
SAP Message Class 3O

HR: Messages for Taiwan

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The Message Class 3O (HR: Messages for Taiwan) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB42.

Technical Information

Message Class 3O
Short Text HR: Messages for Taiwan
Package PB42


ID Language Text
001 E Identification card number should have length 10.
002 E Identification number for Taiwanese should be started with a letter.
003 E Positions 2 through 9 of the ID Number should be numeric.
004 E Position 2 of ID number should be either '1','2' or 'A - D' (for gender).
005 E The ID number is wrong.
006 E Aliens ID number starts with the birth date.
007 E Last 2 letters of aliens ID are first 2 letters of name as in passport.
008 E Please enter NHI status and/or NHI status reason.
009 E Please enter reason for exempt.
010 E Entprise unified ID contains numbers only.
011 E LI or NHI authority code does not exist.
012 E Begin date of a reported record can not be changed.
013 E Reported items can not change.
014 E The relationship to employee is incorrect.
015 E Entry is not in table &1.
016 E Non-permitted New Pension declaration types
017 E Please enter 'Nationality'.
018 E Next allowable NHI status should not be the same as the key NHI status
019 E This person joined LI but not join NP(new pension)
020 E NHI class &1 amount &2 should be more than LI amount &3.
021 E Valid date of begda &1 > system high_date.
022 E Change bedga (&) of a reported record.
023 E After delimit endda, &1 (&2) and &3 (&4) has same STATUS valid date.
024 E Reported record can not be deleted.
025 E After delimit endda, &1 (&2) and &3 (&4) has same CLASS valid date.
026 E Change of begda and/or endda causes a gap in infotype history.
027 E &1 (&2) and &3 (&4) has same STATUS valid date.
028 E &1 (&2) and &3 (&4) has same CLASS valid date.
029 E Endda should be the same as the endda of an existing record.
030 E STATUS valid date (&1) is earlier than previous one (&2).
031 E STATUS valid date (&1) is later than next one (&2).
032 E LI class &1 amount &2 should be less than NHI amount &3.
033 E Begda not on the 1st day of the month.
034 E LI class not entered.
035 E Overlap bedga (&) of a reported record.
036 E CLASS reported record not allowed to be modified.
037 E STATUS reported record not allowed to be modified.
038 E No ID data found in infotype 0185 with subtype &1.
039 E First record is reserved for report purpose, delete not allowed.
040 E Reported ICTYP not allowed to be changed.
041 E NHI Class not specified.
042 E Please push 'Monitoring of Dates' to key-in dates.
043 E This begda &1 is not allowed to be changed.
044 E Default sequence number will be displayed.
045 E Please specify a sequence number.
046 E Last sequence number assigned: &.
047 E NP class &1 amount &2 should not be less than NHI amount &3.
048 E NP class &1 amount &2 should not be less than LI amount &3.
049 E Insurance class should be &1
050 E The employee live in Taiwan AND less than 183 days.
051 E Tax Category code not valid.
052 E Tax category E, dependent doesn't need to input any value.
053 E Tax Id type not valid, input again.
054 E Infotype 185 without entries, input please.
055 E Infotype 182 without entries, input please.
056 E Without name type 2 in infotype 182, reinput please.
057 E Part Time Job NOT available for foreigner.
058 E NP employer/employee rate &1 should not be greater than permitted rate &2
059 E Dependent no. decrease -> BEGDA Should start from beginning of next year.
060 E LI report refers to ID number &1 of date &2 -> no changes allowed.
061 E LI report refers to data of date &1 -> no changes allowed.
062 E LI report refers to the IDTYP &1 of date &2 -> no changes allowed.
063 E NHI report refers to ID number &1 of date &2 -> no changes allowed.
064 E NHI report refers to data of date &1 -> no changes allowed.
065 E NHI report refers to the IDTYP &1 of date &2 -> no changes allowed.
066 E Please input begda and press ENTER first to get help.
067 E ID type &1 in Infotype 0185 is locked.
068 E No data in table &1 with insurance type &2 and begda &3.
069 E Transfer company detected -> only Transfer In is allowed.
070 E Category of ESF & has not corresponding entry text in table T7TW3Z.
071 E Date &1 should be greater than &2.
072 E Entrance date is in the future.
073 E Entrance date should be eariler than leave date.
074 E Invalid entrance date.
075 E Invalid leave date.
076 E Date &1 overlap in range: &2 &3.
077 E Leave-date &1 should be greater than begin-date &2.
078 E Transfer company detected -> only Join is allowed.
079 E Period of Enterance-leave &1,&2 isn't in Period of begin-end &3, &4.
080 E Saving type not valid.
