
SAP Message Class HRBPS00POINT

Benefit point structure for error table

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The Message Class HRBPS00POINT (Benefit point structure for error table) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PBEN_BPS.

Technical Information

Message Class HRBPS00POINT
Short Text Benefit point structure for error table
Package PBEN_BPS


ID Language Text
001 E No entry in benefit point rule variant for account &1 variant &2
002 E No entry in benefit salary group for parameter group &1 salary group &2
003 E No entry in benefit age group for parameter group &1 age group &2
004 E No entry in seniority group for parameter group &1 seniority group &2
005 E Time unit should be 'Period', 'Quarter', 'Year' or 'Month'
006 E Maintain the field Max. points or Max. percentage
007 E Enter benefit area &1 in customizing table
008 E No entry in point rule variant for benefit area &1 account &2 variant &3
009 E Parameter grp needed if you select salary, age, seniority or point grp
010 E Cutoff day is needed when month is not blank on &1 basis
011 E Month is needed when cutoff day is not blank on &1 basis
012 E Cutoff day should not be greater than &1 for current month on &2 basis
013 E Cutoff day should not be less than 1
014 E Initial balance &1 should not be less than current balance &2
015 E Carry over points calculation error
016 E Basic point calculation error
017 E Additional point calculation error
018 E Current balance/available points calculation error
019 E Benefit point account text not found
020 E Benefit area is not found in infotype 0171
021 E There is a conflict for benefit area &1 account type &2 account &3 on &4
022 E More than one benefit area existing in period &1 &2 in infotype 0171
023 E Maintain benefit area &1 account &2 in benefit point account type
024 E End date should be less than &1 for point account &2
025 E Begin date does not fall into any point account periods
026 E Maintain benefit area &1 account type &2 acct &3 in benefit point account
027 E Initial balance &1 is less than available points &2
028 E Maintain the additional point rule variant &1
029 E Time period entered here is not consistent with the account period
030 E Seniority cutoff day not allowed since it is not a criterion
031 E Do not enter 'Hire date override' when seniority not selected
032 E Do not enter 'Leaving date override' when seniority not selected
033 E Do not enter 'Calc. process' when seniority not selected
034 E Age cutoff day not allowed since age is not a criterion
035 E Salary cutoff day not allowed since salary is not a criterion
036 E Benefit request created in IT0718, point account &1 can not be delete.
050 E No benefit area defined in infotype 0171
051 E Benefit area is &1 in infotype 0171 conflicts with &2 for employee &3
052 E Account not found in T74_BPS06 for benefit area &1 account &2
053 E Maintain point account &2 in benefit point account for &1
054 E Begin date &1 is greater than the account end date &2
055 E Current balance/available points calculation failed for &1 &2-&3
056 E Carry over point calculation failed &1
057 E Maintain benefit point period for &1 acct &2 during &3
058 E Maintain benefit point rule variant for benefit area &1 account. &2
059 E Maint. addtl pnts for acct &1, sal.ind. &2, age ind. &3, senority ind. &4
060 E User exit &1 for &2 return error
061 E Point account not found in infotype 0717 for &1
062 E Maintain additional points for benefit area &1 account &2
063 E Salary group not found for benefit area &1 parameter &2 salary &3
064 E Wage type for benefit point basis salary not defined for &1 &2 &3 &4
065 E Basic salary for the employee is 0.
066 E Age group not found for benefit area &1 parameter group &2
067 E Seniority group not found for benefit area &1 parameter group &2
068 E Benefit point group not found for benefit area &1.
090 E Read infotype 0718 error for period &1 - &2
100 E Basic points calculation error for benefit area &1 acct &2 period &3-&4
101 E Additional points calculation error for benefit area &1 acct &2 for &3-&4
102 E Benefit area is &1 during period &2 - &3
103 E Employee's name not found
104 E Maintain account type &1 for benefit area &2
105 E Maintain account type &1 account &2 benefit area &3 in benefit point acct
106 E An entry in infotype 717 for &1 &2 &3-&4, regenerate it
107 E Function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP' open error
108 E No account found for benefit area &1
109 E Batch input job generate benefit point account created, execute by SM35
110 E Create benefit point account fail
111 E Updating previous period carry over status fail
112 E Employee &1 unlock fail
113 E Employee is locked now
114 E None is selected