This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Smart Bulb, 1100 Lumens. Built in Smart Home hub. Ask Alexa to control Zigbee-compatible devices. No additional Philips Hue hub required. Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features.
Check it out on →The Function Group RH_ORGPUB_APP (OrgPublisher Integration/Application) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PP0M. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | RH_ORGPUB_APP |
Short Text | OrgPublisher Integration/Application |
Package | PP0M |
Function Group RH_ORGPUB_APP contains 13 function modules.
BAPI_ORGUNITEXT_DATA_GET | Get data on organizational unit |
HR_READ_ORGPUB_FCODE | Erzeuge Funktionscode für Orgpublisher, falls OrgPub auf PC installiert |
RH_CALL_ORGDISPLAY | OrgPublisher aufrufen zwecks OrgChart-Anzeige |
RH_CALL_ORGPUBLISHER | Call up OrgPublisher to display org. Chart |
RH_CHECK_DEFAULT_TEMPL_EXIST | Test, ob Default Template von OrgPublisher existiert |
RH_CHECK_ORGDISPLAY_EXIST | Existenz von OrgPublisher auf PC in Registry prüfen |
RH_CHECK_ORGPUBLISHER_EXIST | Existenz von OrgPublisher auf PC in Registry prüfen |
RH_CHECK_QUERIES_FOR_SCENARIO | Teste, ob für ein Scenario Queries geünscht sind |
RH_DATA_COLLECTOR_ORGCHART | Daten für OrgChart holen (u.a. OrgPublisher) - Vorstufe für BAPI |
RH_GET_ASSISTANCE_FLAG | Teste Infotyp 1003 (Stabskennzeichen) |
RH_GET_PERSONAL_DATA | Hole Personendaten für OrgPublisher (TimeVision) |
RH_STRUCTURE_FOR_ORGDISPLAY | Struktur für OrgPublisher aufbereiten |
RH_STRUCTURE_FOR_ORGPUBLISHER | Prepare structure for OrgPublisher |