This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The Function Group SWOR (Runtime System) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SWO. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | SWOR |
Short Text | Runtime System |
Package | SWO |
Function Group SWOR contains 46 function modules.
SWO_CREATE | Initialize business object |
SWO_FREE | Release business object |
SWO_GET_RUNTIME_INFO | Infos über Runtime-Zustand |
SWO_GET_TYPE_INFO | Read business object type information |
SWO_INVALIDATE | Invalidate Runtime Buffer |
SWO_INVOKE | Call business object method / set attributes |
SWO_INVOKE_INTERNAL | Internal call for invoke |
SWO_INVOKE_PERSISTENT | Broker: Attribute or Method Call |
SWO_OBJECT_ID_GET | Read business object super object type |
SWO_OBJECT_ID_SET | Set object key |
SWO_OBJECT_REFRESH | Refresh object |
SWO_OBJECTS_REFRESH | Alle existierenden Objektinstanzen des akt. Modus auffrischen |
SWO_OBJTYPE_TO_OBJNAME | Find object name for object type ID |
SWO_PROPERTY_GET | Broker: Lesen Attribut |
SWO_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE | Abfrage Attribut |
SWO_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES | Request attributes |
SWO_QUERY_BASEDATA | Request basic data |
SWO_QUERY_EVENT | Abfrage Ereignis |
SWO_QUERY_EVENT_SUPERTYPES | Abfrage Ereignisse des Supertyps |
SWO_QUERY_EVENTS | Request events |
SWO_QUERY_INTERFACE | Abfrage Interface |
SWO_QUERY_INTERFACES | Request interfaces |
SWO_QUERY_KEYFIELD | Abfrage Schlüsselfeld |
SWO_QUERY_KEYFIELDS | Request key fields |
SWO_QUERY_METHOD | Abfrage Methode |
SWO_QUERY_METHODS | Request methods |
SWO_QUERY_OBJTYPES | Request object types |
SWO_QUERY_PARAMETER | Request parameters |
SWO_QUERY_PARAMETERS | Request parameters |
SWO_QUERY_REQUESTER | Abfrage Aufrufer |
SWO_QUERY_RETURNCODE | Abfrage Ausnahme |
SWO_QUERY_RETURNCODES | Request exceptions |
SWO_QUERY_VERB_PARAMETERS | Abfrage Parameter eines Verbs |
SWO_QUERY_VERBS | Request verbs |
SWO_SET_ENVIRONMENT | Set runtime variables for business object |
SWO_SYSTEM_RETURNCODES_APPEND | System-Ausnahmen laden (Benutzersicht) |
SWO_TABLE_PROPERTY_GET | Broker: Lesen Tabellen-Attribut |
SWO_TYPE_INFO_GET | Broker: Read info type for one object (type) |