
SAP Table T606M

Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry

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The table T606M (Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VEI.

Technical Information

Table T606M
Short Text Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry
Package VEI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T606M

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
EXLND Destination country of export transaction for legal control EXLND CHAR 3 T005
GEGRU Legal regulation for legal control GEGRU CHAR 2 T606G
EMBGR Grouping for Legal Control EMBGR CHAR 14 T606B
GUEDA Valid-to date for legal control GUEDA DATS 8
LAUNR Sequential number for legal control LAUNR NUMC 5
GEART License type GEART CHAR 4 T606
GRPNO Number of the routine used for copying GRPNO NUMC 3 *
MIWRT Lower value limit (DeMinimis) for legal control MIWRT CURR 15
MIWAE Currency key DeMinimis for legal control MIWAE CUKY 5 TCURC