081 E Currency code not valid.
082 E Amount &1 is less than previous &2
083 E NP employer/employee rate &1 is allowed one decimal digit only
084 E NP employer/employee rate &1 should not be less than permitted rate &2
085 E This person quited the New Pension
086 E Employee rate(NP) only be allowed to change twice in one year.
087 E Update for & employees successfully executed.
088 E the value should be zero.
089 E The input values are less than default values.
090 E Form of address(Mr./Mrs.) and gender are inconsistent.
091 E The inputed ZIP code doesn't exist in table &1.
092 E Please check your entry with T7TW0A.
093 E Space not allowed.
094 E Pls input full type.
095 E Full type space not allowed.
096 E Date is less than birth date or great than system current date.
097 E Date is less than marriage date.
098 E Part-time labor is not available on &1
099 E NP class &1 amount &2 should be not less than &3 amount &4
100 E This record has been reported
101 E The record on & should 'Quit' first, then can 'Join' new branch
102 E No record of p0354
103 E No record of p0355
104 E No record of p0352
105 E The fields in first record of p0354 were set already
106 E The fields in first record of p0355 were set already.
107 E The fields in last record of p0354 were set already.
108 E The fields in last record of p0355 were set already.
109 E The fields in last record of p0352 were set already.
110 E Wage type no permitted for Infotype 0015.
111 E No basic salary in infotype 0008.
112 E Selected period is earlier than calculated period (&1.&2).
113 E Pay date &1 not within current payroll period (&2 - &3) in area &4
114 E Pay day should be greater than 0.
115 E Basic salary is not positive.
116 E Total amount is not positive.
117 E &1 Batch input &2 created.
118 E The amount after adjustment should higher than before.
119 E Base date &1 is not within current payroll period (&2 - &3).
120 E Download Program failed.
121 E Download Form Failed.
122 E Windows-95/NT OS needed!
123 E Generating error:&1.
125 E No data in internal table.
126 E Illigal Operation.
127 E Import VB Program failed.
128 E Import Form Failed.
129 E Download content failed.
130 E Action canceled, use default value.
131 E Document file &1 &2 has been generated.
132 E Directory &1 doesn't exist.
133 E file & will be overwritten.
134 E DLL file download failed
135 E The record of &1 on &2 is not reported for &3 yet
136 E The record of &1 on &2 should report &3
137 E The record of &1 on &2 should report &3 on time
138 E Employee has no Personal data on &
139 E Employee has no Birthday on &
140 E The wage types should be different and non-space
141 E Nationality is Taiwan, but no Chinese name on &1
142 E No Idnum in I0185 subtype &1 on &2 .
143 E No family/relatives data on &
144 E Family/relatives no name on &
145 E Family/relatives no Birthday data on &
146 E Family/relatives no Idnum on &
147 E &1 data for &2 Change is not reported within 10 days
148 E The first record of & on & should be 'Join', can't be 'Quit'
149 E Please input Date in the past time
150 E Infotype0021 SUBTY &1 OBJPS &2 on &3 didn't report &4 on time.
151 E & Class on & is ajusted comparing to the Class on &
152 E Company name or address is blank.
153 E No Chinese name exists either in IT2 or IT182, check pls.
154 E The address information in IT6 was missing, check pls.
155 E File generate failure.
156 E The media authorization code doesn't exist, generate cannot be performed.
157 E Error exist, update function cannot be performed.
158 E Error exist, media file generation cannot be performed.
159 E Sequence number exceed, maintain table T7TW2G pls
160 E Employee has no Name on &
161 E Changed company occur but without relative payroll result.
162 E Hire date greater than retirement date
163 E No dialog module found.
164 E Please put cursor on a valid entry.
165 E Personnel number '&1' is invalid
166 E No infotype record was found for the given selection condition.
167 E No data generate.
168 E Period not valid
169 E The family member(subty &1 objps &2 ) on &3 should quit NHI
170 E There is no company address
171 E There is no Company Name
172 E The current record on &1 is &2
173 E The employee of & don't use this kind of report form
174 E Can't find Amount value
175 E Foreigner with address not in full type or contain with space.
176 E Foreigner's name not in full type
177 E Date of issue & is after today's date
178 E Date of issue & is before date of birth &
179 E Date of issue & is after expiry date
180 E Modify to-date &1 should be greater than modify date &2
181 E Modify date &1 is before system current date &2
182 E Please select infotypes
183 E Please select one of functions
