SAP Function Module K_KSTRG_CHECK

Zentrale Verprobungen des Kostenträgers ( Bebuchbarkeit, RWIN-Aufrufe )

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The Function Module K_KSTRG_CHECK (Zentrale Verprobungen des Kostenträgers ( Bebuchbarkeit, RWIN-Aufrufe )) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group KKPB within the package KKP.

Technical Information

Function Module K_KSTRG_CHECK
Short Text Zentrale Verprobungen des Kostenträgers ( Bebuchbarkeit, RWIN-Aufrufe )
Function Group KKPB
Package KKP
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
DATUM LIKE CKPH-DATBI '99991231' Validity date
GBBIL LIKE T001-XGSBE SPACE Business area balance sheet active?
KATYP LIKE CSKB-KATYP SPACE Cost element type to be checked
NO_BUFFER TYPE C SPACE Do not read from data buffer
RKBUK LIKE TKA00-RKBUK SPACE RK company code validation active?
SPRAS LIKE CKPHT-SPRAS SPACE Language key for short text
VRGNG LIKE TKAVG-ACTIVITY SPACE Transaction to be checked
V_BUKRS LIKE CKPH-BUKRS SPACE Company code to be checked
V_GSBER LIKE CKPH-GSBER SPACE Business area to be checked
V_KOKRS LIKE CKPH-KOKRS SPACE Controlling area to be checked

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
E_APROF LIKE TKKP1-APROF Settlement profile of cost object
E_BUKRS LIKE CKPH-BUKRS Company code of cost object
E_CKPHS LIKE CKPHS Control table for cost object
E_CKPHV LIKE CKPHV Master record of cost object (view)
E_GSBER LIKE CKPH-GSBER Business area of cost object
E_KOKRS LIKE CKPH-KOKRS Controlling area of cost object
E_SRULE_GENERATE TYPE C Indic.: Generate settlm. rule to highest cost obj
E_TOPKZ TYPE C Indic.: Cost obj is top node of hierarchy
E_TOP_KSTRG LIKE CKPHV-KSTRG Highest cost obj. (only with new settlement procedure)
E_WERKS LIKE CKPH-WERKS Plant of cost object

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
ACTIVITY_NOT_ALLOWED Transaction is not allowed
KATYP_NOT_ALLOWED Cost element type not allowed
KSTRG_NOT_ACTIV Cost object is not active in controlling area
NOT_FOUND Cost object not available for the date
POSTING_NOT_ALLOWED Posting to cost object is not allowed
WRONG_BUKRS Cost object has other company code
WRONG_GSBER Cost object has other business area
WRONG_KOKRS Cost object has other controlling area