SAP Authorization Object Class HR

Human Resources

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The Authorization Object Class HR (Human Resources) is a standard Authorization Object Class in SAP ERP. It contains the following embedded authorization objects and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Authorization Object Class HR
Short Text Human Resources

Authorization Objects

Authorization Object Class HR contains 46 authorization objects.

P_ABAP HR: Reporting
P_APPL HR: Applicants
P_BEN HR: Benefit Area
P_CATSXT HR: Time Sheet for Service Providers Type/ Level Check
P_CERTIF HR: Statements
P_CH_PK HR-CH: Pension Fund: Account access
P_DBAU_SKV HR: DBAU: Construction pay in Germany - social funds proced.
P_DE_BW HR-DE: Statements SAPScript
P_DK_PBS HR-DK: Authorization Check for Access to PBS Company
P_DRL_COST Authorisation for drilldown reporting
P_ENCTYPE HR: PBC - Financing
P_ENGINE HR: PBC - Authorization for Automatic Commitment Generation
P_ES_PA_OK Check for function codes allowed fr Spain PA data
P_EXMGRP HR: PBC - Exceptions for Financing Rules
P_FINADM HR: PBC - Changes in the Financing Past
P_HAP_DOC Appraisal Systems: Appraisal Document
P_HRF_INFO HR: Authorization Check Infodata Maintenance for HR Forms
P_HRF_META HR: Authorization Check Metadata Maintenance for HR Forms
P_IT_UERST Auth. for terminating Social Insurance - RPCUEDI0
P_NL_AEDM HR: Authorization object for Day-one-announcement
P_NL_LA06 HR: Authorization Object for Wage Return 2006
P_NO_ALTIN Norway : Authorization check for sending data to Altinn
P_OCWBENCH HR: Activities in the Off-Cycle Workbench
P_ORGIN HR: Master Data
P_ORGINCON HR: Master Data with Context
P_ORGXX HR: Master Data - Extended Check
P_ORGXXCON HR: Master Data - Extended Check with Context
P_PBSPWE Process Workbench Engine (PWE) authorization
P_PCLX HR: Clusters
P_PCR HR: Payroll Control Record
P_PE01 HR: Authorization for Personnel Calculation Schemas
P_PE02 HR: Authorization for Personnel Calculation Rule
P_PEPSVAR Shift Planning: User-Independent Sort Variants
P_PERNR HR: Master Data - Personnel Number Check
P_PYEVDOC HR: Posting Document
P_PYEVRUN HR: Posting Run
P_TCODE HR: Transaction codes
P_TNMSNAPH Training need management: authorization object for snapshot
P_USTR HR: US Tax Reporter
P15_MATRIC MOMDN Employee number + INPSC authority check
PAYIT_CUD CUD Authorization
PLOG Personnel Planning
PLOG_CON Personnel Planning with Context
S_MWB_FCOD BC-BMT-OM: Allowed Function Codes for Manager's Desktop
P_AT_BW HR-AT: Bescheinigungswesen SAPScript
P_B2A HR-B2A: B2A-Manager