
SAP Message Class HRNQFZA

NQF messages

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The Message Class HRNQFZA (NQF messages) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB16.

Technical Information

Message Class HRNQFZA
Short Text NQF messages
Package PB16


ID Language Text
000 E & & & &
001 E Update successful
002 E The new object name could not be saved.
003 E No authorization to change the object.
004 E Error during infotype update.
005 E Object created successfully.
006 E No authorization to update infotypes.
007 E
008 E Object read error.
009 E Place the cursor on a symbol.
010 E This will create a Unit Standard - for a Qualification use INSERT.
011 E You cannot create any object within an outcome.
012 E Object &1 does not carry the necessary NQF attributes.
013 E Deletion successful.
014 E Object is still in use, therefore it cannot be deleted.
015 E Object & is locked and therefore cannot be deleted.
016 E Error during object deletion.
019 E Proficiency cannot be 'None': evaluate the individual Unit Standards
020 E Setup is already complete in client &1. Setup checked
021 E &1 id is already being used in table &2 in client &3
022 E Standard config value for &1 - &3 Value on database - &2 for key &4
023 E The Std. config expects an entry in table &1 with key &2 &3 &4 none exist
025 E Press 'Save' (F11) to complete the creation
050 E Dates error - as the begin date is before the end date.
051 E Appraisal from id &1 does not exist in table &2
052 E NQF apprasial template &1 does not exist in table &2
100 E No active records exist in table &1.
101 E No active record exists in table &1 for key &2.
102 E You cannot copy a model, please use 'Create'
103 E Selected value was recalculated : change the lower-level components
104 E Proficiency of the Unit Standard was reset
110 E Position profile data was inherited from the Job profile
200 E The selected node was & clipboard
201 E Clipboard is empty
202 E Invalid position for insert (& relation to & is not allowed)
203 E You cannot create new Qualifications here - please use INSERT
210 E Unable to display HTML document / browser window
211 E Press 'Save' (F11) to complete the &.