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Bei ansehen →The table TCJ41 (Default Values for Work Breakdown Structure) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CN_PSP_OPR.
Table | TCJ41 |
Short Text | Default Values for Work Breakdown Structure |
Package | CN_PSP_OPR |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
PROFIDPROJ | ✔ | Project Profile | PROFIDPROJ | CHAR | 7 | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS_D | CHAR | 4 | T001W | |
KALID | Factory calendar key | FABKL | CHAR | 2 | TFACD | |
VGPLF | Planning method for project basic dates | PS_VGPLF | NUMC | 1 | ||
EWPLF | Planning method for project forecast dates | PS_EWPLF | NUMC | 1 | ||
PLNAW | Application of the task list | PLNAW | CHAR | 1 | TCA09 | |
VPROF | Network profile | PROFIDNZPL | CHAR | 7 | TCN41 | |
NZANZ | Indicator: Network header visible to end user | NETZOBERFL | CHAR | 1 | ||
IDENT | Display options for WBS elements | PS_IDENTKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
ABGSL | Results Analysis Key | ABGR_SCHL | CHAR | 6 | TKKAA | |
LEVELS | Hierarchy structure: Level of detail | PS_LEVEL | INT1 | 3 | ||
ZUORD | Network assignment | PS_ZUORD | NUMC | 1 | ||
TRMEQ | Indicator: WBS dates detailed by activity dates | PS_TRMEQ | CHAR | 1 | ||
STSPD | Status profile for project definition | PS_STSPD | CHAR | 8 | TJ20 | |
STSPR | Status profile for WBS element | PS_STSPR | CHAR | 8 | TJ20 | |
KVEWE | Usage of the condition table | KVEWE | CHAR | 1 | T681V | |
KAPPL | Application | KAPPL | CHAR | 2 | T681A | |
KALSM | Costing Sheet | AUFKALSM | CHAR | 6 | T683 | |
ZSCHL | Overhead key | AUFZSCHL | CHAR | 6 | ||
APROF | Settlement profile | PS_APROF | CHAR | 6 | TKB1A | |
APRFE | Revenue settlement profile | PS_APRFE | CHAR | 6 | TKB1A | |
GRPGS | Master data: Profile group hierarchy graphic | PS_GRGRUPS | CHAR | 4 | ||
GRPFS | Master data: Hierarchy graphic profile name | PS_GRPROFS | CHAR | 12 | ||
GRPGT | Time scheduling: Profile group hierarchy graphic | PS_GRGRUPT | CHAR | 4 | ||
GRPFT | Time scheduling: Hierarchy graphic profile name | PS_GRPROFT | CHAR | 12 | ||
GRPGB | Budget/cost planning: Profile group hierarchy graphic | PS_GRGRUPB | CHAR | 4 | ||
GRPFB | Budget/cost planning: Profile name hierarchy graphic | PS_GRPROFB | CHAR | 12 | ||
BERST | Authorization key for project master data | PS_BERST | CHAR | 16 | ||
BERTR | Authorization key for project dates (WBS) | PS_BERTR | CHAR | 16 | ||
BERKO | Authorization key for costs and revenues | PS_BERKO | CHAR | 16 | ||
BERBU | Authorization key for project budget | PS_BERBU | CHAR | 16 | ||
SLWID | Key word ID for user-defined fields | SLWID | CHAR | 7 | TCN00 | |
AUTOD | Automatic value transfer from WBS element to project def. | PS_AUTOD | CHAR | 1 | ||
BPROF | Budget Profile | BP_BPROFIL | CHAR | 6 | TBP1C | |
ZTEHT | Time unit in time scheduling | PS_ZTEHT | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
ALL_ACC | Indicator: All WBS elements are account assignment elements | PS_ALLACC | CHAR | 1 | ||
ALL_ACT | Indicator: Read project with activities | PS_ALL_ACT | CHAR | 1 | ||
BUKRS | Company code for the project | PS_VBUKR | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
GSBER | Business area for the project | PS_VGSBR | CHAR | 4 | TGSB | |
KOKRS | Controlling area for the project | PS_VKOKR | CHAR | 4 | TKA01 | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | CHAR | 10 | CEPC | |
WAERS | WBS currency (project definition) | PS_PWHIE | CUKY | 5 | TCURC | |
CHGKZ | Indicator: Status change documents | PROJCHGKZ | CHAR | 1 | ||
BESTA | Project stock | PS_BESTAND | CHAR | 1 | ||
SCOPE | Object Class | SCOPE_CV | CHAR | 2 | ||
XSTAT | Statistical WBS element | PS_XSTAT | CHAR | 1 | ||
AEBLG | Change document creation allowed | PS_AEBLG | CHAR | 1 | ||
