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Bei ansehen →The package SMART (SAP Smart Forms) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SMART |
Short Text | SAP Smart Forms |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SMART contains 17 function groups.
STXB | Form Builder |
STXBC | Smart Forms: Smart Composer |
STXBCT | SAP Smart Forms: Trace Administration |
STXBCU | SAP Smart Forms Composer: UC Specials |
STXBE | SAP Smart Forms: Form Call |
STXBG | SAP Smart Forms: General Functions |
STXBH | SAP Smart Forms: Help functions |
STXBM | Smart Forms: Maintenance Dialogs |
STXBR | SAP Smart Forms: Runtime Routines |
STXBS | SAP Smart Styles |
STXBT | Smart Forms: Translation |
STXBW | Smart Forms: OTF output to screen |
STXBX | SAP Smart Forms: Ex/Import/Enqueue |
STXBXDEMO | Demo Function Group for Smart Forms |
STXBXDF | XDF Data Interface |
STXFPO | Form Painter: Settings |
STXTPO | Table Painter: Settings |
SAP Package SMART contains 6 transactions.
SFTRACE | SAP Smart Forms: Trace |
SM30_STXSFREPL | Smart Styles: Replace Font |
SMARTFORM_CODE | SAP Smart Forms: Target Coding |
SMARTFORM_TRACE | SAP Smart Forms: Trace |
SMARTFORMS | SAP Smart Forms |
SMARTSTYLES | SAP Smart Styles |
SAP Package SMART contains 37 database tables.
SSFOBJSCR | SAP Smart Forms: Object/Screen Fields Assignment |
SSFSET | SAP Smart Forms: Settings |
SSFXSFBMP | Smart Forms: BMP Cache (for XSF Output, for Example) |
SSFXSFCSS | Smart Forms: CSS Cache (for XSF Output, for Example) |
STXFADM | Smart Forms: Administration |
STXFADMI | Smart Forms: Administration - Interal Information |
STXFADMT | Smart Forms: Administration - Textual Description |
STXFCONT | Smart Forms: Form Subobjects (Active) |
STXFCONTR | Smart Forms: Runtime Objects |
STXFCONTS | Smart Forms: Form Subobjects (Saved) |
STXFCONTV | Smart Forms: Form Subobjects - Versions |
STXFIMP | Smart Forms: Generate at Upgrade |
STXFOBJT | Smart Forms: Subobject Long Texts |
STXFPCUST | Smart Forms: Switch the Runtime |
STXFSTDPAR | Smart Forms: Default Parameters |
STXFTXT | SAP Smart Forms: Texts |
STXFTXTA | SAP Smart Forms: Texts - Administration |
STXFTXTV | SAP Smart Forms: Texts - Versions |
STXFVAR | Smart Forms: Variants |
STXFVARI | Smart Forms: Variants - Internal Information |
STXFVART | Smart Forms: Variants - Textual Description |
STXSADM | Smart Styles: Administration |
STXSADMT | Smart Styles: Admimstration - Description of Styles |
STXSCHAR | Smart Styles: Character Formats |
STXSFPATT | Smart Forms: Pattern for Tables |
STXSFREPL | Smart Styles: Replace Font |
STXSHEAD | Smart Styles: Style Header |
STXSOBJT | Smart Styles: Texts for Paragraph and Character Formats |
STXSPARA | Smart Styles: Paragraph Formats |
STXSTAB | Smart Styles: Tabs |
STXSVAR | Smart Styles: Variants |
STXSVARL | Smart Styles: Language Assignment of Variants |
STXSVART | Smart Styles: Variants - Textual Description |
STXTRACE | Smart Forms: Trace (Data) |
STXTRACEHD | SAP Smart Forms: Trace (Administration) |
STXTRCUSR | SAP Smart Forms: User-dependent Trace Settings |
TSFDEVTY | Smart Forms: Device Types for Languages |
SAP Package SMART contains 203 structures.
