
SAP Package P01B

Payroll: Construction Industry

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The package P01B (Payroll: Construction Industry) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCDE.

Technical Information

Package P01B
Short Text Payroll: Construction Industry
Parent Package HRCDE

Function Groups

SAP Package P01B contains 11 function groups.

0PDE Enhanced table maintenance (generated)
0PDF Enhanced table maintenance (generated)
0PDG Enlarged table maintenance (generated)
0PDH Enhanced table maintenance (generated)
0PDI View Maintenance
HRB0 Reimbursement of expenses
HRB1 HR-DE-CI: Read Construction Sites
HRB3 Const.Ind.: Applications for Infotypes
HRB4 Maintain Construction Sites
HRDM Social Fund - Construction Industry
RPDB HR-D: Payroll con. ind.


SAP Package P01B contains 30 transactions.

HRPAYDEBSA Construction: Display Const.Sites
HRPAYDEBSP Construction, Maintain Cons.Sites
P5DB4 Construction, Maintain Cons.Sites
PC00_M01_A2F2 Team data
PC00_M01_A2F4 Hostels
PC00_M01_A2FG External data
PC00_M01_A2FH Partners
PC00_M01_CBKB BEMEL auflisten
PC00_M01_CBKC Copy Data Medium to Disk
PC00_M01_CBKD Delete Social Fund Procedure
PC00_M01_CBKL List Notifications for SFP
PC00_M01_CBKM Social Fund Statements
PC00_M01_CBKR Display TemSe Object in SFP
PC00_M01_CBKS Statistics for Social Fund Procedure
PC00_M01_CBKT Data Medium for Social Fund
PC00_M01_CBKU Status Change for Social Fund Proc.
PC00_M01_CBKV Notifications for Social Fund
PC00_M01_CBLA Wage Compensation Calculation
PC00_M01_CBLB Wage Compensation Table
PC00_M01_CBLG Business Tax Breakdown
PC00_M01_CBLH Employee Statement for SFP
PC00_M01_CBLI Contribution Statement for SFP
PC00_M01_IBLV BI for Teams/Const.Site Substitution
PC00_M01_LBLE Weekly Report for Hourly Recording
PC00_M01_PLOPE Team Data
PC00_M01_PLOPF Constr.Indus ER External Data 01
PC00_M01_PLOPG Construction Industry hostels 01
PC00_M01_RPUBRCD0 Customizing Bauwirtschaft
PC00_M01_RZBS Assign Destination to Cons. Site
S_PH0_48000427 Bau: Ausbildungsvergütung

Database Tables

SAP Package P01B contains 54 database tables.

PA0189 HR Master Record: Infotype 0189 (Construction Pay: Funds)
PA0190 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0190 (BuildingTradePrevERDat)
PA0191 HR Master Record Infotype 0191 (BuildingTradeReimbursExpens)
PA0192 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0192 (BuildingTrade Attrib)
PA0215 Building Trade Transaction Data
PDBKAD Construction Industry Social Fund:Data Record Administration
PDBKAN Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records ANMEL
PDBKAU Construction Industry Social Fund: AUMEL Data Records
PDBKBE Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: Datensätze BEMEL(Pernr)
PDBKBESUM Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: Datensätze BEMEL(Summe)
PDBKLO Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records LOMEL
PDBKNE Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records NEMEL
PDBKNW Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement
PDBKRA Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records RAMEL
PDBKUR Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records URMEL
T5DB_REISEZIEL Destination of Expenses Construction Industry
T5DB_REISEZIELT PY-DE-CI:Text Table Destination/ Expenses Const. Industry
T5DB_SKBER (SK-)Beitragsbereiche (Entitätentabelle für P01B_SKBER)
T5DB0 Construct.ind: work cooperatives
T5DB1 Training Remuneration
T5DB2 External data for breakdown of trade tax (construction ind.)
T5DB4 HR construction site file
T5DB5 Construction site file work breakdown structure element
T5DB6 Construction site file order
T5DB7 Gang description
T5DB8 Construct.ind: Gang assignment to place of employment
T5DB9 Construction pay evaluation records for SI fund procedure
T5DBA SI fund in the building sector
T5DBB Contributions SI fund - building trade
T5DBC BTrade-Partner of working associations
T5DBD Construct.ind: Meals allow., separation allow., travel costs
T5DBE Constr.ind. company number assignment to SI funds
T5DBF Leave for the construction industry
T5DBG Texts for Building Trade Wages Expenses
T5DBH Building trade attributes
T5DBI Building trade - effect of indicator on transaction data
T5DBJ Texts for Construction Pay Constants
T5DBK Wage type for the building trade - constants
T5DBL Building trade - short indicator transaction data
T5DBM Building trade expenses - taxable valuation
T5DBN Work Key for Construction Industry
T5DBO Building trade expenses: Permissible entries
T5DBP WType for 13th. months income (construction industry)
T5DBQ Texts for Construction Keys
T5DBR Construction industry: Model for working hours flexibility
T5DBS Flexiblity model for working time - texts
T5DBT Building trade - short indicator texts - transaction data
T5DBU Construct.ind: stmnt.wg.types (expenses)
T5DBV Building trade WType cost assign. - hostel
T5DBW Construct.ind: Hostel administration
T5DBX BTrade - Incentive wages connection
T5DBY Construction Pay Data Processing Center / Data Medium SKV
T5DBZ cancellation recs. for data carrier SKV
T5DDE Bauwirtschaft Betriebsnummernzuordnung SKV -Ab JW2002/2003


