |
EDMODTAB | Internal modification log structure for editor |
EDSTEP | Structure for editor step index table |
EDUSERCOMS | Structure for editor user command table |
NAV_STATUS | Status information for navigation function module |
PRK_FOUNDS | List of found occurrences from global search / replace |
PRK_SOURCE | Structure for copying PRK source |
RSEUDEBUGGER | Settings Debugger |
RSFNDS_WA | Global find / replace: Line structure of hit table |
RSOBJTB_WA | Structure of the object table for find/replace |
RSREPL | Fields for Search and Replace |
RSSOURCE | Program source |
RSSRCH | Find / replace parameters |
RSSRCH_ST | Find / replace: Hit list status |
RSTXP | Screen fields SAPMSTXP program editor |
S38E | ABAP Editor |
SPRK | ABAP PRK editor |
SAP Package SEDI contains 20 programs.
RS_EDTR_START_NEW_MODE | Start Editor in New Session Using Workbench Manager |
RSEDDES1 | Destinations for Source Systems in the Splitscreen Editor |
RSEDGTAW | F4 Support for Insertable Statements |
RSEDGTFB | F4 Support for Function Modules to be Inserted |
RSEDGTID | F4 Support for Message Classes |
RSEDGTTB | F4 Support for Tables |
RSEDLCOM | ABAP/4 Editor Line Commands |
RSEDNAMF | Select Functions of a Status |
RSEDNAMT | Select Field for Tables |
RSEDPRNT | Print ABAP Source Code |
RSEDRTXT | Numbered Texts Editor |
RSEDSELT | Generate Generic List of Tables by Generic Specification |
RSEDSTAT | Choose Statement to be Inserted |
RSEDTHLP | F4 Support for Tables |
RSEDTVE1 | Restore Version |
RSEDTVER | Restore Version |
RSEDUCOM | ABAP/4 Editor User Commands |
TEDITCNT | Test Edit Control |
SAP Package SEDI contains 1 search helps.
H_T100A | Help view for T100A |
SAP Package SEDI contains 1 message classes.
ED | Nachrichten des ABAP-Editors |