

Pricing document: item

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The table WKBP (Pricing document: item) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WVKP.

Technical Information

Table WKBP
Short Text Pricing document: item
Package WVKP
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table WKBP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
KBELN Number of pricing document KBELN CHAR 10 WKBK
KBELP Item Number of Pricing Document KBELP NUMC 5
EKKAB Purchase price conditions valid from EKKAB DATS 8
EKKBI Purchase price conditions valid to EKKBI DATS 8
VKKAB Sales conditions valid from VKKAB DATS 8
VKKBI Sales conditions valid to VKKBI DATS 8
EKNUM SP: Key for Transaction Conditions in Purchase Pricing EKNUM CHAR 10
VKNUM SP: Key for Transaction Conditions in Purchase Pricing VKNUM CHAR 10
EKAPP Application KAPPL CHAR 2 *
EKALS Sales Pricing: Purchase Price Calculation Schema EKALS CHAR 6 T683
VKALS Sales Pricing: Sales Price Calculation Schema VKALS CHAR 6 T683
MATKL Material Group MATKL CHAR 9 T023
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 MARA
VRKPE Sales price unit VRKPE DEC 5
VRKME Sales unit VRKME UNIT 3 T006
EAN11 International Article Number (EAN/UPC) EAN11 CHAR 18
VKORG Sales Organization VKORG CHAR 4 TVKO
VTWEG Distribution Channel VTWEG CHAR 2 TVTW
EKORG Purchasing Organization EKORG CHAR 4 T024E
LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor LIFNR CHAR 10 LFA1
LTSNR Vendor Subrange LTSNR CHAR 6 WYT1
EKPGR Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price) EKPGR CURR 11
EKPNN Sales Pricing: Purchase Price (Net/Net) EKPNN CURR 11
AUFSG Actual Markup in Sales Price Calculation AUFSG CURR 11
PAUFS Planned markup PAUFS CURR 11
PENDP SP calculation: Planned sales pr. w/o price point rounding PENDP CURR 11
VKPNE Sales price (net) VKPNE CURR 11
VKPBR Sales price (gross) VKPBR CURR 11
KWAER Sales Pricing: Pricing Currency KAWAER CUKY 5 TCURC
ENDPR Final price ENDPR CURR 11
SPANE Margin (net) in sales price calculation SPANE CURR 11
SPABR Margin (gross) in sales price calculation SPABR CURR 11
ENDPA Current Final Price ENDPA CURR 11
SPANA Current margin (net) SPANA CURR 11
SPABA Current margin (gross) SPABA CURR 11
ROTPR Reduced-from price ROTPR CURR 11
MITPR Cash price MITPR CURR 11
EMPPR Recommended price EMPPR CURR 11
VORPR Sales Pricing: Suggested Price W_VORPR CURR 11
VKP01 Variable sales price VKPZW CURR 11
VKP02 Variable sales price VKPZW CURR 11
VKP03 Variable sales price VKPZW CURR 11
PROZ1 Sales Price Calculation: (general) percentage-based factor W_PROZ CURR 11
PROZ2 Sales Price Calculation: (general) percentage-based factor W_PROZ CURR 11
EVAUF Sales Pricing: Markup for Determining the Retail Price EVAUF CURR 11
EVPRS Sales Pricing: Retail Price EVPRS CURR 11
EVSPA Sales Pricing: Retail Price Margin EVSPA CURR 11
BPSTA Pricing: Status of Item in Pricing Document BPSTA CHAR 1
PLTYP Price list type PLTYP CHAR 2 T189
VKABA Sales conditions valid from VKKAB DATS 8
VKBIA Sales conditions valid to VKKBI DATS 8
INFWK Info record at plant level INFWK CHAR 1
ESOKZ Purchasing info record category ESOKZ CHAR 1
EVPAU Planned markup for determining the retail price EVPAU CURR 11
CKNUM Sales Price: Key for Transaction Conditions in Master Conds. CKNUM CHAR 10
EGKAL Data held when basic purchase price changes EGKAL CHAR 1
INIPR Final price ENDPR CURR 11
KNUMH_V Number of the sales price condition record KNUMH_V CHAR 10
EKERV Purchase price determination sequence EKERV_M CHAR 2 *
BWERA Source determination type BWERA CHAR 1
EKERA Purchase price determination type EKERA CHAR 1
EFNAM Name of the Function Module in PP Determination Type C EFNAM CHAR 30 *
VKERV Sales price determination sequence EKERV_V CHAR 2 *
VKERA Sales price determination type VKERA CHAR 1
LIFEL Sales Pricing: List Field for Determining Sales Price LIFELD CHAR 5 *
ECKKZ SP calc.: price point rounding for suggested final price ECKKZ CHAR 1
PVGRD Reason for retail price change PV_GRUND CHAR 4 *
FAMNR Identification Number for Price Family WPF_FAMNR CHAR 10
GRP01 Number of a Family Group in a Price Family WPF_GROUP CHAR 10
FMTYP Type of Family Member WPF_FMTYP CHAR 2
SMATN Master Material of a Price Family WPF_SMATN CHAR 18 *
FCHAL Price Change Allowed (_=No, 1=Group, 2=Group and Article) WPF_FCHAL CHAR 1
FHIDE Pricing Item Hidden for Family Member (X = Yes) WPF_FHIDE CHAR 1
EPRGR Price point group EPRGR CHAR 6 *
EPRG2 Price point group for retail price EPRG2 CHAR 6 *
NEPGR Indicator: No Price Point Group NEPGR CHAR 1
NEPG2 Indicator: No Price Point Group NEPGR CHAR 1
INIAM Sales price calculations: key date for initial price W_INIAM DATS 8
EPTYP Price Point Category EPTYP CHAR 2
EPTY2 Price Point Category EPTYP CHAR 2
RKTYP Price Point Groups: Ranking Type WRF_RPC_RKTYP CHAR 1
RKTY2 Price Point Groups: Ranking Type WRF_RPC_RKTYP CHAR 1
BGINT Internal Class Number CLINT NUMC 10 *
STPLGR Status of Plant Group WRF_STPLGR CHAR 1
VLGWK Sales Pricing: Reference Plant VLGWK CHAR 4 *
KALEB Sales Pricing: Pricing level KALEB CHAR 2
VKSCH Sales Pricing: Condition Type for the Sales Price W_VKSCH_KALP CHAR 4 *
VKOTABN Sales Pricing: Condition Table for the Sales Price W_VKOTABN_KALP NUMC 3 *
KALEA Pricing Level of Current Final Price KALEA CHAR 2
VKSCA SP Calculation: Condition Type for Current Sales Price W_VKSCA_KALP CHAR 4 *
VKOTABA Sales Pricing: Condition Table for the Current Sales Price W_VKOTABA_KALP NUMC 3 *