SAP Package P01B contains 66 views.

H_T5D0T Help view pay scale area grouping
H_T5DB0 Possible entries for work cooperative
H_T5DB7 Gang
H_T5DBA Supplementary Insurance Funds
H_T5DBC Working association
H_T5DBD Construction pay expenses
H_T5DBH Attributes
H_T5DBK Construction pay constants
H_T5DBL Short indicator for transaction data
H_T5DBO Permitted expenses
H_T5DBR Working hours flexibility models
H_T5DBV Permitted hostel for construction pay expenses
H_T5DBW Construction pay residence management
T5DB_REISEZUORD Assign Destination to Construction Site
V_5D03_B Grouping for employee subgroup for BTrade
V_5D0A_D Indicate Absences for Building Trade
V_5D3O_B Process Employee Share for Capital Formation
V_5DB4_B : Workers' Comp. Assoc. and Municipality assignmnt
V_5DB4_D Construction Site: Complete View
V_5DBD_B Constuct.ind : Weekend home journeys
V_5DBD_C Construct.ind: Overnight stays
V_5DBD_D Construct.ind: Reimbursement of travel costs
V_5DBD_E Construct.ind: Meals allowances
V_5DBK_B BTrade - Parameters
V_5DBM_B BTrade - Tax-free Meals
V_5DBM_C BTrade - Tax-free Overnight Stays
V_5DBU_B Construct.ind: stmnt.wg.types for meals
V_5DBU_C Construct. ind: Statement wage types (overnight stays)
V_PDBKAN Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records ANMEL
V_PDBKAU Construction Industry Social Fund: AUMEL Data Records
V_PDBKBE Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: Datensätze BEMEL(Pernr)
V_PDBKLO Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records LOMEL
V_PDBKNE Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records NEMEL
V_PDBKNW Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement
V_PDBKRA Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records RAMEL
V_PDBKUR Construction Industry Social Fund: Data Records URMEL
V_T5D0V Wage Type Characteristics (Building Industry)
V_T5DB_SKBER (SK-)Beitragsbereiche (Entitätentabelle für P01B_SKBER)
V_T5DB0 Construct.ind: work cooperatives
V_T5DB1 Construction Industry: Training Remuneration
V_T5DB2 External data for breakdown of trade tax (construction ind.)
V_T5DB7 Gang description
V_T5DB8 Team : Assignm: Place of empl., wrk sched rle, attributes
V_T5DBA SI fund in the building sector
V_T5DBB Contributions SI fund - building trade
V_T5DBC Partner of working associations
V_T5DBD Construc.ind : Separation allowances
V_T5DBE Company number assignmet for SI funds Constr.industry (DE)
V_T5DBF Leave for the construction industry
V_T5DBH Building trade attributes
V_T5DBH_L Baulohn: Pflege Mitarbeiterattribute
V_T5DBH_M Baulohn: Pflege von Mitarbeiterattributen
V_T5DBI Effects of the short indicator on transaction data
V_T5DBK Construction industry: Constants
V_T5DBL Short indicator for transaction data
V_T5DBM BTrade - Tax free transportation
V_T5DBN Construction Work Key
V_T5DBO Building trade expenses: Set values
V_T5DBP Construction Industry: 13th Salary
V_T5DBR Construction industry: Model for working hours flexibility
V_T5DBU Construct.ind: stmnt.wg.types for trans.costs
V_T5DBV Construction industry: Cost assignment for hostels
V_T5DBW BTrade expenses: hostel administration
V_T5DBX Construction industry: Incentive wage connection
V_T5DDE Bauwirtschaft - Betriebsnummernzuordnung SKV -Ab JW2002/2
VV_5DBK_WAVSW Konstante T5DBK-WAVSW pflegen


