
SAP Package GJVA

Joint venture accounting

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The package GJVA (Joint venture accounting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package JVA_JV.

Technical Information

Package GJVA
Short Text Joint venture accounting
Parent Package JVA_JV

Function Groups

SAP Package GJVA contains 24 function groups.

0GJ3 Erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJFARM Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0GJV erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
GJA7 Residual/Partial Payment Handling in JVA
GJAN Joint Venture interfaces to standard
GJCB JVA Cutback modules
GJCU erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
GJJQ IS-Oil / Joint Venture
GJRW Funktionsbausteine für RW-Beleg
GJV_DRB Joint Venture Documents in DRB
GJV_RECONC_MASTER Check intercompany settings are consist.
GJV1 Update functions JV MASTER
GJV3 Customizing functions
GJV4 CHDO JV_JOA => Gen. by RSSCD000
GJV5 JV_Info_functions
GJV6 Update functions for JOA maintenance
GJV7 JV functions for masterdata maintenance
GJVFARM Functions for Farm in/out
GJVI JVA Integration MAnager
GJVM Dunning functions for JVA
GJVW general check/set functions
GJXX EDI-functions


SAP Package GJVA contains 161 transactions.

GJ09 Joint Venture detailed information
GJ0A Non-Operated Billing by Operator V.2
GJ0B Non-Operated Billing by Venture V.2
GJ10 Yearly balance shifting
GJ11 Joint Venture master data catalog
GJ21 Recovery indicator
GJ22 Internal recovery indicator
GJ23 Change JV partners
GJ24 Venture classes
GJ25 Cutback rules / accounts
GJ26 Cutback rules / accounts
GJ27 Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ28 Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ31 Cutback tables / orders
GJ32 Cutback rules / orders
GJ3R Reconsile Intercompany Mapping
GJ51 Bank accounts for cash call print
GJ52 Non-operated billing forms
GJ53 Non-operated billing form lines
GJ54 JOA detailed information
GJ55 JV valuation area
GJ56 Accounts for exchange differences
GJ57 JIB/JIBE classes
GJ58 JIB/JIBE subclasses
GJ59 JV Conditional code
GJ61 JV Clearing billing indicator
GJ62 JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment
GJ66 JIB master data
GJ67 JIB account mapping
GJ68 JIB class/account mapping
GJ69 JIB class/subclass/account mapping
GJ70 JOA-maintenance
GJ72 JOA classes
GJ73 Special cost elements
GJ75 JV stepped rate thresholds
GJ76 Partner process groups
GJ77 Drilling statistical ratios
GJ78 Producing statistical ratios
GJ81 JV Billing structure
GJ83 JV Automatic posting
GJ84 JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp)
GJ85 JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs)
GJ87 Display summary ledger totals
GJ88 Display billing ledger totals
GJ89 Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates
GJ94 International Cost Calculations
GJ95 North American Overhead Calculations
GJ96 Payroll Burden Clearing
GJ97 Compare FI with JV document
GJ97N JV Document Comparison
GJ98 North America Overhead Detail Report
GJ99 EDI mapping
GJA1 Create joint operating agreement
GJA2 Change joint operating agreement
GJA3 Display joint operating agreement
GJA4 JOA master data catalog
GJA5 Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem
GJA8 JV JOA screen
GJAC Activate JVA in a Client
GJBM GJ BAPI parameter mapping
GJC1 Activate company in JV
GJC2 Deactivate company in JV
GJCA Housebank switching
GJCN Convenience netting
GJCUST JV Customizing
GJEC Pre-Cutback Equity_Change Management
GJF1 Create JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF2 Change JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF3 Display JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF4 Delete JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF5 Execute JV assessment - actual
GJF6 Overview JV assessment
GJF7 Create JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF8 Change JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF9 Display JV assessment cycle - plan
GJFARM_0 view maintenance FARM
GJFARM_1 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_2 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_3 FarmIn/Out Cash Call redetermination
GJFARM_4 FarmIn/Out Cash Call correction
GJFB Execute JV assessment - plan
GJG1 Create JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG2 Change JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG3 Display JV distribution cycle-actual
GJG4 Delete JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG5 Execute JV distribution - actual
GJG6 Overview distribution - actual
GJG7 Create JV distribution cycle -plan
GJG8 Change JV distribution cycle - plan
GJG9 Display JV distribution cycle-plan
GJGA Display JOA graphically
GJGB Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GJGP Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GJL2 C JVA Change Ledger
GJL3 C JVA Display Ledger
GJM1 Mark Prepaid Inventory
GJM2 Display Prepaid Inventory
GJNO Non open item unreal. exchange diff.
GJNR JV Number range customizing
GJP1 JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp)
GJPD Determine CRP pricing procedure
GJPE Display Documents for re-posting
GJPN Partner Netting
GJQ0 CRP Customising Menu
GJQ1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJQ2 Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJQ3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJQ4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJQ5 Create Conditions (CRP)
GJQ6 Change Conditions (CRP)
GJQ7 Display Conditions (CRP)
GJQ8 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
GJQ9 Maintain Recover Ind determination
GJQA Change Condition Table (CRP)
GJQB Change Condition Table (CRP)
GJR1 Summary Ledger Reporting
GJR2 Billing Ledger Reporting
GJRC Cash Call Reclass
GJRCN Cash Call Reclassification
GJRD JV Recovery indicator determination
GJT1 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT1_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Project/Order
GJT2 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT2_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3_OLD Retirement of Venture Owned Assets
GJT4 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT4_OLD Sale of Venture owned assets
GJT5 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT5_OLD Transfer Proj./Order to Proj./Order
GJT6 JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT6_OLD Transfer Project/Order to Asset
GJTE Equity change asset transact. types
GJTG Maintain TransTypeGroup JV Prop.
GJTX Maintain Field Transfers rules for
GJV1 Create Joint Venture Master
GJV2 Change Joint Venture Master
GJV3 Display Joint Venture Master
GJV4 Joint Venture Customizing Menu
GJV5 Display Change Documents JV-Master
GJX1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJX2 Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJXC JV cross company reconciliation
GJY01 Create JV bank account archive
GJY02 Delete archived JV bank account data
GJY03 Reload JV bank account data
GJY04 JV bank archive administration
GJY11 Create JVA event
GJY12 Delete archived JV event data
GJY13 Reload archived JVA event data
GJY14 JVA event archive administration
GJY5 Reporting on JVA-Archives
GJY6 RW/RP Reports for JVA-Archives
GJZ5 Reporting on Billing-Archives
GJZ6 RW/RP Reports for Billing-Archives
JVTT Joint Venture Test Tool
KB27 IAA Enter Other Periods
KB71 JV-Transfer Postings
S_ALN_01002221 Check consistency of intercompany ma

