This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package CPE_BASIS (Commodity Pricing Engine: Basic Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-CPE-BASIS.
Package | CPE_BASIS |
Short Text | Commodity Pricing Engine: Basic Objects |
Parent Package | PI-CPE-BASIS |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 69 function groups.
CPE_APPLSETTING_CB | CPE_C - CPE Application Setting - Buffer |
CPE_BASIS_CD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CPE_BLOCKING_CB | CPE_C - Billing Block - Buffer |
CPE_CALCRULE_CB | CPE_C - Calculation Rule - Buffer |
CPE_CALCRULE_DU | CPE_C - Calculation Rule - DB Upd. |
CPE_CHNGCONTROL_CB | CPE_C - Action on Data Change - Buffer |
CPE_CHNGCONTROL_DU | CPE_C - Action on Data Change - DB Upd. |
CPE_CNVSRCUSED_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Source - Buffer |
CPE_CNVSRCUSED_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Source - Update DB |
CPE_CONVERSION_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Rule - Buffer |
CPE_CONVERSION_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Rule - Update DB |
CPE_CONVPLACE_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Place - Buffer |
CPE_CONVPLACE_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Place - DB Upd. |
CPE_F4_HELP_EXITS | CPE - F4 Help for CPE Routines |
CPE_FILTER_CB | CPE_C - Filter - Buffer |
CPE_FORMCONV_CB | CPE_C - Formula Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_FORMCONV_DU | CPE_C - Formula Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_FORMROUND_CB | CPE_C - Formula Rounding - Buffer |
CPE_FORMROUND_DU | CPE_C - Formula Rounding - Update DB |
CPE_FORMULA_CB | CPE_C - Formula - Buffer |
CPE_FORMULA_DU | CPE_C - Formula - Update DB |
CPE_IF_DATA_CONVERSION | CPE_D -Data Conversion for CPE Interface |
CPE_LOGSUBMOD_CB | CPE_C - Log Submodules - Buffer |
CPE_LOGSUBMOD_DU | CPE_C - Log Sub Module - DB Update |
CPE_MAP_CUSTOMIZING | CPE: Mapping for customizing synchroniz. |
CPE_MAP_PRICEQUOT_BAPI | CPE_M - Mapping Price Quot. and BAPI |
CPE_MAPPING_CB | CPE_C - Mapping - Buffer |
CPE_PERIODDET_CB | CPE_C - Period Determination - Buffer |
CPE_PERIODDET_DU | CPE_C - Period Determination - Update DB |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_DB | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulat. - DB Access |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_DU | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulation - DB Upd. |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_OB | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulat. - O. Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_AC | CPE Price Quotations: Archiving |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_CD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_DB | CPE Price Quotations: Database Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_DU | CPE Price Quotations: Database Update |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_OB | CPE Price Quotations: Object Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_REMOTE | CPE Price Quotations: Remote Update |
CPE_QUANCONV_CB | CPE_C - Quantity Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_QUANCONV_DU | CPE_C - Quantity Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_QUOTGROUP_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Group - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTGRPPOS_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Group Position Buffer |
CPE_QUOTNAME_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Name - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTSRC_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Source - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTTYPE_CB | CPE_C - Quotation TYPE - Buffer |
CPE_REFDATEROUT_CB | CPE_C - Reference Date Routine - Buffer |
CPE_REFDATEROUT_DU | CPE_C - Reference Date Routine - DB Upd. |
CPE_RFCDEST_CB | CPE_C - RFC Destination - Buffer |
CPE_ROUNDRULE_CB | CPE_C - Rounding Rule - Buffer |
CPE_ROUNDRULE_DU | CPE_C - Rounding Rule - Update DB |
CPE_ROUTINE_CB | CPE_C - Routiness - Buffer |
CPE_ROUTINE_DU | CPE_C - Log Sub Module - DB Update |
CPE_SURCHARGE_CB | CPE_C - Surcharge - Buffer |
CPE_SURCHARGE_DU | CPE_C - Surcharge - Update DB |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_DB | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - DB Access |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_DU | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - DB Upd. |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_OB | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - O. Buffer |
CPE_TERM_CB | CPE_C - Term - Buffer |
CPE_TERM_DU | CPE_C - Term - Update DB |
CPE_TERMCONV_CB | CPE_C - Term Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_TERMCONV_DU | CPE_C - Term Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_TERMGRP_CB | CPE_C - Term Group - Buffer |
CPE_TERMGRP_DU | CPE_C - Term Group - Update DB |
CPE_TERMROUND_CB | CPE_C - Term Rounding - Buffer |
CPE_TERMROUND_DU | CPE_C - Term Rounding - Update DB |
CPE_TERMRULE_CB | CPE_C - Term Rule - Buffer |
CPE_TERMRULE_DU | CPE_C - Term Rule - Update DB |
CPE_TERMTYPEFLD_CB | CPE_C - Field Control Term Type - Buffer |
CPE_VMC_BUFFER_CB | CPE_C - CPE Handling of VMC Cust.Buffers |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 7 transactions.
