SAP Authorization Object Class PP

Production Planning

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The Authorization Object Class PP (Production Planning) is a standard Authorization Object Class in SAP ERP. It contains the following embedded authorization objects and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Authorization Object Class PP
Short Text Production Planning

Authorization Objects

Authorization Object Class PP contains 58 authorization objects.

C_AENR_BGR CC Change Master - Authorization Group
C_AENR_ERW CC Eng. Chg. Mgmt. Enhanced Authorization Check
C_AENR_RV1 CC Engineering change mgmt - revision level for materials
C_AENR_RV2 CC Engineering Change Mgt - revision level for documents
C_AFFW_TWK CIM: Reworking error records from autom. goods movements
C_AFKO_ATY CIM: Order category
C_AFKO_AWA CIM: Authorization for Prod.Order/Order Type/Plant/Activity
C_AFKO_AWK CIM: Plant for order type of order
C_AFRU_AWK CIM: Confirmation
C_APPL_SOP Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Application
C_ARPL_ART CIM: Work center category
C_ARPL_WRK CIM: Work center- plant
C_BACKFL REM: Backflushing
C_CAPV_ANW CAPP: Standard value calculation - application
C_CAPV_STA CAPP: Standard value calculation - master data maintenance
C_COOPC1 OPC Interface: Access to Items
C_COOPC2 OPC Interface: Access to Events and Alarms
C_CREC_WRK PP-PI: Control Recipe - Plant
C_CREX_WRK PP-PI: External Control Recipe Execution (PI-PCS)
C_CRFH_BRG CIM: Production resources/tools master - authorization group
C_CRPI_BER PP-PI: Authorizations for PI Sheet
C_EVAL_WRK PP-PI: Process Message Evaluation / Evaluation Versions
C_FVER_WRK PP-PI: Production Version - Plant
C_HU_PROD Packing in Production (HU Creation)
C_KAPA_ABG CIM: Capacity leveling
C_KAPA_PLA CIM: Capacity planning
C_LINE LD: Processing Lines
C_MESS_WRK PP-PI: Process Messages - Plant
C_PCMP PP-PI: Production Campaign
C_PFS PP-PI: External Planning Tool
C_PLAN_SOP Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version
C_POI Authorization Object for Production Optimization Interface
C_PPBD Authorizations for Planned Independent Requirements
C_PPBD_REO Demand Management Reorg. - Activities
C_PRLG_WRK PP-PI: Entry in Process Message Record
C_PROCCHAR PP-PI: Ext. Access to Message/Instruction Characteristics
C_RMSF_DVW RM-FRM: Formula Views
C_RMSR_BB_ Building Blocks
C_RMSR_CR_ Calculation Rules in Process Parameters
C_RMSR_RC_ Access to Recipes
C_RMSR_RS_ Change Recipe Status
C_RMST_LAY Managing Output Layouts
C_RMX_CI Trial Management: Access to Customer-Specific Fields
C_RMX_TASK Monitor Tasks in Trial Management
C_RMX_TRIA Authorization Check for Trials
C_ROUT Authorizations for Routings
C_ROUT_MAT Update Material Master from Routings
C_SAFK REM: Repetitive Manufacturing
C_SPEC_BGR Specification system: Authorization object
C_STUE_BER CS BOM Authorizations
C_STUE_MAS CS BOMs - Mass changes
C_STUE_NOH CS Authorization to process BOMs without a change number
C_STUE_WRK CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments)
C_TRAN PP-PI: Transfer of Orders from Higher-Level Systems
C_VARLIST Authorization for Objects in Variable Lists