Bus.Domain Lib DCOM Connection

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The Function Group UBD_REMOTE_DCOM (Bus.Domain Lib DCOM Connection) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package UBD_REMOTE. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group UBD_REMOTE_DCOM
Short Text Bus.Domain Lib DCOM Connection

Function Modules

Function Group UBD_REMOTE_DCOM contains 6 function modules.

UBD_REMOTE_DEBUG_DCOM 15 Min warten auf Debugging
UBD_REMOTE_GET_CLASSES_DCOM Determines which Application Libraries Are in System
UBD_REMOTE_INTROSPECTOR_DCOM Application Lib: Remote Introspection DCOM
UBD_REMOTE_INTROSPECTOR_WEB Application Lib: Remote Introspection Web Service
UBD_REMOTE_METHOD_CALL_DCOM Application Lib: Remote Method Call DCOM Connector
UBD_REMOTE_METHOD_CALL_WEB Application Lib: Remote Method Call Web Service