PRART | Project type | PS_PRART | CHAR | 2 | TCJ1 | |
BPPROFL | Profile for project planning board | BPPROFILE | CHAR | 12 | TCBP | |
ZSCHM | Interest Profile for Project/Order Interest Calculation | PS_ZSCHM | CHAR | 7 | TPI01 | |
EINGR | Capacity load profile in graphical planning table | PS_EINGR | CHAR | 10 | TCY30 | |
EINTB | Capacity load profile for tabular planning table | PS_EINTB | CHAR | 10 | TCY30 | |
IMPRF | Investment measure profile | IM_PROFIL | CHAR | 6 | TAPRF | |
THPROFILE | Profile for the hierarchy graphic in time scheduling | THPROFILE | CHAR | 12 | TCTH | |
SCPRF | Profile for WBS scheduling | PS_SCHDPRF | CHAR | 12 | TCXPS | |
CLALL | Classify all WBS elements | PS_CLPRALL | CHAR | 1 | ||
CLFAK | Classify billing elements | PS_CLPRFAK | CHAR | 1 | ||
CLKNT | Classify account assignment elements | PS_CLPRKNT | CHAR | 1 | ||
VSPRF | Version profile | VER_PROFIL | CHAR | 7 | TCN51 | |
FMPRF | Payment plan profile | PSFM_PRF | CHAR | 6 | TBP1C | |
LSTKP | List profile for capacity evaluations in proj. planning brd. | PS_LSTKP | CHAR | 10 | TCY30 | |
EINGE | Individual capacities: Overall profile for planning table | PS_EINGE | CHAR | 10 | TCY30 | |
EINTE | Indiv. capacities: Overall profile for tab. planning table | PS_EINTE | CHAR | 10 | TCY30 | |
PPROF | Planning profile | BP_PPROFIL | CHAR | 6 | TBP1C | |
PLINT | Indicator for Integrated Planning | PLINT | CHAR | 1 | ||
RESZ1 | Residence Time 1 (Calendar Months) | RESZ1 | NUMC | 3 | ||
RESZ2 | Residence Time 2 (Calendar Months) | RESZ2 | NUMC | 3 | ||
GRVST | WBS hierarchy graphic, vertical arrangement from level | PS_GRSTV | NUMC | 3 | ||
XROOT | Indicator: WBS can only have one WBS element with level 1 | PS_1ROOT | CHAR | 1 | ||
VALID | Validation | VALID | CHAR | 7 | GB93 | |
VALID_PSP | Validation | VALID | CHAR | 7 | GB93 | |
AUTOVAL | 'Automatic validation' indicator | AUTOVAL | CHAR | 1 | ||
SUBST | Substitution name | SUBST_ID | CHAR | 7 | GB92 | |
SUBST_PSP | Substitution name | SUBST_ID | CHAR | 7 | GB92 | |
AUTOSUB | 'Automatic substitution' indicator | AUTOSUB | CHAR | 1 | ||
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | CHAR | 1 | ||
SMPRF | Simulation profile | SIM_PROFIL | CHAR | 7 | TCN54 | |
HY_SEARCH1 | Number of the first text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH1 | CHAR | 2 | ||
HY_SEARCH2 | Number of the second text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH2 | CHAR | 2 | ||
HY_SEARCH3 | Number of the third text used for the search. | CN_SEARCH3 | CHAR | 2 | ||
FLGVRG | Indicator: Bottom-up calculation with activity dates | PS_FLGVRG | CHAR | 1 | ||
GRTOP | Indicator: Automatic requirements grouping | GRONTOP | CHAR | 1 | ||
PGPRF | Distribution profile | PGPROFID | CHAR | 6 | TPGPRF | |
KZERB | Indicator: Project summarization via master data charact. | PS_KZERB | CHAR | 1 | ||
STRAT | Strategy for determining settlement rule in WBS element | PS_STRAT | CHAR | 2 | TSR0E | |
PARGR | Partner Determination Procedure | PARGR | CHAR | 4 | V_TVPG_S | |
SCHTYP | Scheduling scenario | PS_SCHED_TYPE | CHAR | 1 | ||
FUNC_AREA | Functional Area | FKBER | CHAR | 16 | TFKB | |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | CHAR | 4 | TVKO | |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | CHAR | 2 | TVKOV | |
SPART | Division | SPART | CHAR | 2 | TVTA | |
DPPPROF | Dynamic Item Processor Profile | AD01PROFNR | CHAR | 8 | AD01C_PROF | |
VPKSTU | Node level | SEU_LEVEL | NUMC | 2 | ||
EXEC_PROFILE | Execution Services Profile | CK_EXPROFILE | CHAR | 4 | TEE000 | |
IPPS | iPPE Relationship with a Project | PS_IPPS | CHAR | 1 | ||
PSACL | ACL tab activated for project and network profile | PS_ACL_DELE | CHAR | 1 | ||
PSACLH | ACL tab activated for project and network profile | PS_ACLH_DELE | CHAR | 1 | ||
TEMPLATE_KEY | Standard text key | KTSCH | CHAR | 7 | * |