184 E error return code & in calling HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST.
185 E error return code & in calling BDC_OPEN_GROUP
186 E error return code & in calling BDC_INSERT
187 E error return code & in calling BDC_CLOSE_GROUP
188 E You should maintain table T7TW1B
189 E Please input batch input name so as to generate batch input
190 E Please select same day if delimit over &1 period only (&2->&1)
191 E No entry will be displayed
192 E Please correct errors first before creating batch input
193 E Create batch input job for successful employees only
194 E No &1 defined in T511K on &2
195 E Permit this checkbox group muti-selection
196 E Adult labor with the insurance amount is less than &1
197 E No infotype I0354 data on &1
198 E If children labour, insurance class should be &1
199 E If part-time labor, insurance class should be &1
200 E Subty &1, objps &2, Seqnr &3 has no name in I0021 on &4
201 E Employee has no Personal data on &
202 E Employee has no Birthday on &
203 E EE has currently status &1
204 E Subty &1, objps &2, Seqnr &3 nas no Chinese name in I0021 on &4
205 E Subty &1, objps &2 seqnr &3 has currently status &4
206 E Nationality is Taiwan, but no Chinese name on &1
207 E EE has not yet join insurance.
208 E No name in infotype 2 on &1
209 E No birthday on &1 for subty &2 objps &3 seqnr &4
210 E No ID number on &1 for subty &2 objps &3 seqnr &4
211 E No ID type in I0352 on &1 for subty &2 objps &3 seqnr &4
212 E No company address for comapny &1
213 E EE did not report the &1 &2 on &3
214 E EE no NHI data, but he has NHI dependents
215 E Employee has no Insurance ID type &1 on &2
216 E No personal data in I0021 on &1 for subty &2 objps &3 seqnr &4
217 E EE Report date &1 is earlier than last reported date &2
218 E Subty &1 Objps &2 Seqnr &3 : report date is less than last reported &4
219 E Subty &1 Objps &2 Seqnr &3 : didn't report on &4
220 E EE is currently not join NHI, family memeber can't join.
221 E EE leave NHI on &1, dependents should all leave on the same day.
222 E No Idnum in I0185 subtype &1 on &2 .
223 E ADJUST doesn't occur on the first day of a month (Begda &1)
224 E The first record of &1 is not &2
225 E EE has already reported &1 &2 on &3
226 E EE transfer company, pls report QUIT on &1 first.
227 E EE did not report Quit from pevious company on &1
228 E &1: can't find last repoted &2 &3 from infotype
229 E EE has changed company, &1 didn't quit from previous company on &2
230 E Subty &1, objps &2, seqnr &3 : P0352 is not NHI-relevant on &4
231 E EE is not in NHI on &1
232 E &1: No status selected
233 E No P0001 data on &1
234 E Report date is earlier than system date
235 E Report date is not system date &1
236 E Month range error
237 E New insurance amount decreased -> please specify reason
238 E Table modifcation date &1 is earlier than system date &2
239 E There is no entry in table T7TW1B with begda - modification date
240 E Database updated!
241 E Data not yet downloaded!
242 E Data downloaded but no database updated
243 E Past months should be greater than 0
244 E NHI &1 less than LI &2 -> adjusted to &3
245 E Please input 'Range of past periods'
246 E Effective period before basic salary period
247 E Effective period after ( basic salary period + 1 )
248 E LI, NHI or NP variable amount less than 0
249 E Effecitive date &1 before last reported date &2 in T7TW1L
250 E NHIID consists of exactly 9 digits
251 E NHIID check sum error
252 E Status inconsistent from T7TW1O (last &1, current &2)
253 E File &1 open error
254 E File &1 write error
255 E File &1 download error
256 E The directory of file &1 does not exist.
257 E The file &1 does not exist.
258 E ID type 02 of infotype 185 data is missing
259 E Child labor or vocational trainee with the insurance amount less than &1
260 E No country code found in table T7TW1P for &1
261 E Employee has Insurance ID type &1 conflicted with nationality &2 in IT2.
262 E NP &1 less than LI/NHI &2 -> adjusted to &3
263 E Set labor type consistent with NP class &1
264 E The NP amount for Non Part-time labor error
265 E The pernr &1 has been excluded for the inactive.
266 E Gender and form of address (Mr./Ms.) are inconsistent
267 E Gender and form of address (Mr./Ms.) are inconsistent
268 E NHI &1 not the same as NP &2 -> adjusted to &3
269 E NHI class &1 amount &2 should be the same as NP amount &3.
270 E There are no records of labor insurance (infotype 0354) for EE &1.
271 E No ID data found in infotype 0185 (Personal IDs) subtype 01 (Taiwan ID).
272 E There are no records of new pension (infotype 0818 subtype 01) for EE &1.
273 E NHI class &1 amount &2 should be the maximum NHI amount &3.
274 E NP &1 not the same as NHI &2 -> adjusted to &3