SAP Package P01B contains 112 structures.

BNRZU Baulohn: Personalbereich/-teilbereich und Bautyp
DBLEA_RES Rückgabestruktur Merkmal DBLEA
DBLV0_RES Rückgabestruktur Merkmal DBLV0
FAHRT_WOHNUNG_ARBEIT Felder Fahrt Wohnung - Arbeit aus PS0191
HRPAYDECI_KONTOSTAND Structure for Account Balance Display Flexi with ALV
HRPAYDECI_PERNRENAME Personnel Number with Name
P01_DBAUURLA Urlaubsaufbau Bauwirtschaft
P0189 HR Master Record: Infotype 0189 (Construction Pay: Funds)
P0189_AF Additional query fields
P0190 HR Master Record: Infotype 0190 (Construction Pay: Prev. ER)
P0190_AF Additional query fields
P0191 Personnel Master Data Record Infotype 0191 (BuildTradeBenef)
P0191_AF Additional query fields
P0192 HR Master Data: Infotype 0192 (Construction Pay: Assignment)
P0192_AF Additional Query Fields
P01B_BAUTY_R Bautypen-Range
P01B_BETRG_LGART Betrag und Lohnart
P01B_FLEXI_PROTO_SAMMLE HR: PY-DE-CI Flexible Working Hours Log Table
P01B_WA_CONST CI: Constants to Determine Winter Compensation
P0215 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0215 (ConstrWTypeTransData)
P0215_AF Additional query fields
PC28A Payroll result: Building Trade SI Fund Process
PC28B Payroll Result: Building Trade Time Data
PS0189 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0189 (BuildTrade SI Fund)
PS0190 Building Trade Wages Previous Employer Data
PS0191 Constr.ind. : Meal allow./travel costs/separation allow.
PS0192 Personnel Master Record 0192 (Building Trade: Assignment)
PS0215 Building Trade Transaction Data
PTDB_ADDRESS Construction Industry Social Fund: Address Structure
PTDB_ADRE Construction Industry Social Fund: Address Structure
PTDB_ADRE_EXT Construction Industry Social Fund: Address Structure
PTDB_ANWS Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement
PTDB_BKAN Data Record ANMEL:Reg/Deregistrations/Amendments Master Data
PTDB_BKAU Data Record AUMEL: Notification of Training Reimbursement
PTDB_BKBE Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: Datensätze BEMEL
PTDB_BKBEZU Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: BEMEL Zusatzdaten
PTDB_BKBI Basis Information for Data Records for SFP
PTDB_BKDA SFP: Sender Information for Data Medium
PTDB_BKDT SFP: Output Table for Data Medium in RPCBKTD0
PTDB_BKER Data Record ERMEL: Balance of Mthly Notifications for DME
PTDB_BKES SFP: Data Record ERMEL: Balance of Monthly Notifications
PTDB_BKEY Key Information for Data Records for SFP
PTDB_BKEY_BEMEL Schlüsselinformation für Datensätze zum SKV - BEMEL
PTDB_BKID Identifiation of Notifications for Social Fund Procedure
PTDB_BKLO Data Recrod LOMEL: Reimbursement of Wage Compensation
PTDB_BKNE Initial Notification for Account Opening in Social Fund
PTDB_BKNW Employee Statement for Social Fund Procedure (Version 04)
PTDB_BKRA Data Record RAMEL: Remaining Leave Youth/Trainee Year
PTDB_BKSU Data Record SUMEL: Total of Monthly Notifications
PTDB_BKSV Data Record SUMEL: Total of Monthly Notifications for DME
PTDB_BKUR Data Record URMEL: Monthly Leave Entitlements
PTDB_BSZE Construction Industry Social Fund: Employment Periods
PTDB_ERME Data Record ERMEL: Total of Monthly Notifications
PTDB_ERMS DR ERMEL: Balance of Monthly Notifications
PTDB_KABGL Struktur für Urlaubskontenabgleich SK -> SAP -System
PTDB_SENDER Bauwirtschaft Sozialkassenverfahren: Struktur Sender