FPIPROPS | Form Painter Table Property (Internal) |
FPOPTIONS | Form Painter Options |
FPPROPS | Form Painter Table Property |
INTSFSY | SAP Smart Forms: Internal System Fields |
ISFSY | Smart Forms: Internal System Fields |
SEDLOFIELD | SAP Smart Forms: Logical Field Names in Editor Control |
SFSY | SAP Smart Forms: System Fields |
SSF_XSF_GR | SAP Smart Forms: XSF Graphics |
SSF4OPD | longtext for field description |
SSFADRCTRL | Smart Forms: Control Parameter for Address Output |
SSFARCOP | SAP Smart Forms: Archiving options |
SSFBORDER | Smart Forms: Frames |
SSFBUTOP | Smart Forms: Options for print preview and dialog |
SSFBUTTIDS | Smart Forms: Attributes Button IDs for Toolbars/Comboboxes |
SSFBUTTONS | Smart Forms: Attributes for Buttons of Toolbars/Comboboxes |
SSFCALC | Smart Forms: Calculations |
SSFCAT | Smart Forms: Catalog Entry |
SSFCATALOG | Smart Forms: Text Catalog for Smart Composer |
SSFCATS | Smart Styles: Catalog Entry |
SSFCOLINFO | Output tables: Column information |
SSFCOLOR | Smart Forms: Color |
SSFCOMP | Smart Forms: Comparison |
SSFCOMPBOR | Smart Forms: Frames (composer, internal) |
SSFCOMPBOT | Footer Output section Composer |
SSFCOMPCOL | Smart Forms: Composer color |
SSFCOMPIN | SAP Smart Forms: Smart Composer input parameters |
SSFCOMPLIN | Smart Forms Composer: Line Definition |
SSFCOMPOP | SAP Smart Forms: Smart Composer (transfer) options |
SSFCOMPPAR | Smart Forms: Paragraph Formats (Runtime) |
SSFCOMPPP | SAP Smart Forms: Options Smart Composer (Transfer) -> SSFPP |
SSFCOMPRES | Smart Forms: Smart Composer Results |
SSFCOMPSEC | Smart Forms: Output area |
SSFCOMPSTR | Smart Forms: Character formats (runtime) |
SSFCOMPTAB | Smart Forms: Tabs (Runtime) |
SSFCOMTEXT | Smart Forms: Short texts of entries in combobox |
SSFCRESCL | Smart Forms: Return value at end of form printing |
SSFCRESOP | Smart Forms: Return value at start of form printing |
SSFCRESPD | Smart Forms: Return Document Information |
SSFCSSDCL | Smart Forms: CSS Declaration |
SSFCSSMAP | Smart Forms: Mapping for XSF DOM <-> Inline CSS |
SSFCSSOO | Smart Forms XSF Output: CSS Control Data |
SSFCSSSEL | SAP Smart Forms XSF Output: CSS Selectors |
SSFCSTAT | Smart Forms: Composer Status |
SSFCTABA | Smart Forms: Table Cells (Attributes for Composer) |
SSFCTRLOP | Smart Forms: Control structure |
SSFCURR | Smart Forms: Reference Fields for Currencies/Quantities |
SSFDFIELD | Smart Form Field Definition |
SSFDISL | Smart Forms XSF: HTML With CSS and XML Data Islands |
SSFDOCOUT | Smart Forms: Document (Output) |
SSFDOCSTRC | Smart Forms: Document structure |
SSFDYNFONT | Smart Forms: Dynamic Font |
SSFERROR | SAP Smart Forms: Runtime error |
SSFF4STRUC | SAP Smart Forms: Structure description for field list |
SSFFAXOP | Smart Forms: Fax output options |
SSFFBCNTAD | SF Form Builder: Counter for Addresses |
SSFFBCNTCD | SF Form Builder: Counter for Conditions |
SSFFBCNTCM | SF Form Builder: Counter for Commands |
