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Bei ansehen →The package WVKP (IS-R: Sales pricing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | WVKP |
Short Text | IS-R: Sales pricing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package WVKP contains 26 function groups.
WVK0 | Retail Pricing: Database Accesses |
WVK1 | Pricing: Sales Pricing |
WVK2 | Retail Pricing: Dialog Boxes |
WVK3 | Retail Pricing: Pricing Worklist |
WVK4 | Retail Pricing: List Display SP Condns |
WVK5 | Retail Pricing: Error Logs |
WVK6 | Retail Pricing: Authorizations |
WVK7 | Pricing: List Display Pricing Documents |
WVK8 | Retail Pricing: BAPIs for SP Calculation |
WVK9 | Retail Pricing: SP Calculn Using BAPI |
WVKA | Retail Pricing: Maintain Conditions |
WVKB | Retail Pricing: Valuatn at Sales Prices |
WVKC | Retail Pricing: Determining Conditions |
WVKD | Retail Pricing: Screens |
WVKE | Retail Pricing: Price Points |
WVKF | Retail Pricing: F4 Help |
WVKG | Retail Pricing: Generic Block |
WVKM | Pricing: Competitor Price Entry |
WVKN | Retail Pricing: Number Assignment |
WVKO | Pricing: Organizational Data |
WVKP | Pricing: Material Master Data |
WVKQ | Retail Pricing: Sources of Supply |
WVKS | Pricing: Stack Tables |
WVKV | Retail Pricing: Updating |
WVKX | Pricing: Example Modules |
WWK1 | Pricing: Market-Basket Price Calculation |
SAP Package WVKP contains 59 transactions.
OVP0 | Pr. point gr. -> Organization/MatGrp |
OVP1 | Create price point group |
OVP2 | Create pricing group |
OVP3 | Change price point group |
OVP4 | Display price point group |
OVP5 | Assignment to VKALS/LIFEL |
OVP6 | Create list variant |
OVP7 | Pricing group -> Organization |
OVP8 | Assignment: fields -> list variant |
OVP9 | Assignment: Texts -> List field |
OWM1 | Competitor: Price Entry |
OWV0 | Customizing Pricing |
OWV1 | Maintain pricing document type |
OWV2 | Cond. types for doc index |
OWV3 | Allowed pricing levels |
OWV4 | Cond. Types for Doc Indx Int.Supply |
OWV5 | Determination procedure (Purchasing) |
OWV6 | Determination procedure (Sales) |
OWV7 | Price point groups |
OWV8 | Texts for list fields |
OWV9 | Pricing strategy |
OWVA | Cond. types for doc indx |
VKP0 | Sales Price Calculation |
VKP1 | Sales price calculation |
VKP2 | Display POS Conditions |
VKP3 | Pricing document for material |
VKP4 | Pricing document for org. structure |
VKP5 | Create Calculation |
VKP6 | Change pricing document |
VKP7 | Display pricing document |
VKP8 | Display Price Calculation |
VKP9 | Currency conversion in price calc. |
VKPA | Archiving |
VKPB | Sales price calc. in background run |
VKPR | Read archive file |
WEV1 | Create planned retail markup |
WEV2 | Change planned retail markup |
WEV3 | Display planned retail markup |
WEV5 | Create pl.retail markup (price list) |
WEV6 | Change pl.retail markup (price list) |
WEV7 | Disp. pl. retail markup (price list) |
WKK1 | Create Market-Basket Price Calc. |
WKK2 | Change Market-Basket Price Calc. |
WKK3 | Display Market-Basket Price Calc. |
WKK4 | MB Price Calc. Price Activation |
WMB1 | Create Competitor Price Entry |
WMB2 | Change Competitor Price Entry |
WMB3 | Display Competitor Price Entry |
WMB4 | Create Competitor Price Entry w/ Ref |
WVA1 | Create planned mark-up |
WVA2 | Change planned mark-up |
WVA3 | Display planned mark-up |
WVA5 | Create planned markup (price list) |
WVA6 | Change planned markup (price list) |
WVA7 | Display planned markup (price list) |
WVB0 | Recompile doc. index (pricing docs) |
WVN0 | Generate pricing worklist |
WVN1 | Pricing worklist for material |
WVN2 | Pricing worklist for organization |
SAP Package WVKP contains 37 database tables.
