Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The table TCA41 (Default values for standard networks and profiles) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CN_NET_STD.
Table | TCA41 |
Short Text | Default values for standard networks and profiles |
Package | CN_NET_STD |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
PLNAW | ✔ | Application of the task list | PLNAW | CHAR | 1 | TCA09 |
PROFIDNETZ | ✔ | Profile | PROFID_STD | CHAR | 7 | |
FLG_ERF_H | Activate/deactivate entry tool | FLG_ERF_H | CHAR | 1 | ||
ESOKZ | Purchasing info record category | ESOKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
EKORG | Purchasing Organization | EKORG | CHAR | 4 | T024E | |
KSTAR_FRMD | Cost element for external processing | KSTAR_FRMD | CHAR | 10 | CSKA | |
STEUS_WORK | Control key for internal activities | STEUS_WORK | CHAR | 4 | T430 | |
STEUS_FRMD | Control key for external services | STEUS_FRMD | CHAR | 4 | T430 | |
STEUS_PRIM | Control key for costs | STEUS_PRIM | CHAR | 4 | T430 | |
KSTAR_COST | Cost element for general costs activities | KSTAR_COST | CHAR | 10 | CSKA | |
DAUNE | Normal duration/unit | DAUNORE | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
ARBEH | Unit for work | ARBEITE | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
WAERS | Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY | 5 | TCURC | |
SLWID | Key word ID for user-defined fields | SLWID | CHAR | 7 | TCN00 | |
LVARI | Variant of an object overview | LVARI | CHAR | 2 | TCA14 | |
INDET | Key for calculation | INDET | CHAR | 1 | ||
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
AOB_KEY | Key: View of relationships | AOB_KEY | CHAR | 1 | ||
VORNR_DEL | Increment for automatic operation/activity numbering | DEL_VORNR | CHAR | 4 | ||
WERKS | Predefined plant | VOR_WERK | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
NETSTUFE | Level of detail for (standard) networks | NETSTUFE | NUMC | 2 | ||
PLNME | Task list unit of measure | PLNME | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
VERWE | Task list usage | PLN_VERWE | CHAR | 3 | T411 | |
STATU | Status | PLNST | CHAR | 3 | T412 | |
UMREN | Denominator for conversion to base units of measure | UMREN | DEC | 5 | ||
UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure | UMREZ | DEC | 5 | ||
ZERMA | Type of standard value calculation | DZERMA | CHAR | 5 | T429 | |
ESKOZ | Purchasing info record category | ESOKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
BMSCH | Base Quantity | BMSCH | QUAN | 13 | ||
STEUS | Control key | STEUS | CHAR | 4 | T430 | |
QMKDELTA | Increment for Insp. Characteristic Number in Inspection Plan | QINKR_MK | NUMC | 4 | ||
QMWDELTA | Increment for Assignment Number in Inspection Plan | QINKR_MW | NUMC | 4 | ||
QMKEF | Insert Increment for Characteristic Number in Insp. Plan | QINKR_MKEF | NUMC | 4 | ||
QMWEF | Insert Increment for Allocation Number in Inspection Plan | QINKR_MWEF | NUMC | 4 | ||
QPROBEMGEH | Sample Unit of Measure | QPROBME | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
QPRUEFEINH | Sample Quantity Factor for Sample(Mult. Sample Unit of Msr.) | QPROBEFAK | DEC | 5 | ||
CF_PSNINC | Item number increment for production resources/tools | CF_PSNINC | NUMC | 4 | ||
RSCHL_OFER | Sequence key for internal operations or activities | RSCHL_OFER | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
RSCHL_OFRD | Sequence key for external operations or activities | RSCHL_OFRD | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
RSCHL_UFER | Sequence key for internal sub-operations or elements | RSCHL_UFER | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
RSCHL_UFRD | Sequence key for external sub-operations or elements | RSCHL_UFRD | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
GRPRF_GRUP | Profile group (sort graphics profiles) | NETPRFGRUP | CHAR | 4 | TCNG | |
GRPRF_NAME | Name of graphic profile in Network/Hierarchy Graphics | NETPRFNAME | CHAR | 12 | ||
RSCHL_UCST | Activity element sequence key for general costs activities | RSCHL_UCST | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
RSCHL_OCST | Activity sequence key for general costs activities | RSCHL_OCST | CHAR | 6 | TCA60 | |
LVARI_TERM | Object overview variants for scheduling | CP_LVARI_T | CHAR | 2 | TCA14 | |
FTNR_INC | Increment for automatic process instruction numbering | FTNR_INC | CHAR | 4 | ||
FVNR_INC | Increment for automatic PI characteristic numbering | FVNR_INC | CHAR | 4 | ||
AOB_DARST | Relationship display | AOB_DARST | CHAR | 1 | ||
VRG_DARST | Operation display in graphic | VRG_DARST | CHAR | 1 | ||
PHS_DARST | Display of phase in graphics | PHS_DARST | CHAR | 1 | ||
KSTAR_SERV | Cost element for services | KSTAR_SERV | CHAR | 10 | CSKA | |
STEUS_SERV | Control key for services | STEUS_SERV | CHAR | 4 | T430 | |
MATKL | Material Group | MATKL | CHAR | 9 | T023 | |
LSTVAR | Variable overviews: Overview variant | CNL_LSTVAR | CHAR | 12 | TCNVL | |
LSTVAR_T | Object overview variant for scheduling | CP_LSTVAR | CHAR | 12 | TCNVL | |
EKGRP | Purchasing group for external processing | VG_EKGRP | CHAR | 3 | T024 | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | CHAR | 10 | LFA1 | |
NT_SEARCH1 | Number of the first text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH1 | CHAR | 2 | ||
NT_SEARCH2 | Number of the second text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH2 | CHAR | 2 | ||
NT_SEARCH3 | Number of the third text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH3 | CHAR | 2 | ||
CHRULE | Change rule | R_CHRULE | CHAR | 1 | ||
CCOAA | Change Type for Object | CCOAA | NUMC | 3 | TCC13 | |
VGWTS | Standard value key | VORGSCHL | CHAR | 4 | TC21 | |
PRES | Type of Process Instruction Maintenance | PRES | CHAR | 1 | CPS_PRES |