SCPE_PQ_SIM | Define Price Quotation f. Simulation |
SCPE_PQ1 | Maintain Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_PQ2 | Maintain Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_PQ3 | Display Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_TCURR_SIM | Define Exchange Rates for Simulation |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 55 database tables.
CPEC_APPLSETTING | CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEC_BLOCKING | CPE Billing Block to be set for Document Items |
CPEC_BLOCKING_T | CPE Billing Block - Description |
CPEC_CALCRULE | CPE Term - Calculation Rule |
CPEC_CALCRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Calculation Rule |
CPEC_CHNGCONTROL | CPE - Control of Reaction to Data Change |
CPEC_CNVSRCUSED | CPE - Quantity Conversion Sources used per Document Categ. |
CPEC_CONVERS_T | CPE - Description of Conversion Rule |
CPEC_CONVERSION | CPE - Conversion Rule |
CPEC_CONVPLACE | CPE Conversion Place |
CPEC_CONVPLACE_T | CPE Conversion Place: Description |
CPEC_FILTER | CPE Caller - Filter for Pricing Fields to Be Sent |
CPEC_FORMCONV | CPE Formula - Input for Conversion |
CPEC_FORMROUND | CPE Formula - Input for Rounding |
CPEC_FORMULA_T | CPE Formula - Description |
CPEC_LOGSUBMOD | CPE Sub Module for Log |
CPEC_LOGSUBMOD_T | CPE Log Sub Module: Description |
CPEC_MAPPING | CPE Caller - Mapping of Business Data |
CPEC_PERIODDET | CPE Term - Period Determination Rule |
CPEC_PERIODDET_T | CPE Term - Description of Period Determination Rule |
CPEC_QTYCNVSRC | CPE - Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEC_QTYCNVSRC_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEC_QUANCONV | CPE - Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEC_QUANCONV_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEC_QUOTGROUP | Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTGROUP_T | Description of Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTGRPPOS | CPE Term - Position in Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTNAME | Quotation Name |
CPEC_QUOTNAME_T | Description of Quotation Name |
CPEC_QUOTSRC | Quotation Source |
CPEC_QUOTSRC_T | Description of Quotation Source |
CPEC_QUOTTYPE | Quotation Type |
CPEC_QUOTTYPE_T | Description of Quotation Type |
CPEC_REFDATEROUT | CPE Term - Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEC_REFDATERT_T | CPE Term - Description of Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEC_RFCDEST | CPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call |
CPEC_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Rounding Rule |
CPEC_ROUNDRULE_T | CPE - Description of Rounding Rule |
CPEC_ROUTINE_T | CPE Routine: Description |
CPEC_SETTINGS | CPE - General Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEC_SURCHARGE | CPE Term - Surcharge Rule |
CPEC_SURCHARGE_T | CPE-Term - Description of Surcharge Rule |
CPEC_TERM_T | CPE Term - Description |
CPEC_TERMCONV | CPE Term - Conversion |
CPEC_TERMGRP | CPE Term - Grouping of Terms |
CPEC_TERMROUND | CPE Term - Rounding |
CPEC_TERMRULE | CPE Term - Term Rule |
CPEC_TERMRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Term Rule |
CPEC_TERMTYPEFLD | CPE - Field Control Dependent on Term Type |
CPED_PRCQUOT_SIM | CPE - Price Quotation Simulation |
CPED_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
CPED_TCURR_SIM | CPE - Exchange Rate Simulation |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 33 views.