A152 | Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Plant/Material/Sales Unit/Customer |
A153 | Sales Org./Distribution Channel/Plant/Sales Unit/Customer |
A154 | SalesOrg./Dist.Channel/PriceList/Material/SalesUnit/Customer |
A155 | Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Price List/Material/Sales Unit |
TWBA | Pricing document type |
TWEGO | Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of price point group |
TWEV | Pricing: Determination procedure |
TWEVT | Net/net purchase price determination procedure (texts) |
TWEVZ | Pricing: Determination procedure (steps) |
TWKAO | Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of pricing type |
TWKG | Sales Price Calculation: Pricing Type |
TWKGT | Sales price calculation: Pricing types (texts) |
TWLF | Sales Price Calculation: List Fields |
TWLFE | Sales price calculation: schema/list field |
TWLFT | Sales Price Calculation: List Fields (Texts) |
TWMB | Competitor: Price Entry Types |
TWMBT | Competitor: Price Entry Type (Texts) |
TWPG | Sales pr.: price point ranges |
TWPK | Sales price calculation: price point groups |
TWPKO | Sales price calculation: data on SOrg/distr.chnn/matcl level |
TWPKT | Sales price calculation: price point groups (text) |
TWPS | Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies |
TWPST | Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies (Texts) |
TWRPGP | General Parameters for Pricing |
TWST | Sales Price Calculation: List Variants |
TWSTP | Sales Price Calculation: Items in List Variant |
TWSTT | Sales price calculation: list variants (text) |
TWVK | Sales Price Calculation: Allowed pricing levels |
TWWKA | Market-Basket Pricing Type |
TWWKAT | Market-Basket Price Calculation Type: Short Text |
WELK | Competitor: Price Entry Document (Header) |
WELP | Competitor: Price Entry Document (Item) |
WKBK | Pricing document: header |
WKBP | Pricing document: item |
WWKK | Market-Basket Pricing Document: Header |
WWKP | Market-Basket Pricing Document: Item |
WWKT | Market-Basket Pricing Document: Short Texts |
SAP Package WVKP contains 12 views.
M_WELKA | View for Matchcode ID WELK -A |
M_WELKB | View for Matchcode ID WKBK -B |
M_WKBKA | View for matchcode ID WKBK -A |
M_WKBKB | View for matchcode ID WKBK -B |
M_WWKKA | View for elem. search help WWKKA in coll. search help WWKK |
M_WWKKB | View for elem. search help WWKKB in coll. search help WWKK |
V_WKBP | Selection of pricing documents (header and item criteria) |
VV_T6I1_MA | Control Purchasing Document Adjustment |
VV_T6I1_P_VA11 | Subsequent Index Compilation for Sales Prices |
VV_T6I1_VA | Control Purchasing Document Adjustment |
VV_TWEV_M1 | Determination Sequences (&1) |
VV_TWEV_V1 | Determination Sequences (&1) |
SAP Package WVKP contains 124 structures.