SSFFBCNTCO | SF Form Builder: Counter for Coding |
SSFFBCNTEV | SF Form Builder: Counter for Events |
SSFFBCNTGR | SF Form Builder: Counter for Graphics |
SSFFBCNTNO | SF Form Builder: Counter for Nodes |
SSFFBCNTOA | SF Form Builder: Counter for Output Attributes |
SSFFBCNTPA | SF Form Builder: Counter for Pages |
SSFFBCNTSE | SF Form Builder: Counter for Sections |
SSFFBCNTTI | SF Form Builder: Counter for Texts |
SSFFBCNTWI | SF Form Builder: Counter for Windows |
SSFFBERR | Smart Forms: FB Error Message (Screen Fields) |
SSFFBTNODE | SAP Smart Forms: Node Name and Type |
SSFFIELDS | SAP Smart Forms: Field name, value, texts, and type |
SSFFORMHD | Smart Forms: Form header for transfer Composer |
SSFGDATA | Smart Forms: Global Data |
SSFGKEYBDL | Smart Forms: Graphic Key (BDS) (Long) |
SSFGKEYBDS | Smart Forms: Graphic Key (BDS) |
SSFGNODE | Smart Forms: Form Builder g_nodes[] |
SSFHEAD | Smart Forms: Header Data |
SSFIADDR | Smart Forms: Address (Buffer) |
SSFICODE | Smart Forms: Code (Buffer) |
SSFICOMM | Smart Forms: Command (Buffer) |
SSFICOND | Smart Forms: Condition (Buffer) |
SSFIEVENT | Smart Forms: Event (Buffer) |
SSFINODE | Smart Forms: Tree Node (Buffer) |
SSFINPUT | SAP Smart Forms: Attributes of Input Fields |
SSFIOFLD | Smart Forms: Interface |
SSFIOPAR | Smart Forms: Interface |
SSFIOUT | Smart Forms: Output Attributes (Buffer) |
SSFIPAGE | Smart Forms: Pages (Buffer) |
SSFISECT | Smart Forms: Output Area (Buffer) |
SSFITCDP | SAP Smart Forms: Paragraph formats SAPscript + color |
SSFITCDS | SAP Smart Forms: Character formats SAPscript + color |
SSFIVHD | Smart Forms: Variant Header (Buffer) |
SSFIVHEAD | Smart Forms: Header Data Variant (Buffer) |
SSFIWIND | Smart Forms: Window (Buffer) |
SSFJOBOUT | Smart Forms: Job Output |
SSFLOADTAB | SAP Smart Forms: Load Table |
SSFLTYPASS | Line type assignment |
SSFLTYPE | Display tables line type |
SSFMAILOP | Smart Forms: Mail options for Smart Composer |
SSFMSGERR | SF Form Builder: Check, Error Message |
SSFNAME | SAP Smart Forms: Internal object name |
SSFNEWBRD | Smart Forms: Frames (new) |
SSFNEWCOL | Smart Forms: Color (Without USED Flag) |
SSFNEWLINE | Smart Forms: Line (new) |
SSFOCOND | Smart Forms: Output Conditions |
SSFOTABA | Smart Forms: Table Cells (Attributes) |
SSFOTABC | Smart Forms: Table Cell |
SSFOTABD | Smart Forms: Dynamic Table Line |
SSFOTABLE | Smart Forms: Output Table Definition |
SSFOTABS | Smart Forms: Static Table Line |
SSFOUTTAB | Table for display field tree of the SMARTFORMS |
SSFPAGOUT | Smart Forms: Page output |
SSFPARAM | Smart Forms: Parameter for Code |
SSFPARAS | Smart Styles: Paragraph entry |
SSFPATT | Smart Forms: Output Table Pattern |
SSFPATTERN | Output table pattern |
SSFPP | Smart Forms: Smart Composer options (internal) |
SSFRDIOP | Smart Forms: RDI options |
SSFREF | SAP Smart Forms: Reference fields |
SSFRLANG | Smart Forms: Languages at Runtime |
SSFSCREEN | SAP Smart Forms: Screen fields |
SSFSCREENS | Smart Styles: Screen Fields |