CPEV_APPLSETTING | CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEV_BLOCKING | CPE Billing: Blocking Reason to be set for Document Items |
CPEV_CALCRULE | CPE Term - Calculation Rule |
CPEV_CHNGCONTROL | CPE - Control of Reaction to Data Change |
CPEV_CNVSRCUSED | CPE - Quantity Conversion Sources used per Document Category |
CPEV_CONVERSION | CPE - Conversion Rule |
CPEV_CONVPLACE | CPE Conversion Place |
CPEV_FILTER | CPE Caller- Filter for Pricing Fields to Be Sent |
CPEV_FORMCONV | CPE Formula - Input for Conversion |
CPEV_FORMROUND | CPE Formula - Input for Rounding |
CPEV_LOGSUBMOD | CPE Submodule for Log and Analysis |
CPEV_MAPPING | CPE Caller - Mapping of Business Data |
CPEV_PERIODDET | CPE Term - Period Determination Rule |
CPEV_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
CPEV_QTYCNVSRC | CPE - Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEV_QUANCONV | CPE - Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEV_QUOTGROUP | Quotation Group |
CPEV_QUOTGRPPOS | Position in Quotation Group |
CPEV_QUOTNAME | Quotation Name |
CPEV_QUOTSRC | Quotation Source |
CPEV_QUOTTYPE | Quotation Type |
CPEV_REFDATEROUT | CPE Term - Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEV_RFCDEST | CPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call |
CPEV_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Rounding Rule |
CPEV_SURCHARGE | CPE Term - Surcharge Rule |
CPEV_TERMCONV | CPE Term - Conversion |
CPEV_TERMGRP | CPE Term - Grouping of Terms |
CPEV_TERMROUND | CPE Term - Rounding |
CPEV_TERMRULE | CPE Term - Term Rule |
CPEV_TERMTYPEFLD | CPE - Field Control dependant on Term Type |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 51 structures.
BAPI_CPE_CALCRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Calculation Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CALCRULE_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Calculation Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CONVERSION_IN | CPE - Input for Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CONVERSION_OUT | CPE - Result of Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_FORMULA_IN | CPE Formula - Input for General Data |
BAPI_CPE_PERIODDET_IN | CPE Term - Input for Period Determination Rule |
BAPI_CPE_PERIODDET_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Period Determination Rule |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_DAT | Data Part of Price Quotation Table |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_ISO | Price Quotation in ISO Format |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_KEY | Key Part of Price Quotation Table without Client |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_USER | User-Defined Fields for Price Quotation |
BAPI_CPE_QUANCONV_IN | CPE - Input for Quantity Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_ROUND_IN | CPE - Input for Rounding Rule |
BAPI_CPE_SURCHARGE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Surcharge Rule |
BAPI_CPE_SURCHARGE_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Surcharge Rule |
BAPI_CPE_TERM_IN | CPE Term - Input for General Data |
BAPI_CPE_TERM_OUT | CPE Term - General Result |
BAPI_CPE_TERMGROUP_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Grouping |
BAPI_CPE_TERMRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Term Rule |
CPET_CALCRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Calculation Rule |
CPET_COND_TYPE_F4_COM | CPE - Communication Structure for Condition Type F4 Help |
CPET_CONVERSION_IN | CPE - Input for Conversion Rule |
CPET_CONVERSION_OUT | CPE - Result of Conversion Rule |
CPET_FORMULA_COM_OUT | CPE - Communication Structure with Formula Result Fields |
CPET_FORMULA_IN | CPE Formula - Input for General Data |
CPET_JAVA_OBJECTS | CPE - Interface for JAVA Objects (Field, Key, Text) |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_10 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 10 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_40 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 40 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_50 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 50 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_10 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 10 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_255 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 255 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_40 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 40 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_50 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 50 |
CPET_PERIODDET_IN | CPE Term - Input for Period Determination Rule |
CPET_PERIODDET_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Period Determination Rule |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_DAT | Data Part of Price Quotation Table |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_KEY | Key Part of Price Quotation Table |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_LIST | Price Quotation in List Format for Consistence Check |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_WRK | Work Structure for Price Quotation |
CPET_QUANCONV_IN | CPE - Input for Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPET_ROUND_IN | CPE - Input for Rounding Rule |
CPET_SURCHARGE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Surcharge Rule |
CPET_TCURR_SIM_KEY | CPE - Key Part of Exchange Rate Simulation |
CPET_TCURR_SIM_WRK | Work Structure for Exchange Rate Simulation |
CPET_TERM_IN | CPE Term - Input for General Data |
CPET_TERMGROUP_IN | CPE Term - Grouping |
CPET_TERMNO_S | CPE Term - Structure including Term Number |
CPET_TERMRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Term Rule |
CPET_USER_FIELDS | CPE - Communication Structure for User Field List |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 7 programs.