ACCS | Sales Pr. Calc.: Structure for Access Fields of a Cond. Type |
ARFI | Structure for the price history import table |
ARTI | Structure for Selected Materials in Sales Price Calculation |
ASORT_RAN | Range Table for Assortment |
BAPI_TE_CALP_IN | BAPI Interface for Cust. Enhancement for Struc. CALP (Impt) |
BAPI_TE_CALP_INX | BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements to Structure CALP |
BAPI_TE_CALP_OUT | BAPI Interface for Cust. Enhancmts to Struct. CALP (Export) |
BAPICALCITEMIN | BAPI Structure for Pricing Item (Import) |
BAPICALCITEMINX | Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPICALCITEMIN |
BAPICALCITEMOUT | BAPI Structure for Pricing Item (Export) |
BAPIRPCCONTROL | Control Sales Price Calulation for BAPI |
BWELK | Transfer Structure Price Entry Document (Header) |
BWELP | Transfer Structure Price Entry Document (Item) |
BWKBK | Transfer structure pricing document (header) |
BWKBP | Transfer structure pricing document (item) |
CALC_PERIOD | Pricing - Pricing worklist: Periods to be calculated |
CALC_TABLECONTROL_HEADER | Field List for the Tabstrip Control Column Titles |
CALCULATION_TREEITEM | Pricing - Node Structure of a Column Tree |
CALP | Sales Price Calculation: Item in a Price Calculation |
CALP_INX | Sales Price Calculation: Item in a Price Calc. (Change Info) |
CALP_KEY | Sales price calculation: key fields in a price calculation |
CALP_KEY_COMPLETE | Sales Price Calculation: Key Fields in a Price Calculation |
CALP_REF | Key fields in calculation with keys for references |
CALP_TIME_KEY | Sales Price Calculation: Key fields of calc., time-depend. |
CALP_VB | Structure for Updating Sales Price Conditions |
CALPD | Sales price calculation: Item (dynamic part) |
CMIX | Sales price calculation: Mixed price |
ERRO | Sales price calculation: structure for error processing |
ERRO_TEMP | SP Calculation: Structure for Error Handling with Flag |
ERROLFE | Structure for error messages from TWLFE maintenance |
EWELP | Data Part of Table WELP (Competitor Price Entry Doc.: Item) |
EWKBP | Data part of table WKBP (pricing document: item) |
EWWKP | Data Part of Table WKKP (Market-Basket Price Calc.: Item) |
F4LIEF | Structure for selection table for vendor/purchasing org. |
F4PVGRD | Structure of Selection Table for Reason for Price Change |
F4WERKS | F4 help for plants |
FILGR_RAN | Range table for the plant group |
FILI | Structure for Storing Selected Plants in SP Calculation |
FILIKU | Permitted Plants Per Sales Organization with Customer Number |
FILIPL | Possible Price List Dist. Chain/Plant for Price Activation |
GLOB | Sales Price Calculation: Global Data |
KALP | Sales Price Calculation: Item (internal processing) |
KMBW | SP Calculations: Competitor Prices (Internal Processing) |
KMBW_DISPLAY | SP Calculation: Display Structure for Competitor Prices |
KMBW_VB | SP Calculations: Internal Structure for Posting Comp. Prices |
KMIX | Sales price calculation: Mixed price (internal processing) |
KNUMH_COMP | Sales price calculation: Structure for exchanging KNUMHs |
KNUMH_TEMP_TO_REAL | Exchange Temporary Condition Number for Real One |
KOMV_AKTNR | KOMV Structure with Additional Fields AKTNR, KOTABNR, ..... |
KSCHL_KEY | SP Calc.: Condition Type with Application and Use |
KUNGR_RAN | Range Structure for Customer Group Selection |
LFIELD_POSTING_DETAIL | Sales Price Calculation: Update Detail Screen |
LFIELD_POSTING_MAIN_COND | Sales Price Calaulation: Update of Main Conditions |
LFIELD_POSTING_SUPPL_COND | Sales Price Calculation: Update of Supplementary Conditions |
LIEF_W | SP Calculation: Structure for additional vendor data |
LIFE | List fields |
MAEND | Structure for mass price changes in the price calculation |
MARA_VRKME | SP calc: field VRKME added to MARA |