Database Tables

SAP Package GJVA contains 46 database tables.

A441 CRP Pricing with COND CODE
JVKONV IS-Oil / Joint Venture / Data table for CRP pricing data
RGJAFVC470 Control table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU
T8J0P JV billing programs
T8J2D JV Carried Interest Group
T8J2E JV Carried Interest Group Description
T8J8A Drilling Cost Elements - Payroll Burden Clearing
T8J8B Stepped Rate Overhead Rules (JVA)
T8J8C Stepped Rate Thresholds
T8J8D Project Level Stepped Rate Parameters
T8J8E Drilling Statistical Ratios
T8J8F Drilling Statistical Ratio Assignment
T8J8G Producing Statistical Ratios
T8J8H Producing Statistical Ratio Assignment
T8J8I Assigned Producing Statistical Ratio Thresholds
T8J8J Parent Company Overheads
T8J8K Description Stepped Rate Overhead Rules (JVA)
T8J9A Equity Group - JOA level
T8J9B Equity Group Description - JOA level
T8J9C Joint operating agreement partner shares
T8J9F Joint operating agreement class
T8J9G Joint operating agreement class text
T8JC2 Funding Currency by Equity Group
T8JCR JV CRP pricing schema determination
T8JD Valuation type with JV-information
T8JFRM Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRM_ACCT JV Farm In/Out Intercompany adjustment accounts
T8JFRM_D_STP Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRM_D_STP_T Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRM_EG Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRM_STP Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRMT Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Text Table
T8JK Accounts for posting exchange differences
T8JLP Penalty Category Recovery Percentages
T8JOG Partner Process Grouping
T8JOT Text for Partner Process Groups
T8JR List of jobs/reports in JV Reporting
T8JRI JV Recovery indicator determination method
T8JS Billing Structures
T8JST JV Billing Structure Text
T8JU Joint Operating Agreement
T8JUT Joint Operating Agreement Description
T8JVA_PARAM Additional Parameters for JVA
T8JVBCC_HB Housebank for cash call direct bill
T8JZ JV Global Company Parameters
T8JZ_EXT Additional Parameters for JVA company code dependent


