
SAP Function Module L_TO_CONFIRM

Confirm transfer order

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The Function Module L_TO_CONFIRM (Confirm transfer order) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group L03B within the package LVS.

Technical Information

Function Module L_TO_CONFIRM
Short Text Confirm transfer order
Function Group L03B
Package LVS
Module Type Remote-Enabled

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_AUSFB LIKE LTAK-AUSFB SPACE Ausführungsbemerkung
I_COMMIT_WORK LIKE RL03B-COMIT 'X' Indicator whether COMMIT WORK in function module
I_EINLM LIKE RL03T-EINLM SPACE Einlagermengen in Lieferung übernehmen/WE buchen
I_ENAME LIKE LTAP-ENAME SY-UNAME Benutzer, der die Entnahme quittiert (QUKNZ - 1)
I_KOMIM LIKE RL03T-KOMIM SPACE Kommimengen in Lieferung übernehmen / WA buchen
I_LGNUM LIKE LTAK-LGNUM Warehouse number
I_PERNR LIKE LTAK-PERNR 0 Personalnummer
I_QNAME LIKE LTAP-QNAME SY-UNAME User who is executing confirmation
I_QUKNZ LIKE RL03T-QUKNZ SPACE Quittierkennzeichen für getrennte Quittierung
I_SOLEX LIKE LTAK-SOLEX 0 Sollaufwand aus Fremdsystem
I_SQUIT LIKE RL03T-SQUIT SPACE Confirmation target - actual
I_SUBST LIKE RL03T-SUBST SPACE Confirm also items to subsystems
I_TANUM LIKE LTAK-TANUM Transfer order number
I_TBELI LIKE RL03T-TBELI SPACE TB auf endgeliefert setzen / abschließen
I_UPDATE_TASK LIKE RL03A-VERBU SPACE Indicator: update via update task

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
T_LTAP_CONF LIKE LTAP_CONF Table of items to be confirmed
T_LTAP_CONF_HU LIKE LTAP_CONF_HU Handling Unit Daten zur TA-Position beim Quittieren
T_LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL LIKE LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL Serialnummerndaten zur TA-Position beim Quittieren


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
BQUIT_OR_QUANTITIES End withdrawal fron SU block storage or quantities
CHARG_MISSING Bitte Chargen zurückmelden
DOUBLE_LINES In T_LTAP_CONF, there are multiple entries
FOREIGN_LOCK An SAP block has been set by another user
HU_DATA_MISSING HU-Packdaten fehlen
HU_DATA_WRONG HU-Packdaten sind inkorrekt
HU_NOT_FOUND HU nicht vorhanden
INPUT_WRONG Die Tabellen T_LTAK und T_LTAP nicht konsistent
ITEM_CONFIRMED TO item already confirmed
ITEM_DOESNT_EXIST TO item does not exist
ITEM_NO_SU_BULK_STORAGE TO item is not withdrawal from SU block storage
ITEM_SUBSYSTEM TO item to be confirmed by subsystem
ITEM_SU_BULK_STORAGE TO item is withdrawal from SU block stor.
ITEM_WITHOUT_ZERO_STOCK_CHECK Zero stock check for TO item not possible
ITEM_WITH_ZERO_STOCK_CHECK Zero stock check required for TO item
KZDIF_WRONG Difference indicator unknown
LQNUM_MISSING Bei Mischpaletten bitte Quantnummern angeben
NOTHING_TO_DO transf.parameter, no proc.required
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_HU Bestand in HU nicht ausreichend
NO_AUTHORITY No authorization
NO_CHARG Rückmelden von Chargen nicht möglich
NO_DIFFERENCE Difference indicator superfluous
NO_DIFFERENCES_ALLOWED Keine Differenzmenge erlaubt bei Serialnummern
NO_HU_DATA_REQUIRED Keine HU-Packdaten erforderlich
NO_NEGATIVE_QUANTITIES Negative quantities not allowed
NO_SOBKZ Rückmelden von Konsi nicht möglich
NO_STOCK_ON_SU Storage unit does not contain stock
NO_UNIT_OF_MEASURE Unit of measure for qty missing
ONE_ITEM_SU_BULK_STORAGE There is a withdrawal from SU block storage
ONE_ITEM_WITH_ZERO_STOCK_CHECK There is a TO item with zero stock check
PICKING_OF_HU_NOT_POSSIBLE Komplettentnahme der HU nicht möglich
PICK_CONFIRMATION_MISSING Quittierung der Entnahme noch nicht erfolgt
QUANTITY_WRONG Total of specified quantities incorrect
QUKNZ_WRONG Quittierkennz. für 2-Schrittquittierung falsch
SERIAL_NUMBERS_NOT_REQUIRED Serialnummerndaten sind nicht erforderlich
SERIAL_NUMBER_DATA_MISSING Serialnummerndaten fehlen
SERIAL_NUMBER_DATA_WRONG Serialnummerndaten sind inkorrekt
SERIAL_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE Serialnummer ist in HU nicht verfügbar
SQUIT_OR_QUANTITIES Confirm target - actual or explicit quantities
SU_NOT_FOUND Storage unit does not exist
SU_WRONG Storage unit is not in source bin
TOO_MANY_SU Too many storage units have been confirmed
TO_CONFIRMED Transfer order already confirmed
TO_DOESNT_EXIST Transfer order does not exist
TO_ITEM_SPLIT_NOT_ALLOWED TA-Positionssplitt bei Quittierung nicht erlaubt
TWO_STEP_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED Quittierung in zwei Schritten erforderlich
TWO_STEP_CONF_NOT_ALLOWED Quittierung in zwei Schritten nicht erlaubt
UPDATE_WITHOUT_COMMIT Update via update task only using Commit
VQUIT_OR_QUANTITIES Confirm entire SU or explicit quantities
WRONG_ZERO_STOCK_CHECK Zero stock check incorrect
XFELD_WRONG Incorrect value for checkbox