This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The Function Group FRML112 (RMS-FRM: Dialog - Navigation Tree) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RMSFRMDIA. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | FRML112 |
Short Text | RMS-FRM: Dialog - Navigation Tree |
Package | RMSFRMDIA |
Function Group FRML112 contains 15 function modules.
FRML112_ACTYPE_SET_GET | RMS-FRM: Setzen/Auslesen von Transaktions- und Aktivitätstyp |
FRML112_ALL_BUF_WRITE_TO_DB | RMS-FRM: Schreibe alle geänderten Puffer auf die Datenbank |
FRML112_CALLER_GET | RMS-FRM: Auslesen des Aufrufers ( internal use only) |
FRML112_CALLER_SET | RMS-FRM: Setzen des Aufrufers ( internal use only) |
FRML112_ENTRY | RMS-FRM: Einstieg in die Formulabearbeitung (Navigationsbaum) |
FRML112_ENTRY_FROM_SUB | RMS-FRM: Einstieg in die Formulabearbeitung (vom Stoff aus) |
FRML112_ENTRY_FROM_SUB_INPUT | RMS-FRM: Formulabearbeitung ( Stoff ist Input ) |
FRML112_ENTRY_FROM_SUB_OUTPUT | RMS-FRM: Formulabearbeitung ( Stoff ist Output ) |
FRML112_FLG_ENTRY_FROM_SUB_GET | RMS-FRM: Lesen des globalen Flags ' Aufruf der Screen-Funktion' |
FRML112_FLG_SAV_PEND_GLBL_GET | RMS-FRM: Lesen des globalen SAVE_PEND-Flags |
FRML112_FLG_SAV_PEND_GLBL_SET | RMS-FRM: Setzen des globalen SAVE_PEND-Flags |
FRML112_HANDLE_SUBS_OKCODE | RMS-FRM: OK-Code Handler (Dummybaustein) |
FRML112_LOG_BUFFER | RMS-FRM: Puffer für Logfiles |
FRML112_NAVTREE_UPDATE | RMS-FRM: EInhängen von Formeln in (bestehenden) Navigationsbaum |
FRML112_SUBSCREEN_CLOSE | RMS-FRM: Close-Baustein (Dummybaustein) |