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Bei ansehen →The table T001W (Plants/Branches) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WFILCORE.
Table | T001W |
Short Text | Plants/Branches |
Package | WFILCORE |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
WERKS | ✔ | Plant | WERKS_D | CHAR | 4 | |
NAME1 | Name | NAME1 | CHAR | 30 | ||
BWKEY | Valuation Area | BWKEY | CHAR | 4 | T001K | |
KUNNR | Customer number of plant | KUNNR_WK | CHAR | 10 | KNA1 | |
LIFNR | Vendor number of plant | LIFNR_WK | CHAR | 10 | LFA1 | |
FABKL | Factory calendar key | FABKL | CHAR | 2 | TFACD | |
NAME2 | Name 2 | NAME2 | CHAR | 30 | ||
STRAS | House number and street | STRAS | CHAR | 30 | ||
PFACH | PO Box | PFACH | CHAR | 10 | ||
PSTLZ | Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR | 10 | ||
ORT01 | City | ORT01 | CHAR | 25 | ||
EKORG | Purchasing Organization | EKORG | CHAR | 4 | T024E | |
VKORG | Sales organization for intercompany billing | VKOIV | CHAR | 4 | TVKO | |
CHAZV | Indicator: batch status management active | CHAZV | CHAR | 1 | ||
KKOWK | Indicator: Conditions at plant level | KKOWK | CHAR | 1 | ||
KORDB | Indicator: Source list requirement | KORDB | CHAR | 1 | ||
BEDPL | Activating requirements planning | BEDPL | CHAR | 1 | ||
LAND1 | Country Key | LAND1 | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
COUNC | County Code | COUNC | CHAR | 3 | T005E | |
CITYC | City Code | CITYC | CHAR | 4 | T005G | |
ADRNR | Address | ADRNR | CHAR | 10 | * | |
IWERK | Maintenance Planning Plant | IWERK | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | CHAR | 15 | TTXJ | |
VTWEG | Distribution channel for intercompany billing | VTWIV | CHAR | 2 | TVTW | |
SPART | Division for intercompany billing | SPAIV | CHAR | 2 | TSPA | |
SPRAS | Language Key | SPRAS | LANG | 1 | T002 | |
WKSOP | SOP plant | WKSOP | CHAR | 1 | ||
AWSLS | Variance Key | AWSLS | CHAR | 6 | TKV01 | |
CHAZV_OLD | Indicator: batch status management active | CHAZV | CHAR | 1 | ||
VLFKZ | Plant category | VLFKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
BZIRK | Sales district | BZIRK | CHAR | 6 | T171 | |
ZONE1 | Supply region (region supplied) | LFREG | CHAR | 10 | TZONE | |
TAXIW | Tax Indicator: Plant (Purchasing) | TAXIW1 | CHAR | 1 | TMKW1 | |
BZQHL | Take regular vendor into account | BZQHL | CHAR | 1 | ||
LET01 | Number of Days for First Reminder/Expediter | MAHN1 | DEC | 3 | ||
LET02 | Number of Days for Second Reminder/Expediter | MAHN2 | DEC | 3 | ||
LET03 | Number of Days for Third Reminder/Expediter | MAHN3 | DEC | 3 | ||
TXNAM_MA1 | Text name of 1st dunning of vendor declarations | TXNAM_MA1 | CHAR | 16 | ||
TXNAM_MA2 | Text name of the 2nd dunning of vendor declarations | TXNAM_MA2 | CHAR | 16 | ||
TXNAM_MA3 | Text name of 3rd dunning of vendor declarations | TXNAM_MA3 | CHAR | 16 | ||
BETOL | Number of days for PO tolerance - Compress info records - SU | BETOL | NUMC | 3 | ||
J_1BBRANCH | Business Place | J_1BBRANC_ | CHAR | 4 | J_1BBRANCH | |
VTBFI | Rule for determining the sales area for stock transfers | VTBFI | CHAR | 2 | ||
FPRFW | Distribution profile at plant level | FPRFW | CHAR | 3 | TWFPF | |
ACHVM | Central archiving marker for master record | ACHVM_X | CHAR | 1 | ||
DVSART | Batch Record: Type of DMS Used | DVSART | CHAR | 1 | ||
NODETYPE | Node type: supply chain network | NODETYPE | CHAR | 3 | MDRP_NODT | |
NSCHEMA | Structure for name formation | CKML_NSCHEMA | CHAR | 4 | CKMLMV007 | |
PKOSA | Cost Object Controlling linking active | CKML_FLG_PKOSA | CHAR | 1 | ||
MISCH | Updating is active for mixed costing | CKML_FLG_MISCH | CHAR | 1 | ||
MGVUPD | Updating is active in actual costing | CKML_FLG_MGVUPD | CHAR | 1 | ||
VSTEL | Shipping Point/Receiving Point | VSTEL | CHAR | 4 | TVST | |
MGVLAUPD | Update of Activity Consumption in the Quantity Structure | CKML_MGVLAUPD | CHAR | 1 | ||
MGVLAREVAL | Control of Credit of Cost Centers | CKML_MGVLAREVAL | CHAR | 1 | ||
SOURCING | Invoke Added-Function Source Determination via ATP | MMPUR_SOURCING | CHAR | 1 | ||
OILIVAL | Exchange valuation indicator | OIA_VALFLG | CHAR | 1 | ||
OIHVTYPE | Vendor type (refinery/mill/other) (Brazil) | OIH_J1B_VTYP | CHAR | 1 | ||
OIHCREDIPI | IPI credit allowed | OIH_J1B_TXCREDIP | CHAR | 1 | ||
STORETYPE | Store Category to Differentiate Store, Dep. Store, Shop | WRF_STORETYPE | CHAR | 1 | ||
DEP_STORE | Superior Department Store | WRF_DEP_STORE | CHAR | 4 | * |