PTDB_SUMD Data Record SUMEL: Total of Monthly Notifications for DME
PTDB_SUME Data Record SUMEL: Total of Monthly Notifications
PTDB_V125 Sozialkasse mit Betriebskontonummer
PTDB_ZEIT Structure for Time Adjustment
PTDB1 Input Structure for RP_GET_BAUSTELLE
PTDB2 Output Structure for RP_GET_BAUSTELLE
PTDB3 Include structure for construction sites fields
PTDB3_TXT Text Fields for Fields from Structure PTDB3
PTDB4 Return structure: Compress C1 for HR_COMPRESS_C1
PTDB6 Construction Sites: Account Assignment Objects
PTDBA Construct.ind. expenses : Meals/separation allowance
PTDBAB_AB_PROT Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Fehlerliste
PTDBAB_DIFF_FIELD Bau-SKV: Tiefe Struktur für Differenzliste der Felder
PTDBAB_KEY Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Key
PTDBAB_KEY_DISP Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Key
PTDBAB_SK Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich allg. Struktur
PTDBAB_SKBASIS Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Daten für SKDATA und SKCOMP
PTDBAB_SKBASISFILE Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Datensatz aus Datei
PTDBAB_SKCOMP Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Datensatz aus Datei konvertiert
PTDBAB_SKDATA Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Daten aus SAP
PTDBAB_SKERROR Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Fehlerliste
PTDBAB_SKFILE Bau-SKV: Kontenabgleich Datensatz aus Datei
PTDBB Construct.ind. expenses : Weekend home journeys
PTDBC Construct.ind. expenses : Reimburs.trans.costs
PTDBD Intercomp. prof. and loss: Constr. ind. soc. fnds proc. ext.
PTDBE Intercomp. prof. and loss: Constr. ind. soc.fnds proc. contr
PTDBF Intercomp. prof. and loss: Constr. ind. soc.fnds proc. contr
PTDBG Intercomp. prof. and loss: Constr. ind. soc.fnds proc. contr
PTDBH Intercomp. prof. and loss: Const. ind leave interface URLG/N
PTDBI Intercomp. prof. and loss: Const. ind leave interface URLG/N
PTDBJ Flexible Working Hours Policy
PTDBK ConIndLeave: Employment Days and Adjustment Amounts
PTDBKAN_05 ANMEL - Sozialkassenverfahren Version 05
PTDBKAU_05 AUMEL - Sozialkassenverfahren Version 05
PTDBKBE_05 URMEL - Sozialkassenverfahren Version 05
PTDBKLO_05 LOMEL - Sozialkassenverfahren Version 05
PTDBKUR_05 URMEL - Sozialkassenverfahren Version 05
PTDBL URLG: Granting of Vacation Bonus / Add. Vacation Bonus
PTDBM Employee Statement for Social Fund Procedure
PTDBN Output Table Contribution Statement
PTDBO Selection Table for Contribution Statement
PTDBS SFP: Statistic Generation
PTDBX SFP: Statistics for Notifications
Q0189 Screen fields for infotype 0189 ( SI procedures)
Q0190 Sreen fields for Infotype 0190 (Building Trade Previous ER)
Q0191 Construction pay expenses
Q0192 Screen Field for Infotpye 0192 (Building Trade WTypes: Assg)
Q0215 Screen fields for construction industry transaction data
Q0215K Screen Fields for Construction Transaction Data Calendar
RPCBLXXX Structure for Report Parameters - Building Trade
RPLBLED0 Parameter string for report RPLBLED0
SELTAB_5DB4 Construction Site Maintenance: Structure for Table Control
T5DB9_BAS Basis information fields for T5DB9
T5DB9_KEY Key field for T5DB9 (without client)
T5DBF_BTAG Transfer Structure T5DBF for HR_DE_CI_BTAG
UNTERKUNFT_FAHRT_U_A Felder Unterkunft und Fahrt Unterkunft - Arbeit aus PS0191


