Es gibt 100 gute Gründe, warum Sie dieses Buch kaufen sollten. Doch die verraten wir Ihnen hier nicht. Nur so viel: Wenn Sie die ABAP Workbench als Ihr zweites Wohnzimmer begreifen, ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie! Die Mini-Tutorials in diesem Buch unterstützen Sie dabei, Software in ABAP effizienter zu entwickeln. Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie sich bei der Bearbeitung von Quelltext das Leben leichter machen, wie Sie häufig wiederkehrende Programmieraufgaben automatisieren oder umständliches Vorgehen früherer Tage endlich über Bord werfen. Sie werden die ABAP Workbench in einem ganz neuen Licht erleben. Eine klare Sprache, Klick-für-Klick-Anleitungen, Zusammenfassungen und Hervorhebungen sorgen dabei für einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Lernerfolg.
Bei ansehen →The package SHI2 (Hierarchy maintenance tool - structure for IMG etc.) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SHI2 |
Short Text | Hierarchy maintenance tool - structure for IMG etc. |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 6 function groups.
SHI12 | Read data: FM not relevant for display |
SHI2 | Hierarchy maint.:DB - read data |
SHI20 | Maintain: Enhancement ID |
SHI3 | Hierarchy maint.: DB - save data |
SHI4 | Maint.: Node/structure/link type |
SHI9 | Structure buffering |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 3 transactions.
SHI0 | Structure buffer: Node type maint. |
SHI1 | Structure buffer: Link type maint. |
SHI2 | Structure buffer: Struc. type maint. |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 31 database tables.
TNODE01 | Node Table for General Structure Storage |
TNODE01R | General Structure Storage References |
TNODE01T | General Structure Storage Node Names |
TNODEE | Definition of attributes of a node type |
TNODEH | List of valid node types |
TNODERTYPE | Node type: Assignable link types |
TNODES | Node type: Valid sub-node types |
TNODET | Name of valid node types |
TRTYPEH | List of valid link types |
TRTYPET | Name of valid link types |
TTREE | Definition table for structures |
TTREE_APPL | Application-defined additional structure data |
TTREE_EXT | Structure enhancement ID |
TTREE_EXTT | Table TTREE_EXT text table |
TTREE_FLNK | Link between old and new nodes in filter |
TTREE_FLP | Hierarchy tool: Link between filter, log. and phys. str. |
TTREE_GEN | Application-defined additional structure data |
TTREE_JOB | Hierarchy Tool: Background Jobs |
TTREED | Hierarchy Tool: Double Nodes |
TTREEF | User-specific list of favorites of structure maintenance |
TTREEI | List of Active Nodes for a Structure |
TTREELOADS | Generation data for structure buffering (nodes/links) |
TTREELOADT | Generation data for structure buffering (texts) |
TTREEN | List of node types to be displayed for a structure |
TTREEP | Parameter for view: Maintenance by application only |
TTREES | Read sequence for namespace identifier |
TTREESRCH | Generation data for structure buffering (nodes/links) |
TTREET | Name of a structure |
TTREETYPE | List of valid structure types |
TTREETYPEN | List of valid node types per structure type |
TTREETYPET | Name of valid structure types |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 2 views.
TTREE_READ | Read Structures and Filters |
V_TNODE01 | Transport Nodes from View |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 18 structures.
HIER_ADMIN | Creation data and change data for gen. hierarchy storage |
HIER_DISP1 | List of deactivated link types for each node type |
HIER_EXUSE | Enhancement ID Where-Used List Structure |
HIER_IFACE | Hierarchy Maintenance Tool Node Passing Interface |
HIER_LINK | Hierarchy Tool: Link between new and old node_key |
HIER_MESS | Transfer structure for messages |
HIER_NODED | Node table data part Include |
HIER_NODEK | Include Key for Structure Item Table |
HIER_NODES | List of nodes |
HIER_NTYPE | List of node types |
HIER_REF | List of references to nodes |
HIER_REFTY | List of link types |
HIER_STRUC | Hierarchy maintenance structure ID transfer structure |
HIER_STYPE | List of structure types |
HIER_TEXTS | Text for nodes of general structure storage |
HIER_TRANS | Structure text transfer to translation structure |
HIER_TYPES | Structure with reference fields for function modules |
PNODES_TWB | Hierarchy Tool: Parent nodes for test plans |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 2 programs.
RS_STREE_TRANSPORT_VIA_DEVCLA | Put package structures in transport request |
RSJTNODE | Explicit representation of the node table TNODE01 with text |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 1 search helps.
S_TRTYPEH | Allowed Link Type Search Help |
SAP Package SHI2 contains 1 message classes.
1X | Nachrichten zum allgemeinen Hierarchiepflegetool |