

Smart Styles: Paragraph Formats

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The table STXSPARA (Smart Styles: Paragraph Formats) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMART.

Technical Information

Short Text Smart Styles: Paragraph Formats
Package SMART
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table STXSPARA

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ACTIVE SApscript: Activation flag TDACTIVATE CHAR 1
STYLENAME SAP Smart Styles: Style name TDSSNAME CHAR 30 *
VARI Smart Forms: Variant TDVARIANT CHAR 8
TDPARGRAPH Paragraph tag in forms and styles TDPARGRAPH CHAR 2
TDPJUSTIFY Paragraph attribute: alignment TDPJUSTIFY CHAR 10
TDPPROTPAG Paragraph attribute: Page protection TDPPROTECT CHAR 1
TDPPROTNEX Paragraph attribute: same page TDPSAMEPAG CHAR 1
TDPLDIST Paragraph attribute: line spacing TDPLDIST DEC 5
TDPLDISTU Paragraph attribute: unit of measurement for line spacing TDPLDISTU CHAR 2
TDPTOP Paragraph attribute: space before TDPTOP DEC 5
TDPTOPU Paragraph attribute: unit of measurement for upper margin TDPTOPU CHAR 2
TDPBOT Paragraph attribute: space after TDPBOT DEC 5
TDPBOTU Paragraph attribute: unit of measurement for lower margin TDPBOTU CHAR 2
TDPLEFT Paragraph attribute: left margin TDPLEFT DEC 5
TDPLEFTU Paragraph attribute: unit of measurement for left margin TDPLEFTU CHAR 2
TDPRIGHT TDIC: paragraph, right margin TDPRIGHT DEC 5
TDPRIGHTU Paragraph attribute: unit of measurement for right margin TDPRIGHTU CHAR 2
TDPENTRY Paragraph attribute: first line indent TDPENTRY DEC 5
TDPENTRYU Para. attribute: unit of measurement for first line indent TDPENTRYU CHAR 2
TDNUMLEFT Paragraph attribute: left margin for outline numbering TDNUMLEFT DEC 5
TDNUMLEFTU Para. attribute: unit of measurement for left number margin TDNUMLEFTU CHAR 2
TDNUMBERIN Smart Forms: Numbering type TDSFNUMBTY CHAR 1
TDNUMOUTL Paragraph attribute: output length for arabic numerals TDNUMOUTL NUMC 2
TDNUMFIXC Paragraph attribute: fixed character for outline numbering TDNUMFIXCH CHAR 10
TDLFIRSTPA Par. attribute : name of "highest-level" outline paragraph TDLFIRSTPA CHAR 2
TDLSTRING String for paragraph number TDLSTRING CHAR 2
TDLDEPTH Paragraph attribute: outline level TDLDEPTH NUMC 2
TDLCHAINED Paragraph attribute: outline number chaining TDLCHAINED CHAR 1
TDLFIRSTC Paragraph attribute: Left delimiter of outline number TDLFIRSTCH CHAR 10
TDLLASTC Paragraph attribute: Right delimiter of outline number TDLLASTCH CHAR 10
TDLFIRSTIN TDIC paragraph outline index of the 1st outline paragraph TDLFIRSTIN INT4 10
TDLNEXTIND TDIC paragraph outline index of the next outline paragraph TDLNEXTIND INT4 10
TDLCOUNT TDIC outline counter TDLCOUNT INT4 10
TDNOBLANKS Paragraph attribute for blank line suppression TDNOBLANKS CHAR 1
TDFAMILY Font attribute: Name of font family TDFAMILY CHAR 8 *
TDHEIGHT Font attribute: font size in 1/10 point TDFONTSIZE NUMC 3
TDBOLD Font attribute bold type TDBOLD CHAR 1
TDITALIC Font attribute italic TDITALIC CHAR 1
TDUNDERLIN Font attribute: underlined TDUNDERLIN CHAR 1
TDULPOS Spacing between base line and underline TDULPOS DEC 5
TDULPOSU Unit of measurement for underline spacing TDULPOSU CHAR 2
TDULTHICK Thickness of Underline TDULTHICK DEC 5
TDULTHICKU Unit of measurement for underline thickness TDULTHICKU CHAR 2
TDULGREY Intensity of underline in percent TDULGREY NUMC 3
RED Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
GREEN Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
BLUE Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
TRANS Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
USED SAP Smart Forms: General Indicator TDSFFLAG CHAR 1