SAP Package P01B contains 30 programs.

MP018900 Module Pool Infotype P0189 (Wage for Constr. - SI Cash Office)
MP019100 Module Pool: Construction Industry Expenses Infotype (0191)
MP019200 Module Pool for IT 0192 (Assign Construction Pay)
MP021500 Module pool for constr.industry infotype: Transaction data (0215)
RPCBKLD0 Construction Industry: Display Notifications for Social Fund Procedure
RPCBKMD0 Construction Industry: SFP Employee Statement
RPCBKSD0 Construction Industry: Create Statistics for Social Fund Procedure
RPCBKTD0 Construction Industry: Create Data Medium for Social Fund
RPCBKVD0 Construction Industry: Create Notifications for Social Fund Procedure
RPCBLAD0 Construction Industry: Calculation of Lost Earnings Compensation
RPCBLBD0 WageConstr: Wage Adjustment Table
RPCBLGD0 Breakdown of Trade Tax: Construction Industry
RPCBLHD0 Construction Industry: Employee Statement for Social Fund Procedure
RPCBLID0 Construction industry: Contribution statement for social fund proc.
RPCKULDB Payroll List for RHC/ZWG/WG/WAG (Construction Industry) before 1998
RPIBLVD0 Batch Input for Teams/Construction Site Substitution
RPLBLAD0 Selection of personnel numbers for fast entry - Construction industry
RPLBLED0 Construct.Ind: Week Report for Time Recording
RPLBLTD0 Construct.Ind: Time Leveling
RPU_M01_BAU_RZBS Assign Destination to Construction Site
RPU31G01 Conversion of Contribution Table T5DBB (BSATZ->BSATZ/BBETR) (XPRA)
RPU31HD0 HR-DE-CON: Conversion of tables T5DB5, T5DB6 -> T5DB4
RPU46AD0_T5DBR XPRA: Fill new fields (EINKG, VORKG) in T5DBR
RPUBKAD0 Construction Industry: Change Status of Notifications in SFP
RPUBKBD0 Const.Industry: Copy Social Fund Data Medium to Diskette
RPUBKCD0 Const.Industry: Display Data Medium for Social Fund
RPUBKDD0 Construction Industry: Delete Notifications for Social Fund Procedure

Search Helps

SAP Package P01B contains 16 search helps.

H_T5D0T Help view pay scale area grouping
H_T5DB0 Possible entries for work cooperative
H_T5DB7 Teams
H_T5DBA Pension Funds
H_T5DBC Working association
H_T5DBD Construction pay expenses
H_T5DBH Attributes
H_T5DBK Construction pay constants
H_T5DBL Short indicator for transaction data
H_T5DBO Permitted expenses
H_T5DBR Working hours flexibility models
H_T5DBV Permitted hostel for construction pay expenses
H_T5DBW Construction pay residence management
P01B_SOZIALKASSENNUMMER Sozialkassennummer Bauwirtschaft

Message Classes

SAP Package P01B contains 1 message classes.

HRPAYDECI HR: Personalabrechnung Bauwirtschaft

Authorization Objects

SAP Package P01B contains 1 authorization objects.

P_DBAU_SKV HR: DBAU: Construction pay in Germany - social funds proced.