SAP Package GJVA contains 68 views.

H_T8J2A Helpview for T8J2A NPI groups
H_T8J3A Helpview for T8J3A (non-operated billing form)
H_T8J4A Help view for Batch names in cas call
H_T8J7D Help view for table T8J7D
H_T8J7E Help view for table T8J7E
H_T8J7F Help view for Table T8J7F
H_T8J8B Helpview for T8J8B
H_T8J8E Helpview for T8J8E
H_T8J8G Helpview for T8J8G
H_T8J9F Helpview for JOA class
H_T8JC Help View for Funding Currencies
H_T8JM Helpview funding groups
H_T8JQ Help View
H_T8JT Helpview for T8Jt (Venture class)
H_T8JY Helpview for T8JY - Billing Format
V_T8J0H Billing format events
V_T8J1A Cutback rules / accounts
V_T8J1B Cutback rules accounts
V_T8J1C Cutback rules / cost centers
V_T8J1D Cutback rules / cost centers
V_T8J1G Cutback rules / orders
V_T8J1H Cutback rules / orders
V_T8J2D View of CI Group Description
V_T8J3A JV Non-operated billing form
V_T8J3C JV Non-Operated Billing Form Line
V_T8J6A JIB/JIBE classes
V_T8J6C JIB/JIBE subclasses
V_T8J6E JV Master data JIB subclass B codes
V_T8J6G JV JIB Account mapping for non-AFE
V_T8J6H JV JIB Account mapping and class
V_T8J6I JV JIB Class and account mapping
V_T8J6K View for Mapping of Billing Ind. to EDI Codes
V_T8J7D JV Project Types
V_T8J7E JV Cost Center Types
V_T8J7F JV Order Type
V_T8J8A JV special cost elements - payroll burden
V_T8J8C JV Stepped rate thresholds
V_T8J8D JV Project level stepped rate parameters
V_T8J8E JV Drilling statistical ratios
V_T8J8G JV Producing statistical ratios
V_T8J9F Joint operating agreement class
V_T8JAC JV Clearing Billing Indicator
V_T8JCR JV CRP Pricing schema determination
V_T8JD JV valuation type
V_T8JFRM Maintain Farm in/out process
V_T8JFRM_EG Farm in/out: List of old equity groups
V_T8JFRM_STP Farm in/out Process Step
V_T8JHF Maintain Field Copy rules for new asset records
V_T8JHL Maintain JV Transfer rules for accounting document
V_T8JHM Define transaction types for line item types
V_T8JHT Transaction type replacement for Cutback of Assets
V_T8JJ Recovery indicator
V_T8JK Account table for exchange differences
V_T8JO Partner
V_T8JOG Partner Process Groups
V_T8JR List of jobs/reports in JV Reporting
V_T8JRI JV Recovery indicator determination method
V_T8JS Billing Structures
V_T8JT Venture class
V_T8JU Joint Operating Agreement (temporary maintenance)
V_T8JVBCC_HB Housebanks for direct cash call billing
V_T8JW View for T8JW
V_T8JX JV Conditional Code
V_T8JY Billing Format
V_T8JZ JV Global company parameters
V_T8JZ1 JV Configuration table


SAP Package GJVA contains 74 structures.

