
SAP Table KNB1

Customer Master (Company Code)

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The table KNB1 (Customer Master (Company Code)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FBASCORE.

Technical Information

Table KNB1
Short Text Customer Master (Company Code)
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table KNB1

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
PERNR Personnel Number PERNR_D NUMC 8
ERDAT Date on which the Record Was Created ERDAT_RF DATS 8
ERNAM Name of Person who Created the Object ERNAM_RF CHAR 12
SPERR Posting block for company code SPERB_B CHAR 1
LOEVM Deletion Flag for Master Record (Company Code Level) LOEVM_B CHAR 1
ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers DZUAWA CHAR 3 TZUN
BUSAB Accounting clerk BUSAB CHAR 2 T001S
AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger AKONT CHAR 10 SKB1
BEGRU Authorization Group BRGRU CHAR 4 *
KNRZE Head office account number (in branch accounts) KNRZE CHAR 10 KNA1
KNRZB Account number of an alternative payer KNRZB CHAR 10 KNA1
ZAMIM Indicator: Payment notice to customer (with cleared items)? DZAMIM CHAR 1
ZAMIV Indicator: payment notice to sales department? DZAMIV CHAR 1
ZAMIR Indicator: payment notice to legal department? DZAMIR CHAR 1
ZAMIB Indicator: Payment notice to the accounting department ? DZAMIB CHAR 1
ZAMIO Indicator: payment notice to customer (w/o cleared items)? DZAMIO CHAR 1
ZWELS List of the Payment Methods to be Considered DZWELS CHAR 10
XVERR Indicator: Clearing between customer and vendor ? XVERR_KNB1 CHAR 1
ZAHLS Block Key for Payment DZAHLS CHAR 1 T008
ZTERM Terms of Payment Key DZTERM CHAR 4
WAKON Terms of payment key for bill of exchange charges WAKON CHAR 4
VZSKZ Interest calculation indicator VZSKZ CHAR 2 T056
ZINDT Key date of the last interest calculation DZINDT DATS 8
ZINRT Interest calculation frequency in months DZINRT NUMC 2
EIKTO Our account number at customer EIKTO_D CHAR 12
ZSABE User at customer DZSABE_D CHAR 15
FDGRV Planning group FDGRV CHAR 10 T035
VRBKZ Export credit insurance institution number VRBKZ CHAR 2
VLIBB Amount Insured VLIBB CURR 13
VRSZL Insurance lead months VRSZL DEC 3
VRSPR Deductible percentage rate VRSPR DEC 3
VRSNR Insurance number VRSNR CHAR 10
VERDT Insurance validity date VERDT DATS 8
PERKZ Collective invoice variant PERKZ_KNB1 CHAR 1
XDEZV Indicator: Local processing? XDEZV CHAR 1
XAUSZ Indicator for periodic account statements XAUSZ CHAR 1 T048K
WEBTR Bill of exchange limit (in local currency) WEBTR CURR 13
DATLZ Date of the last interest calculation run DATLZ DATS 8
XZVER Indicator: Record Payment History ? XZVER CHAR 1
TOGRU Tolerance group for the business partner/G/L account TOGRU CHAR 4 T043G
KULTG Probable time until check is paid KULTG DEC 3
HBKID Short Key for a House Bank HBKID CHAR 5 T012
XPORE Indicator: Pay all items separately ? XPORE CHAR 1
BLNKZ Subsidy indicator for determining the reduction rates BLNKZ CHAR 2 *
ALTKN Previous Master Record Number ALTKN CHAR 10
ZGRUP Key for Payment Grouping DZGRUP CHAR 2 TZGR
URLID Short Key for Known/Negotiated Leave URLID CHAR 4 T052A
MGRUP Key for dunning notice grouping MGRUP CHAR 2 T047R
LOCKB Key of the Lockbox to Which the Customer Is To Pay LOCKB CHAR 7 T049L
UZAWE Payment Method Supplement UZAWE CHAR 2 T042F
EKVBD Account Number of Buying Group EKVBD CHAR 10 KNA1
SREGL Selection Rule for Payment Advices SREGL CHAR 3 T053A
XEDIP Indicator: Send Payment Advices by EDI XEDIP CHAR 1
FRGRP Release Approval Group FRGRP CHAR 4 VBWF08
VRSDG Reason Code Conversion Version VRSDG CHAR 3 T053V
TLFXS Accounting clerk's fax number at the customer/vendor TLFXS CHAR 31
INTAD Internet address of partner company clerk INTAD CHAR 130
XKNZB Indicator: Alternative payer using account number XKNZB CHAR 1
GUZTE Payment Terms Key for Credit Memos GUZTE CHAR 4
GRICD Activity Code for Gross Income Tax J_1AGICD_D CHAR 2 J_1AGICD
GRIDT Distribution Type for Employment Tax J_1ADTYP_D CHAR 2 J_1ADTYP
WBRSL Value Adjustment Key WBRSL CHAR 2 T044G
CONFS Status of Change Authorization (Company Code Level) CONFS_B CHAR 1
UPDAT Date on Which the Changes Were Confirmed UPDAT_RF DATS 8
UPTIM Time of Last Change Confirmation UPTIM_RF TIMS 6
NODEL Deletion bock for master record (company code level) NODEL_B CHAR 1
TLFNS Accounting clerk's telephone number at business partner TLFNS CHAR 30
CESSION_KZ Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator CESSION_KZ CHAR 2 TCESSION
AVSND Indicator: Send Payment Advice by XML AVSND CHAR 1
AD_HASH E-Mail Address for Avis: Hash Value ADHASH CHAR 10
QLAND Withholding Tax Country Key QLAND CHAR 3 T005Q
GMVKZD Customer is in execution GMVKZD CHAR 1