MATNR_RAN | Range table for the material number |
MBP_PIPLC | Import Structure for Checking Price Activation at PL Level |
MVPLC | Check Price Activation Price List for Matl Grp/Distn Chain |
NWRK | Assign plants to plant groups |
ORDN | Newly generated material numbers for subsequent maintenance |
PESCT | Export structure for SALES_PRICE_COND_TYPE... |
PESPK | Condition Data for Organizational Level |
PESPR | Export structure for SALES_PRICE_READ |
PESVR | Export structure for SALES_VALUE_READ |
PEX01 | Export structure for modules such as WV_EXAMPLE_01 |
PIMBC | Entry Parameters for Market-Basket Price Calculation |
PIPDD | Import structure for PRICING_DOC_DISPLAY |
PISLI | Import Structure for SHOPPING_LIST..... |
PISPC | Import structure for SALES_PRICE_CALCULATE_.. |
PISPR | Import Structure for SALES_PRICE_READ etc. |
PISVR | Import structure for SALES_VALUE_READ |
PLTYP_RAN | Range table for the price list |
PRICE_DATA | Price Data: Amount, Currency, Price Unit, Unit of Measure |
PRICLEVEL | Pricing Level for Distribution Chain/Plant |
PUPR | Sales price calculation: item at purchasing org. level |
PUPR_KEY | Sales price calculation: key fields |
PXX11 | Import/Export Structure for Modules such as WV_EXAMPLE_11 |
REFERENCE_NEW_ORIGINAL_PRICDOC | Assignment of Pricing Worklist Document to Original Document |
RVKP1 | I/O structure for SAPLWVK1 |
RWERKE | Assignment of Reference Plants to a Plant |
RWKK1 | I/O Structure for market-basket price calculation |
SACO | Sales price calculation: validity periods of SP conditions |
SAPR | Structure for storing sales prices |
SAPR_KEY | Sales price calculation: key fields for SAPR |
TAXK | Tax code |
TWKAO_KEY | Sales price calculation: Key for table TWKAO |
TWLFE_SKEY | Sales price calculation: Short key for table TWLFE |
VAKE_ERRO | Template Structure for Error Table for Variable Key |
VAKE_FLAGNOP | Vake + Indicator 'No Validity Period for Condition Record' |
VAKEKOND | Structure from VAKE and condition record |
VAKEKOND_VB | Structure from VAKE and Condition Record for Updating |
VPOP3 | Stock balance display in sales price calculation |
VWKBP | View on pricing documents: Item and header data |
WCOL_CHANGE | Data Transport for Mass Change |
WELPK | Competitor: Entry List Header |
WELPK_DB | Competitor: Data Base Part of Entry List Header |
WELPK_DY | Competitor: Dynamic Part of Entry List Header |
WELPK_ZZ | Competitor: Customer-Specific Part of Entry List Header |
WELPP | Competitor: Entry List Item |
WELPP_DB | Competitor: Bata Base Part of Entry List Item |
WELPP_DY | Competitor: Dynamic Part of Entry List Item |
WELPP_ZZ | Competitor: Customer-Specific Part of Entry List Item |
WERKS_RAN | Range table for the plant |
WKABS | Market-Basket Pr. Calc.: Plant Data for Sales Determination |
WKBK_KEY | Key for WKBK |
WKBK_TEMP_TO_REAL | Pricing Doc. (Header): Assignment Temp. to Real Doc. Nos |
WKBP_KEY | Key for table WKBP |
WKBP_TEMP_TO_REAL | Pricing Doc. (Item): Doc. Nr/Item Assignment Temp. to Real |
WKBP_VALP | SP Calculation: Areas of validity for a document item |
WKK_MVKE | Segment of Structure MKVE for Market-Basket Price Calc. |
WKKALP | Market-Basket Price Calculation: Item |
WKKALP_EXT | Expanded WKKALP Structure |
WPKSCHL_PP | POS Interface: Table for Cond. Types with Parallel/Basic Pr. |
WPRICE_ORIGIN | Information on Origin of a Sales Condition |
WSCO1 | ALV Display Structure for Transaction VKP2 |
WSCO2 | ALV Display Structure for Transaction VKP2 |
WVADDAT | Archiving pricing docs: Data to be saved in the archive file |
WVAPDO | Archiving pricing documents: Parameter documentation |
WWKK_KEY | Key for WWKK (Market-Basket Pricing Document) |
WWKP_KEY | Key for WWKK (Market-Basket Pricing Document) |
SAP Package WVKP contains 49 programs.