GJV_DATA_8 JV data: (GJV_DATA_3),jv_oco
JVA_CRP_VALUES CRP Values to transfer from CRP calculation to JV Integratio
JVAP_DISP Display Structure for JVAP
JVFIPOST Interface for FI Postings from JV Cutback
JVICMAP Reconcile T8JI with T8J1d/T8j1h/T8j1f
JVKOMF IS-Oil / Joint Venture / KONV-structure
JVKOMK IS-Oil / Joint Venture / KOMK-structure
JVKOMP IS-Oil / Joint Venture / KOMP-structure
JVT8JV Extension for 3.0 Upgrade
RGJV_CR_DOC JVA - Detail fields for cash call roll forward
RGJV_CR_KEY JV - Key fields for cash call reclassification
RGJV_CR_LIST JV - Summary fields for cash call reclassification
RGJV_DOC_HDR JV - Header fields for document display
RGJV_DOC_ITM JV - Item fields for document display
RGJV_DOC_KEY JV - Key fields for document display
RGJV_LI Selection fields for line item report
RGJV_S1 JV Detail line items
RGJV_S2 JV Detail line items
RGJV_SP JV Detail items special fields
RGJVC_APPEND JV Additional Fields
RGJVD I/O fields for Joint Venture Master Transaction (SAPMGJVD)
RGJVIX1 JVA integration manager user exit structure
RT8J9A Structure Equity Group - JOA level
RT8J9C Structure: Joint operating agreement partner shares
ST8J9A Screen Structure for JV MD Equity Group - JOA level
ST8J9C Screen structure Joint operating agreement partner shares
ST8JLP Structure for penalty categories
T8J_GLDBZ Additional reporting fields for GLDBZ in JVA
T8JBBSEG_DI JVA append structure for BBSEG_DI
T8JPOP Fields for Integration Manager Pop-up Screens
T8JVA01 Venture belonging to a joint operating agreement
T8JVA02 Internal structure update T8J9A
T8JVB20 JV Expenditure Detail Data for North America
T8JVB21 JV Expenditure Detail Data for International Version
T8JVB25 JV Supplemental Detail - Invoice
T8JVB26 JV Supplemental detail - Expenditure Detail
T8JVB27 JV Supplemental detail - Expenditure Detail (International)
T8JVB30 Amount fields of summary ledger
T8JVB40 JV SAPscript Suppl. Dtl Rpt - Invoice
T8JVB41 JV SAPscript Suppl. Dtl Rpt - Accounting Doc Header
T8JVB42 JV SAPscript Suppl. Dtl Rpt - Accounting Doc Item
T8JVB43 JV SAPscript Suppl. Dtl Rpt - Expenditure Detail
T8JVB50 Invoice structure for norwegian billing
T8JVB52 Partner and currency table
T8JVBCC JV SAPscript cash call direct Billing
T8JVBCC_EQG Cash Call print - Fields for attachment
T8JVC03 JV Structure for Update of JVTO1 in Cutback
T8JVIN Parameters for installation program RGJVINST
T8JVTCP Partners that are eligible to carry another partner
T8JVTLC Ledger Currency Table
T8JVTSL JV accounting: structure for report selection fieldss
VT8J2C Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J3E Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J8D Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J8F Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J8H Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J8I Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J8J Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J9A Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J9B Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8J9C Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JC Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JC2 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JF Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JFT Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JG Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JI Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JLP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JOVRP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JQ Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JSC Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT8JVORP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package GJVA contains 62 programs.