275 E NHI &1 not the maximum NHI &2 -> adjusted to &3
300 E Employee status is not active on base date &1.
301 E Month range error
302 E New insurance amount decreased -> please specify reason
303 E Relevent payroll result doesn't exist
304 E LI/NHI amount - 0
305 E Table T7TW0P is not maintain well.
306 E Infotype p0001 doesn't exist. Without startdate
307 E No payroll result for Base salary
308 E No payroll result in previous periods
309 E No LI/NHI adjust amount generated.
310 E No relevent Data in IT0354/IT0355/IT0818
311 E No Join data in IT0354/IT0355/IT0818
312 E Enterprise ID number not found in T7TW0P
313 E Table t7tw2g not maintain ENTID's sequence number
314 E EE doesn't have status &1 in NHI
315 E The selected personal aera and subarea don't have the same NHIID or LIID
316 E No NHIID or LIID from the personal area/subarea in table T7TW0P
317 E &1 is not a valid NHI Continue reason for subty &2 objps &3
318 E &1 is not a valid NHI Quit reason
319 E &1 in not a valid NHI Stop reason
320 E &1 is not a valid tax form
321 E EE has no last reported data, but now has satus &1
322 E Subty &1 objps &2 has no last reported data, but now has satus &3
323 E EE Quit NHI, but his family (subty &1, objps &2) has status &3
324 E &1 is not a valid reason (age &2, subordinate relative)
325 E Error in function exit & of customer enhancement
326 E &1 has value &2 in Processing class 65 --> No need to set priority
327 E Error when delemiting family NHI data
328 E Update parameter is not enough!!!
330 E Mainland ID number should have length either 15 or 18
331 E Mainland ID contains number only
332 E Position 15 of the mainland ID number is not consistent with gender
333 E Position 17 of the mainland ID number is not consistent with gender
334 E Position 7 through 12 should be the birth date
335 E Position 7 through 14 should be the birth date
336 E The numbers of family members reported on certificate exceeded.
337 E There are two or more records in infotype &1
338 E There are no records in infotype &1 .
339 E The DME file already downloaded, &1 record saved in table T7TW1L.
340 E Please check View V_T7TW1B , Pension Amount Bigger than DME format.
341 E Please select at least one event.
342 E Please check View V_T7TW1B , LI Amount Bigger than DME format.
343 E Please check View V_T7TW1B , NHI Amount Bigger than DME format.
344 E Foreigners with residency in Taiwan less than 183 days, EE &1 rejected.
345 E Non-Foreigners with residency in Taiwan less than 183 days, &1 rejected.
350 E Please maintain EE infotypes.
351 E The NHI status for EE is not supposed to be reported by this report.
352 E Different insurance events exist for the employee.
353 E There is no Join, Adjust or Quit event of &1 for the employee.
354 E These events have been reported for the employee.
355 E These events have been reported for the employee and his/her family.
356 E NP submit date is more than 6 days earlier than LI effective date
357 E Only NHI adjusts amount, please use HTWLHIM0 to report NHI adjustment.
358 E Quit event of LI, NHI and NP should be reported together
359 E Insurance events of Join, Adjust or Quit can not happen on the same day.
360 E Use NHI medium report(HTWLHIM0) to report newly joined family members.
370 E Please do the field selection.
400 E This wage type is not applicable for & &.
401 E No proration for Ex-employee are required!
402 E This selection not possible
403 E Please enter a pay date
404 E Please enter a valid teilmonth pro-rate rule.
405 E No part month rounding for pro-rate based on working day or calendar day.
406 E Invalid month!
407 E Please enter a valid wage type.
408 E Begin date is later than end date.
409 E There is mismatch between the fields table and data table
410 E Error due to print problems.
411 E Total pay rate is more than 100%.
412 E Please enter a date as qualifying date for ex-employee!
430 E
431 E Entry date not found
432 E Entry date is 00000000, check relevant infotype records
433 E Payroll result for &1 on &2 not found
434 E Error while calling BAdI &1
435 E Start date &1 is earlier than entry date &2
436 E Base salary is 0, check the value you entered for selection
437 E Enter a valid date for leaving or retiring
438 E Update failed: Cannot retrieve employee data
439 E Update failed: Cannot release employee data
440 E Update failed: Error while updating infotype &1 for wagetype &2
441 E EE rejected: Employee &1 does not have a record in infotype 0818
442 E EE rejected: Action type not consistent with selection screen
443 E EE rejected: Action reason not consistent with selection screen
444 E EE rejected: Employee &1 not eligible for pension
445 E EE rejected: Error while calling BAdI &1