SSFSCRMACT | Migration Properties Screen Fields |
SSFSECFOOT | Smart Forms: Output area Header |
SSFSECHEAD | Smart Forms: Output area Header |
SSFSECTINF | SF Form Builder: Section Information |
SSFSECTION | Smart Forms: Output area |
SSFSORT | Smart Forms: Sort Fields |
SSFSPCOVOP | Smart Forms: Cover sheet options |
SSFSPCTLOP | Smart Forms: Spool control options |
SSFSPOUTOP | Smart Forms: Page Selection and Copies |
SSFSPREQOP | Smart Forms: Texts for Output Request |
SSFSTRINGS | Smart Styles: Character Format Entry |
SSFSTYLE | Smart Forms: Style for Transfer to Smart Composer |
SSFSTYLHD | Smart Forms: Style Header for Transfer to Composer |
SSFSTYLHDR | SAP Smart Forms: Style Header (Name and Variant) |
SSFSTYLS | SAP Smart Forms: XSF Layout Information |
SSFTABDEF | Output Table Definition |
SSFTABIND | Smart Forms: Table Index (Buffer) |
SSFTABKEY | Smart Forms: DB Key (Simple) |
SSFTABKEYL | Smart Forms: DB Key (Long Texts) |
SSFTABKEYT | Smart Forms: DB Key (Table) |
SSFTABKEYX | Smart Forms: DB Key (Texts) |
SSFTBUFF | SAP Smart Forms: Text Buffer for Composer |
SSFTKEY | SAP Smart Forms: Key of Include Text |
SSFTKEYL | SAP Smart Forms: Text key (long) |
SSFTMKEY | SAP Smart Forms: Text Module Key |
SSFTOTALS | Smart Forms: Totaling Fields |
SSFTRACE | Smart Forms: Trace Information |
SSFTREEIT | Smart Forms: Items for Tree Structure |
SSFTREEITC | Smart Forms: Changed Items in Tree Structure |
SSFTREEITU | Smart Forms: Items to be Changed for Tree Structur |
SSFTRFPRG | SAP Smart Forms: Transformation Program (XSF->HTML) |
SSFTXTAREA | SAP Smart Forms: Web Attributes of a Text Node |
SSFTXTL | Smart Forms: Text Line |
SSFURLOP | SAP Smart Forms: Options for URL Evaluation |
SSFVARHDR | SAP Smart Forms: Variant Header (Public) |
SSFVCAT | Smart Forms: Variant Catalog Entry |
SSFVDEF | Smart Forms: Variable Definition |
SSFVHINCL | Smart Forms: Variant Header (Except Tree Reference) |
SSFWCFTREE | SAP Smart Forms: Tree Structure |
SSFWINBOX | Smart Forms: Window Border |
SSFWINDOWS | Smart Forms: Window Description |
SSFWINOUT | Smart Forms: Window Output (with OTF) |
SSFWLTINFO | SAP Smart Forms: Window Info to be Processed at the End |
SSFWOTTSTR | Smart Forms: Transfer GenFM to Smart Composer |
SSFWSIZE | SAP Smart Forms: Window Size |
SSFXDF2OP | Smart Forms: Options XDF2 |
SSFXDFOP | Smart Forms: Options XDF |
SSFXMLOUT | Smart Forms: XML Output Structure |
SSFXOBJID | SAP Smart Forms: IDs for Objects |
SSFXRDI | Smart Forms: XSF string |
SSFXSFOO | Smart Forms: XSF Options |
SSFXSFOP | Smart Forms: XSF Options |
SSFXSFP | Smart Forms: XSF Parameter |
SSFXSFPGID | SAP Smart Forms XSF Output: Pages and IDs |
STXCTOKEN | ITF Scanner Token |
STXFSTDFLD | Smart Forms: Default Parameters |
STXSFONT | Smart Forms: Font |
TABCOMPCOL | Smart Forms: Colors for Table Lines |
TDALIAS | Alias |
TDSFBGREXT | Smart Forms: Background Image Enhancement |
TPATTR | Table Painter Attributes |
TPCOL | Table Painter Column |
