
SAP Function Group FE01

Reading the regulatory parameter tables

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The Function Group FE01 (Reading the regulatory parameter tables) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FERC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group FE01
Short Text Reading the regulatory parameter tables
Package FERC

Function Modules

Function Group FE01 contains 31 function modules.

FERC_ACCOUNT_CHECK Check if posting to G/L account is possible
FERC_ACCOUNTS_GET Get regulatory accounts assigned to indicator and cost element
FERC_BACKGROUND_JOB_CREATE IS-U/FERC: Create a background job for a FERC step
FERC_CLEARING_CATEGORY_GET Get the clearing COEl and category for a primary COEl and CO object
FERC_CLEARING_COST_CTR_CONVERT Convert clearing cost center number into object number
FERC_CLEARING_COST_ELEMENT_CHK IS-U/FERC: Check if cost element is used as clearing cost element
FERC_CLEARING_COST_ELEMENT_GET IS-U/FERC: Get the clearing cost element for miscellaneous costs
FERC_CO_TRANSACTION_READ IS-U/FERC: Read the FERC attributes of a CO transaction
FERC_COST_ELEMENT_CHECK Determine the cost element type
FERC_COST_ELEMENT_IGNORE IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center
FERC_DEFAULT_GET IS-U/FERC: Get default values for controlling area and posting period
FERC_DIRECT_ACCOUNTS_GET IS-U/FERC: Get the FERC accounts assigned direct to a G/L account
FERC_HISTORY_UPDATE Update information on previous and next procedure in history table
FERC_INDICATOR_BACKUP Fill backup table with regulatory indicator assignments
FERC_INDICATOR_GET IS-U/FERC: Read the FERC indicator assigned to a CO object
FERC_LOG_READ IS-U/FERC: Read log entries for FERC step execution
FERC_LOG_WRITE IS-U/FERC: Write log entries for FERC step execution
FERC_MASTER_DATA_READ IS-U/FERC: Derive FERC information from CO master data
FERC_MASTER_DATA_UPDATE IS-U/FERC: Update FERC master data information on CO objects
FERC_MESSAGE_STORE Store transfered message and add message to background job log
FERC_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET Get the message type for a customizable message
FERC_PARAMETERS_COPY Copy regulatory parameters from other period
FERC_PARAMETERS_DELETE Delete regulatory parameters for a specific period
FERC_PARAMETERS_GET Get general or controlling area or company code dependent parameter
FERC_PARAMETERS_INIT Initialize and read parameters into internal table
FERC_PERIOD_CHECK IS-U/FERC: Check the validity of posting period and date
FERC_PROGRESS_INDICATOR Indicate progress online in GUI or in background job log
FERC_REVERSAL_STEP_GET IS-U/FERC: Get the FERC step to be reversed next
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_BACKUP Fill backup table with cost center assignments for std. cost adjustment
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_CHECK IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_GET IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center