

Online Splitter in New General Ledger

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The package FAGL_ONLINE_SPLITTER (Online Splitter in New General Ledger) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FINA_GL.

Technical Information

Short Text Online Splitter in New General Ledger
Parent Package FINA_GL

Function Groups

SAP Package FAGL_ONLINE_SPLITTER contains 2 function groups.

FAGL_CUST_PRCCNS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FAGL_SPL_SERVICES Online Splitter Services

Database Tables

SAP Package FAGL_ONLINE_SPLITTER contains 5 database tables.

FAGL_PRCTR_CONST Profit Center Constant in Document Split
FAGL_SPLINFO Splittling Information of Open Items
FAGL_SPLINFO_LOG New General Ledger Accounting: Log for Nonsplitted Documents
FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL Splitting Information of Open Item Values
FAGL_VAL_PROCESS Document Splitting: Validation Mode Dependent on Processes


SAP Package FAGL_ONLINE_SPLITTER contains 2 views.

V_FAGL_PRC_CONST Profit Center Constant in Document Split
V_FAGL_SPL_PROC Document Splitting: Validation: Maintenance View


SAP Package FAGL_ONLINE_SPLITTER contains 19 structures.

FAGL_S_ASGMT Account Assignments of Document Splitting
FAGL_S_SPL Split Information: General
FAGL_S_SPL_ASSET Account Assignment: Assets
FAGL_S_SPL_INTFLDS Fields Required Internally
FAGL_S_SPL_ITEM Migration: Base Reference for Document Splitting
FAGL_S_SPL_RELATION Migration: Specify Distribution of Document Splitting
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_KEY Splitting Information: Open Items: Key
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_KEY_INX Splitting Information: Open Items Key: Inx
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_KEY_VAL Splitting Information: Open Items Key: Values
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_PL Splitting Information on Open Items: CO Objects
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_PS Splitting Information on Open Items: Public Services
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_RSG Splitting Information on Open Items: Receiver Segmnt Objects
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_SG Splitting Information on Open Items: Segment Objects
FAGL_S_SPLINFO_SSG Splitting Information on Open Items: Sender Segment Objects
FAGL_S_T8G40_BS Split Fields with Characteristic 'Balance Sheet'
FAGL_SPL_ASSET Account Assignment: Assets
FAGL_SPL_INTFLDS Fields Required Internally