
SAP Message Class HRPSGB_ABS

Absence Evaluation Messages

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The Message Class HRPSGB_ABS (Absence Evaluation Messages) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package P08P_ABS.

Technical Information

Message Class HRPSGB_ABS
Short Text Absence Evaluation Messages
Package P08P_ABS


ID Language Text
000 E * MSG 1-49 Views & Infotypes (No &s) 50-999 Payroll (With &s)
001 E Rollback Method 1 only supports Parameters 1, 2
002 E Rollback Methods 2 and 5 only support Parameters EH, LH and IT0041 Dates
003 E Rollback Method 3 only supports Parameters for the format DD.MM
004 E Rollback Method 4 only supports Parameters for the format DD.MM.YYYY
005 E Checking Linking for 'Related Absences Only' MUST have a Linking Method
006 E Waiting Days to 'serve' must have a Valuation Rule for Waiting Days
007 E Valuation Rule for Waiting Days must have Waiting Days to 'serve'
008 E Linking Method for Waiting Days must have Waiting Days to 'serve'
009 E Enter all four fields to attach a Period Work Schedule Rule (or none)
010 E Specify Non-Qualifying Days with a 'PWS rule' OR 'Emp Rel days' NOT both
011 E Valuation rule is required, if Non-Qualifying days are specified
012 E Valuation rule is NOT allowed, if Non-Qualifying days are NOT specified
013 E Waiting Day val. rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
014 E Absence evaluation scheme does not exist in customising (Table T556E)
015 E Absence subtype category does not exist in customising (Table T5A4P)
016 E Enter BOTH absence subtype category and valuation rule (or neither)
017 E Fill whole line correctly (absence category and valuation class empty).
018 E Fill only one of 'extension in days' or 'reduction in days'.
019 E Fill either of 'extension in days' or 'reduction in days'.
020 E Valuation rule is required, if Non-Payment days are specified
021 E Valuation rule is NOT allowed, if Non-Payment days are NOT specified
022 E Personnel Work Schedule rule does not exist in customising (Table T508A)
023 E Abs. Eval. Scheme rule does not exist in customising (Table T556G)
024 E Time Unit/Measurement does not exist in customising (Table T538A)
025 E How Far Bck/Fwd rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS21)
026 E From Where rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS20)
027 E Non-qualifying Days rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS22)
028 E Rollback Time Unit does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS28)
029 E Entitlement Time Unit does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS28)
030 E Multiplier Time Unit does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS28)
031 E First character of an absence grouping must be an 'S', 'M', or '.'
032 E Offsetting Wage Type is ONLY for SMP'able or SSP'able abs. grouping
034 E Valuation rule does not exist in customising (Table T554L)
035 E Complete Day val. rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
036 E Part Day val. rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
037 E Non-Qualifying val. rule doesn't exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
038 E Non-Payment val. rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
039 E Nil Pay Day val. rule doesn't exist in customising (Table T5GPBS27)
040 E Lieu Days processing is NOT allowed unless 'Working Days Only' qualify
041 E Enter both fields for Lieu Days processing or neither.
042 E Limiting rule does not exist in customising (Table T5GPBS30)
043 E Override the Scheme or an extend/reduce an Absence Payment Band.
050 E Part Day Valuation Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS25) ( &1 )
