

Select T/Cs relevant to L/C

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The Function Module WB2_FIN_DOCUM_ASS_TC_SELECT (Select T/Cs relevant to L/C) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group WB2N within the package WB2B.

Technical Information

Short Text Select T/Cs relevant to L/C
Function Group WB2N
Package WB2B
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_MSG LIKE FTSEL-SHOW_MSG Kennz., ob Verarbeitungsschritt angezeigt werden soll

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ET_AKKB LIKE AKKB Documentary Payment Guarantee: Financial Doc. - Bank Data
ET_AKKP LIKE VFDSAKKP FT: Financial Documents: Structure for Data Selection
ET_DD07V LIKE DD07V Generated Table for View DD07V
ET_KOMWBHD LIKE KOMWBHD Trading Contract: Communication Structure, Commercial Data
ET_KOMWBHILC LIKE KOMWBHILC Trading Contract: Communication Structure, WBHI with LCNUM
ET_KOMWBHK LIKE KOMWBHK Trading Contract: Communication Structure Header Data
ET_KOMWBHP LIKE KOMWBHP Trading Contract: Communication Structure, Partner Assignmt
IT_RANGE_AHDAT TYPE VFDS_RANGE_DATUM Select-Option fE Einreichungsdatum
IT_RANGE_AKART TYPE VFDS_RANGE_AKART Select-Option fE Finanzdokumentart
IT_RANGE_AKKTP TYPE VFDS_RANGE_AKKTP Select-Option fE Finanzdokumenttyp
IT_RANGE_AYDAT TYPE VFDS_RANGE_DATUM Select-Option fE spätest. Versanddatum
IT_RANGE_BAANR TYPE VFDS_RANGE_BAANR Select-Option fE ext. Finanzdokumentnummer
IT_RANGE_BUKRS TYPE VFDS_RANGE_BUKRS Select-Option fE Buchungskreis
IT_RANGE_LCNUM TYPE VFDS_RANGE_LCNUM Select-Option fE Finanzdokumentnummer
IT_RANGE_WAEMP TYPE VFDS_RANGE_KUNNR Select-Option fE Warenempfänger


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
NO_DATA_AUTHORITY_CHECK Keine Daten aufgrund fehlender Berechtigungen
NO_DATA_SELECTED Keine Daten gemäß Selektionskriterien