RGJACD00 Display Change Documents for Joint Operating Agreement
RGJBUR00 Joint Venture Payroll Burden Clearing
RGJCSNRO Reads entries in CSKS to a certain or all controlling areas
RGJDEL00 Delete Joint Venture Master (not posted)
RGJEGH00 OPER Venture-EG List
RGJESC00 Overhead Rate Escalation/Reduction Calculation
RGJGB02_REPAIR Repair program for JV validation syntax error in GBT..JVJ
RGJGLXC3 Deactivate company in JV
RGJGLXCU Activate/Deactivate company in JV
RGJINF00 Joint Venture master data catalog
RGJJVDEL Delete Joint Venture Data of a Company
RGJJVDL1 JV/CO Configuration aids - NOT yet released - status unfinished
RGJJVDL2 JV/CO Configuration aids - NOT yet released - status unfinished
RGJMCD00 Display Change Documents for Joint Venture Master Tables
RGJNOUXD Valuation of foreign curr. balances of GL accounts at a posting period
RGJOAD00 Joint Operating Agreement Detailed Information
RGJOHD00 Joint Venture Overhead Detail
RGJOVR00 Joint Venture Overhead Calculations
RGJV_CC_RECLASS JV Cash Call Reclassification with Rollforward
RGJV_DOC_COMPARE JV document comparison
RGJV_ICMAP_CHECK_ALL Check consistency of intercompany mapping for cutback
RGJVAPCC Access to Automatic Posting Transaction (Cost Calculations)
RGJVATAX Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
RGJVBASW JV Bank Account Switches
RGJVBR23 Norwegian Billing
RGJVBTR0 Vorgänge für Joint Venture anlegen
RGJVBUP2 Change report for jvbx
RGJVCCRC Cash Call Reclassification
RGJVCF00 JVA GL-X Carry Forward Program - RGJVCF00 (JVA GL-X ledgers only)
RGJVCPEG Current Period Equity Group Changes
RGJVEC00 Pre-Cutback Equity Change Management
RGJVEG00 JV Equity Groups
RGJVFARM10 Farm in/out & Re-Determination
RGJVFARM20 Farm IN/Out: Cutback Correction for Inter-Company Partner
RGJVFARMCC Farm IN/Out: Change for billing ledger
RGJVFARMCC1 Prior period equity adjustment
RGJVFARMCC2 Farm IN/Out: Cash Call correction
RGJVGLXT Display of GL/X configuration tables
RGJVHBCH House Bank Switching
RGJVINST JV Installation for a client
RGJVPNET Partner Netting
RGJVREP1 Reporting Summary Ledger
RGJVREP2 Reporting Billing Ledger
RGJVREPO Joint Venture Information System
RGJVSO10 List JV summary items
RGJVSO10_OLD Summary ledger line items
RGJVSO20 JV Billing items
RGJVSO20_OLD Billing ledger line items
RGJVTAXR_NEW Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
RGJVUCUR Funding Currency by Equity Group Update
RGJVUDOC Compare FI/CO/MM document and JV document
RGJVUXDT Unrealized exchange differences
RGJXI30A XPRA to generate GLU1 and Coding
SAPFGJVA JOA maintenance: modulpool for external forms (reading databas tables)
SAPFGJVD Joint Venture Master Maintenance Transaction - External Forms
SAPMGJNR Joint Venture Number Range Customizing
SAPMGJVA Joint Operating Agreement Maintenance Transaction
SAPMGJVD Joint Venture Master Data Maintenance Transaction
SAPUGJVA JOA maintenance: update routines
SAPUGJVD Joint Venture Master Maintenance Transaction - Update Modules
VARDDDIC DDIC information
VARDREPO Report scanner

Search Helps

SAP Package GJVA contains 11 search helps.

H_T8J2A Net Profit Interest Groups
H_T8J3A Non-Operated Billing Form
H_T8J9F JOA Class
H_T8JM Funding Groups
H_T8JQ Help View
H_T8JT Venture Class
H_T8JY Billing Format Master
JVOA Joint Operating Agreement
JVOAA Matchcode ID for Joint Operating Agreement Name
JVOAD Matchcode ID for Joint Operating Agreement Description
MANIPRULE Manipulation rule

Authorization Objects

SAP Package GJVA contains 2 authorization objects.

J_JVA_JOA Joint Venture Accounting: Joint Operating Agreement Master
J_JVA_VNT Joint Venture Accounting: Venture Master