051 E Error in Customer Exit 'LEN' for Time Unit &1
052 E Non-Qualifying Day Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS22) ( &1 / &3 )
053 E Non-Qualifying Day Rule &2 customising incomplete (T5GPBS22) ( &1 / &3 )
054 E Personnel Work Schedule Rule not valid during absence ( &1 &2 &3 &4 )
055 E Employee's Personnel Shift Plan is invalid on &1
056 E Check Window End Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS20) ( &1 / &3 )
057 E Unsupported Combination Of Rollback Method &1 and Parameter &2
058 E Insufficient Employee Data for Rollback Method &1 with Parameter &2
059 E Check Window Start Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS21) ( &1 / &3 )
060 E Absence Collision: &1 has more than 1 day's entitlement, check absences
061 E Error in Customer Exit 'ENT' for Check Period &1 to &2 on &3
062 E Valuation Rule &1 has no offsetting Wage Type at &2 (Table T554C)
063 E Error in Customer Exit 'NIL' for Absence Subtype &1
064 E Part Day processing failed. Absence record '&1' missing from table AB
065 E Part Day processing failed. NOT a part day Valuation Rule &2 ( AB &1 )
066 E Part Day Valuation Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS25) (AB &1 )
067 E Non-Payment Day Rule customising incomplete (T5GPBS26) ( &1 &2 &3 &4 )
068 E Rollback Period Units 'R??' are reserved by SAP, use 'Z??' instead of &1
069 E Entitlement Units 'E??' are reserved by SAP, use 'Z??' instead of &1
070 E Error in Customer Exit 'MTH' for Rollback Method &1 & Parameter &2
071 E No record exists for &1 and &2 in Personnel Area/Subarea (Table T001P)
072 E No record exists for &1 and &2 in Employee Groups/Subgroups (Table T503)
073 E No record exists for &1 &2 and &3 in Attendance and Absence Types (T554S)
074 E Employee has no Org. Assignment on &1 (Infotype 0001)
075 E Employee has no Planned Working Time on &1 (Infotype 0007)
076 E No customising exists for End Rules (T5GPBS20)
077 E No customising exists for Start Rules (T5GPBS21)
078 E No customising exists for Non-Qualifying Day Rules (T5GPBS22)
079 E No customising exists for Absence Evaluation Scheme Rules (T5GPBS23)
080 E Maximum part day absence splits exceeded on &1 ( caused by Part Day &2 )
081 E Maximum part day absence splits reach on &1 ( data lost for Part Day &2 )
082 E Entitlement Used (issued on &1): &2 of '&3' for '&4' absence
083 E The feature GLOSS passes back &1 which is not supported (1-8 only)
084 E Checking AUTOMATIC absence splitting in Payroll (Re: Abs. Eval. Scheme)
085 E Checking MANUAL absence splitting in Absence Entry (Re:Abs. Eval. Scheme)
086 E Checking MANUAL absence splitting in Absence Entry (Re: Bespoke Report)
087 E No AUTOMATIC splitting of this absence will occur in Payroll
088 E No MANUAL splitting of this absence is necessary (Re: Abs. Eval. Scheme)
089 E No MANUAL splitting of this absence is necessary (Re: Bespoke Report)
090 E Employee &1 is not attached to a scheme.
091 E Employee has no Basic Payments on &1 (Infotype 0008)
092 E No Employee Group/Subgroup exist for &1 &2 (Table T503)
093 E No Standard Working Hours exist for &1 &2 &3 &4 (Table T510I)
094 E No Scheme Switches exist for &1 &2 &3 (Table T5GPBS29)
095 E Employee has no Maternity Details between &1 and &2 (Infotype 0088)
096 E Shift Worker requires EntWeek Time Unit indicator set (Table T5GPBS29)
097 E Seniority Time Unit &1 is NOT defined in customising (Table T5GPBS24)
098 E Previous Service from Date Specifications (IT041) requires a Date Type.
099 E Date Type &1, to calculate Previous Service, does not exist (Table T548Y)
100 E Employee has no Date Specification in Infotype 0041 for Date Type &1