RWVKP001 | Sales Price Calculation: Change/display price calculation |
RWVKP002 | Display Sales Prices |
RWVKP003 | Pricing Document: Display List by Material |
RWVKP004 | Pricing document: display list by organization |
RWVKP005 | Price Overview: Initial Screen |
RWVKP006 | Pricing document |
RWVKP007 | Sales Price Calculation: Create Price Calculation |
RWVKP008 | Pricing Worklist: Generate |
RWVKP009 | Pricing Worklist: Release by Material |
RWVKP010 | Pricing Worklist: Release by Organization |
RWVKP011 | Background Sales Price Calculation |
RWVKP012 | Set up document index from pricing documents |
RWVKP013 | Send sales prices for material |
RWVKP014 | Currency conversion in price calculations |
RWVKP015 | Pricing: entering competitor prices |
RWVKP016 | Calculation using BAPI (test) |
RWVKP01A | Database table analysis (quantity structures) |
RWVKP01C | Copy Conditions Using the Sales Price Calculation Function |
RWVKP01D | Delete Pricing Documents |
RWVKP01U | Change existing condition records to 'relevant to pricing' |
RWVKP02A | Analysis of Condition Tables Purchase/Sales |
RWVKP02B | Analysis of Currencies in Purchase/Sales Conditions |
RWVKP02D | Deletion of Change Pointers for Pricing Documents from WIND Table |
RWVKP02U | Conversion of Pricing Type KALGR to Table TWPKO (obsolete) |
RWVKP03D | Analyzing and Deleting Change Pointers from the WIND table |
RWVKP03U | Conversion of Pricing Documents (WKBP-VWAERS, WKBP-EVWRS) |
RWVKP04U | Convert TWPKO to TWKAO |
RWVKP05U | Pricing document conversion: Fill field WKBP-KNUMH_V |
RWVKP06U | New authorization objects: Extend table for authorizations/profiles |
RWVKP07U | Correction report for overlapping condition records |
RWVKPAD1 | Archiving: Deletion program for object W_KALK (pricing documents) |
RWVKPAR1 | Archiving: Read Program for Object W_KALK (Pricing Documents) |
RWVKPAW1 | Archiving: Write Program for Object W_KALK (Pricing Documents) |
RWVKPIC1 | Subsequent Compilation of Doc Indexes for Sls Prices: Create Worklist |
RWVKPIC2 | Subsequent Compilation of Doc Indexes: Create Pricing Docs and Indexes |
RWVKPIC3 | Subsequent Layout of Pricing Documents Directly from Conditions |
RWVKPIC4 | Subsequent Layout of Pricing Documents Directly from Conditions |
RWWKK001 | Pricing: Create Market-Basket Price Calculation |
RWWKK002 | Pricing: Change Market-Basket Price Calculation |
RWWKK003 | Pricing: create market-basket price calculation |
RWWKK004 | Pricing: Activation of Released Market-Basket Price Calculations |
SAPMW01V | Module Pool, Price Points |
WVXPRA01 | Convert Old Table TWPKO to New Table TWEGO |
WVXPRA02 | Update of Modified Table TWKG (Maintain Pricing Type) |
WVXPRA03 | Update of Extended Table TWPK (Define Price Point Groups) |
WVXPRA04 | Fill new field VLGWK (reference plant) in table TWKAO |
WVXPRA05 | Generate entries in table TWVK (new in 4.0) |
WVXPRA06 | Add field for allowed pricing levels to table TVKOV |
WVXPRA08 | Transfer of an Entered Document Schema from TWPA to TWRPGP |
SAP Package WVKP contains 10 search helps.
W_VRKME | F4 Help for Sales Unit |
WELK | Search help for competitor price entry |
WELKA | Data for entry list |
WELKB | Administration data |
WKBK | Matchcode for pricing documents |
WKBKA | Pricing documents for material (sales side) |
WKBKB | Pricing documents for material (purchasing side) |
WWKK | Matchcode for Market-Basket Pricing Document |
WWKKA | Material/Organizational level |
WWKKB | Administration data |
SAP Package WVKP contains 1 message classes.
WV | Nachrichten im Bereich Handelskalkulation |
SAP Package WVKP contains 4 authorization objects.
W_VKPR_PLT | IS-R Authorization: SP Calculation: Distr. Chain/Price List |
W_VKPR_VKO | IS-R Auth. Sales Price Calculations, Distribution Chain |
W_VKPR_VTL | IS-R Authorization: Sales Price Calculations: Distr. Chain |
W_VKPR_WRK | IS-R Authorization: SP Calculation: Distr. Chain/Plant |