RMS-MRTRS : Read Master Recipe data into internal table in C?BT

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The Function Module MRTRS300_MASTER_RECIPE_READ (RMS-MRTRS : Read Master Recipe data into internal table in C?BT) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group MRTRS300 within the package RMSTRS.

Technical Information

Short Text RMS-MRTRS : Read Master Recipe data into internal table in C?BT
Function Group MRTRS300
Package RMSTRS
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
IS_RC271 TYPE RC271 Felder im Planselektionsdynpro
IS_RC27M TYPE RC27M Materialstammview Arbeitsplan
IS_RC27S TYPE RC27S Steuerleiste fuer Dialogsteuerung in der Dialogbearbeitung

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ES_PLKOB TYPE PLKOB Struktur für Plan -Kopfbelegtabelle
ET_LTEXT TYPE MRTRSTY_LTXT RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für lang Texte
ET_MAPL TYPE MRTRSTY_MAPL RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Zuordnung Material-Planalternati
ET_MKAL TYPE MRTRSTY_MKAL RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Fertigungsversionen zum Material
ET_OPERATION TYPE MRTRSTY_PLPO_OPR RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Operation
ET_PHASE TYPE MRTRSTY_PLPO_PH RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Phase
ET_PLFT TYPE MRTRSTY_PLFT RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Prozeßvorgaben
ET_PLFV TYPE MRTRSTY_PLFV RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für ProzVorgMerkmale/Teilop.-Paramet
ET_PLMK TYPE MRTRSTY_PLMK RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Prüfplanmerkmale
ET_PLMW TYPE MRTRSTY_PLMW RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für MAPL-abhängige Spez.Prüfmkvorabe
ET_PLMZ TYPE MRTRSTY_PLMZ RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Materialbereitstellung
ET_RELATION TYPE MRTRSTY_PLAB RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Anordnungsbeziehungen
ET_RESCLAS TYPE MRTRSTY_RESCLAS RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Resource Selection Criteria
ET_SEC_RESOURCE TYPE MRTRSTY_PLPO_SRES RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Sec Resource
XS_RC271 TYPE RC271 Felder im Planselektionsdynpro
XS_RC27M TYPE RC27M Materialstammview Arbeitsplan
XS_RC27S TYPE RC27S Steuerleiste fuer Dialogsteuerung in der Dialogbearbeitung

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
EXISTING Master Recipe already exist
FOREIGN_LOCK Master Recipe group is currently locked
INTERNAL_ERROR Error occurs while reading Master Recipe data
KEY_INVALID Key field, PLNNR, is invalid
KEY_NOT_QUALIFIED Key field, PLNNR, is not provided
KEY_NUMBER_INVALID Internal numbering of PLNNR is not allowed
NOT_FOUND Master Recipe does not exist