TPCOLA | Table Painter Column with Attributes |
TPCOLAC | Tbale Painter Column With Attributes and Colors |
TPCOLORS | Table Painter Attribute 2 |
TPCOLS | Table Painter Colors |
TPIATTR | Table Painter Attributes (Internal) |
TPICOL | Table Painter Column (Internal) |
TPICOLA | Table Painter Column with Attributes (Internal) |
TPICOLAC | Table Painter Columns With Attributes and Colors (Internal) |
TPICOLORS | Tabel Painter Colors (internal) |
TPICOLS | Tabel Painter Colors (internal) |
TPIPROPS | Table Painter Table Property (Internal) |
TPIROW | Table Painter Line (Internal) |
TPIROWA | Table Painter Line with Attributes (Internal) |
TPITROWA | Table Painter line with attributes (int. for templates) |
TPOPTIONS | Table Painter Options |
TPPROPS | Table Painter Table Property |
TPROW | Table Painter Line |
TPROWA | Table Painter Line with Attributes |
TPTROWA | Table Painter line with attributes (for templates) |
TRFRESULT | SAP Smart Forms: Result of XSF Transformation |
SAP Package SMART contains 25 programs.
RSREFORM | Smart Forms: Find Ghost Forms |
RSTXSFGENERATEWRITES | Generate report with WRITE macros |
RSTXSFPREVIEW | Smart Forms: Preview (for internal use) |
RSTXSFWRITEMACROS | WRITE macros for formatting Smart Forms symbols |
SAPBORDERPAINTER_DEMO | Test program for Smart Forms Border Painter control |
SAPFORMPAINTER_DEMO | Test program for Smart Forms Form Painter control |
SAPMSSFO | SAP Smart Forms: Maintenance Tool |
SAPMSSFS | SAP Smart Forms: Maintenance Tool for Smart Styles |
SAPTABLEPAINTER_DEMO | Test Program for Smart Forms Table Painter Control |
SF_BATCH_GENERATE | Program for Generating SMART FORMS in Batch |
SF_DUPLICATES_DELETE | Smart Forms: Delete STXFADMI Entries with Duplicate Number |
SF_EXAMPLE_01 | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_EXAMPLE_01_BACKUP | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_EXAMPLE_02 | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_EXAMPLE_02_BACKUP | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_EXAMPLE_03 | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_EXAMPLE_03_BACKUP | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
SF_MIGRATE | Report for migrating SAPscript forms |
SF_TOTALS | Examples for Totalling Different Currencies |
SF_XSF_DEMO | Smart Forms: XSF Output - Demo Program |
SF_XSF_DEMO_MAIL | Send Form and Graphics by E-Mail |
SFDUMMY01 | Dummy Program (Will be Filled by Support Packages) |
SFDUMMY02 | Dummy Program (Will be Filled by Support Packages) |
SFDUMMY03 | Dummy Program (Will be Filled by Support Packages) |
SAP Package SMART contains 4 search helps.
SH_PAGEFORMAT | SAP Smart Forms: Search Help for Page Format |
SH_STXFADM | SAP Smart Forms: Search Help |
SH_STXSADM | SAP Smart Styles: Search Help |
SSF_PAGEFORMAT | SAP Smart Forms: Page Formats |
SAP Package SMART contains 3 message classes.
FORMPAINTER | Form Painter: Nachrichten |
SMARTFORMS | Smart Forms - Form Builder |
SSFCOMPOSER | Smart Forms: Composer Messages |