101 E Limit Rule &2 not in customising (T5GPBS30) ( &1 / &3 )
102 E Payment Band Changed from '&1' to '&2' on &3 for '&4' absence
103 E Val. Rule &1 ( &2 / &3 ) is not allowed a Counting Class or a Wage Type
104 E The employee's PS Grouping changes from &1 to &2 on &3.
105 E Seniority/Age 'As At Date' is missing. Feature GLOSS or GAGES incorrect
106 E Seniority/Age 'As At Date' &1 must be in the format 'DD.MM'
107 E Employee has no Date of Birth at &1 (Infotype 0002)
108 E Age Calculation Type &1 is NOT supported (Check FEATURE GAGES)
109 E Employee changes Absence Scheme during absence (on &1 from &2 to &3)
110 E Offsetting wage type &1 not in payroll table &2, check customising in IMG
111 E Offsetting Wage Type &1 does not have the correct valuation basis on &2
112 E Employee has many Go Live dates. The Latest &1 will be used.
113 E Employee has absences overlapping their LATEST Go Live date &1.
114 E Go Live date &1 is NOT in the date range selected &2 - &3
115 E BOTH Absence Grouping & Payment Band are MANDATORY (T5GPBS31 &1 &2 &3 )
116 E Non-Payment Rule has no UNPAID Valuation Cls for &1 on &2. (&3)
117 E Activate Unpaid OMP Dates to enter Paid Payment Band/Unpaid Payment Band
118 E Enter BOTH Paid Payment Band 1 and Unpaid Payment Band 1
119 E Enter BOTH Paid Payment Band &1 and Unpaid Payment Band &1 (or neither)
120 E Fill earlier gaps before Paid Payment Band &1 and Unpaid Payment Band &1
121 E Entitlement Amount, &1 days, exceeds possible expected life span!
122 E Entitlement Limit rules 1 and 2 cannot be the same.
123 E Go Live Date &1 is not in the format YYYYMMDD (Feature GLIVE)
124 E Conversion not possible. GPNAB still active (T77S0: HRPSG/GPNAB)
125 E Conversion not necessary. Part Day processing is not active (T5GPBS29)
126 E MPP Start Date not entered yet, Earliest MPP Start Date used (IT0088)
127 E Internal Error: During generation of payroll structure COVER on &1
128 E ENTWEEKS must have a rule specified in T5GPBS29 (See Note 541144)
129 E EXACT Part Day Processing is obsolete T5GPBS29 (See Note 541144)
130 E Scheme &1 has overlapping scheme rules (View Cluster V_T5GPBS23_CL)
131 E Maternity absences cannot be entered for male employees
132 E KITA not valid for Maternity
133 E KITM not valid for Adoption
150 E *************** 150 - 170 reserved for GFMSA processing ***************
151 E No entry in T554C (MOLGA &1 MOABW &2 KLBEW &3 on &4)
152 E Entry in T554C has no Wage Type (MOLGA &1 MOABW &2 KLBEW &3 on &4)
153 E No Payment Percentage in T512W (MOLGA &1 LGART &2 on &3)
154 E No entry in T511K (MOLGA &1 KONST &2 on &3)
155 E OSP Scheme &1 and Absence Subtype &2 not defined in T5G26 on &3
156 E Wage Types not specified in T5G26 (SCHEME &1 AWART &2 on &3)
157 E Invalid entry in T554C (MOABW &1 KLBEW &2 on &3 -> LGART &4)
158 E IT Wage Type removed to early, check PCRs (ABZNR &1 LGART &2)
159 E No offsetting possible, employee has no OSP scheme on &1 (IT0084)
160 E Data Inconsistency between Table AB and Table MSA on &1
161 E Wage type &1 must be in table IT at this point in the schema
162 E Wage Type Group &1 contains no Wage Types. (Table T52D7)
163 E Wage Type &1 is defined in Wage Type Group OSPP and OMPP
164 E Wage Type &1 but be in table &2 to perform offsetting on &3
165 E No offsetting possible, no OSP/OMP entries exist &1 - &2 (COVER)
166 E No WPBP split exists on &1.
167 E No MODIF split exists for WPBP split &1 on &2.
168 E Incorrect Valuation Basis in T512W (MOLGA &1 LGART &2 on &3)
169 E OxP mapping not possible, T5GPSB31 has no entries
170 E OxP mapping not possible,T5GPSB31 'out of sync' with T554S (Note 738710)