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_DELETE | Archiving price quotations: Deletion program |
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_READ | Archiving price quotations: Read program |
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_SAVE | Archiving price quotations: Write program |
CPE_BASIS_FM_TESTING | Report is only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff (CPE FM Tests) |
RCPE_CHKPRICEQUOT | Check Integrity of CPE Price Quotations |
RCPE_CHKPRICEQUOT_ALV | Check Integrity of CPE Price Quotations |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 37 search helps.
CPE_CALCROUT | CPE - Search Help for Calculation Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_CALCRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Calculation Rule |
CPE_COMBROUT | CPE - Search Help for Combination Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_COND_TYPE | CPE - Search Help for Condition Type |
CPE_CONVERSIONROUT | CPE - Search Help for Conversion Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_CONVERSIONRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Conversion Rule |
CPE_CONVPLACE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Routine |
CPE_COV_MOVEREASON | CPE - F4 Help for Coverage Movement Reason |
CPE_DATELISTROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date List Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_DATEOFFSETROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date Offset Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_DATESUBSTROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date Subst. Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_FORMID | CPE - Search Help for CPE Formula ID |
CPE_ID | To be deleted: CPE - Search Help for CPE ID |
CPE_PERDETROUT | CPE - Search Help for Period Determ.Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE |
CPE_PERDETRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Period Determination Rule |
CPE_QUANCONVROUT | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Conv. Rout.: Use CPE_ROUTINE! |
CPE_QUANCONVRULE | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPE_QUANSPLITROUT | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Split Rout.: Use CPE_ROUTINE! |
CPE_QUOTGROUP | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Group |
CPE_QUOTNAME | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Name |
CPE_QUOTSRC | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Source |
CPE_QUOTTYPE | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Type |
CPE_READUNTILROUT | CPE - Search Help for Read Until Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_REFDATEROUT | CPE - Search Help for CPE Reference Date Routine |
CPE_ROUNDROUT | CPE - Search Help for Rounding Routine: : Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Rounding Rule |
CPE_ROUTINE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Routine |
CPE_RULE | To be deleted: CPE - Search Help for CPE Rule |
CPE_SOURCEROUT | CPE - Search Help for Source Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_SUBMODULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Sub Module |
CPE_SURCHARGEROUT | CPE - Search Help for Surcharge Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_SURCHARGERULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Surcharge Rule |
CPE_TERMID | CPE - Search Help for CPE Term Key |
CPE_TERMRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Term Rule |
CPE_TERMTYPE | CPE - Search Help for Term Type Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_TIMESTAMP | CPE Search Help for Timestamp |
CPE_TIMEUOMROUT | CPE - Search Help for Time Unit Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 1 message classes.
CPE | Commodity Pricing Engine |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 3 authorization objects.
CPE_COVER | Coverages for Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPE_PRICEQ | Price Quotation for Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPE_SETTIN | Commodity Pricing Engine: General Settings |