Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The table AUBSI (Worklist for PO (Follow-on Document Generation)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WAUF.
Table | AUBSI |
Short Text | Worklist for PO (Follow-on Document Generation) |
Package | WAUF |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
BEDAT | ✔ | Purchase Order Date | BEDAT | DATS | 8 | |
EKORG | ✔ | Purchasing Organization | EKORG | CHAR | 4 | T024E |
EKGRP | ✔ | Purchasing Group | EKGRP | CHAR | 3 | T024 |
LIFNR | ✔ | Vendor Account Number | ELIFN | CHAR | 10 | LFA1 |
BETRB | ✔ | Customer no. of plant | FILNR | CHAR | 10 | KNA1 |
ABELN | ✔ | Allocation Table Number | ABELN | CHAR | 10 | AUKO |
ABELP | ✔ | Item number of allocation table | ABELP | NUMC | 5 | AUPO |
ABELG | ✔ | Sub-item no. of plant group (alloc tbl) | ABELG | NUMC | 5 | AUFG |
ABELF | ✔ | Sub.item no. of plant (alloc. tbl) | ABELF | NUMC | 5 | AUFI |
LFNUM | ✔ | Consecutive Number | LFNUM | CHAR | 5 | |
VZENT | Distribution center (as customer) | VZENT | CHAR | 10 | KNA1 | |
FILNR | Customer no. of plant | FILNR | CHAR | 10 | KNA1 | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | CHAR | 18 | MARA | |
MENGE | Quantity | MENGE_D | QUAN | 13 | ||
AUFME | Allocation Unit | AUFME | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
WETYP | Date type (day, week, month, interval) | PRGRS | CHAR | 1 | ||
WEDAT | Delivery date | LFDAT | DATS | 8 | ||
WEVTP | Date type (day, week, month, interval) | PRGRS | CHAR | 1 | ||
WEVDT | Delivery date | LFDAT | DATS | 8 | ||
BSTMG | Purchase Order Quantity | BSTMG | QUAN | 13 | ||
BSTME | Purchase Order Unit of Measure | BSTME | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
EBLNU | Purchase Order Generated for Vendor | EBLNU | CHAR | 10 | EKKO | |
EBLPU | Generated purchase order item | EBLPU | NUMC | 5 | EKPO | |
BSART | Order type in allocation table (for external vendor) | BSART_LIEF | CHAR | 4 | T161 | |
ELIKZ | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | ELIKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
VZWRK | Distribution center as plant | VZWRK | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
FIWRK | Store as plant | FIWRK | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
BTWRK | Plant | BTWRK | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
SPERR | Blocking flag, plant | SPBTR | CHAR | 1 | T629 | |
APSTP | Item category of allocation table | APSTP | CHAR | 4 | T621 | |
WEUZT | Delivery Date Time-Spot | LZEIT | TIMS | 6 | ||
LGORT | Storage Location | LGORT_D | CHAR | 4 | T001L | |
AUREL | Relevant to Allocation Table | AUREL | CHAR | 1 | ||
RETPO | Returns Item | RETPO | CHAR | 1 | ||
BUKRS_BTWRK | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
LAND_BTWRK | Country Key | LAND1 | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
SAPOS | Number of alloc tbl item of material on higher level | POSNR_SA | NUMC | 5 | * | |
RFKTN | Reference outline agreement | RFKTN | CHAR | 10 | * | |
RFKTP | Reference outline agreement item | RFKTP | NUMC | 5 | * | |
WRF_AT_DL_ID | Dateline ID (GUID) | WRF_AT_DL_ID | CHAR | 22 | ||
SLS_REL | Single-Recipient Vendor Orders from Allocation Table | SLS_REL | CHAR | 1 | ||
Append Structure: WRF_AUBSI_CONS | ||||||
CONS_ORDER | Consignment Processing in Allocation Table (FBG) | WRF_AT_CONS_ORDER | CHAR | 1 |