
SAP Package P05T

Steuer: Niederlande

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The package P05T (Steuer: Niederlande) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCNL.

Technical Information

Package P05T
Short Text Steuer: Niederlande
Parent Package HRCNL

Function Groups

SAP Package P05T contains 4 function groups.

0PN8 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PNL_WCR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPAYNLLA Function Modules for the Wage Return
HRPAYNLLA_XI Function Modules for the Wage Return


SAP Package P05T contains 31 transactions.

PC00_M05_B2ACHECK Check B2A Settings
PC00_M05_CEDK Process response message
PC00_M05_CEDM Create Day-one-announcement
PC00_M05_CEDZ B2A Manager
PC00_M05_CLAA Close Wage Return
PC00_M05_CLAD1 Wage Return: Data Download (TemSe)
PC00_M05_CLAF Classify Wage Return Error
PC00_M05_CLAJ Annual Wage Return
PC00_M05_CLAK Process Response Messages
PC00_M05_CLAL Display Wage Return Data
PC00_M05_CLAL1 Wage Return: Display Data
PC00_M05_CLAO Set Wage Return Status to Sent
PC00_M05_CLAR Display Responses Messages
PC00_M05_CLAS Create Wage Return File
PC00_M05_CLAV Collect Wage Return Data
PC00_M05_CLAZ B2A Manager
PC00_M05_CVZA Create registrations/deregistrations
PC00_M05_CVZD Download transfer file
PC00_M05_CVZP Select persons for registration
PC00_M05_CVZU Upload transfer file
PC00_M05_CVZZ B2A Manager
PC00_M05_CWCE Extract WCR Data
PC00_M05_CWCR WCR Administration tool
PC00_M05_LLAE Collective returns overview
PC00_M05_UCVZ Entry of De-/Registr. or Updates
PC00_M05_UEDM Enter Day-one-announcements manually
PC00_M05_UITW Manual Entry of Transfer File
PC00_M05_ULAC Check Customizing
PC00_M05_ULAE Check Master Data
PC00_M05_UTAE_DIS Display Collective ER Data
PC00_M05_UTAE_UPD Change Collective ER Data

Database Tables

SAP Package P05T contains 65 database tables.

P05T_A_EXT Wage Return: Collective Employer Data - Wage Return
P05T_AE_AANG_CUM Wage Return: Cumulated Values Collective
P05T_AE_AANGIFTE Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Collective Return
P05T_AE_ADM Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Admin. Table
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Status Table
P05T_AE_CORSALDO Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Balance Adjustments
P05T_AE_WGF Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Redundancy Pay Scheme
P05T_AE_WGF_CUM Wage Return: Administrative Unit: Sect/Risk Group Cumulated
P05T_CORR_REL Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections
P05T_CR_CUST Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections (Customer)
P05T_CR_TABS Wage Return: Tables with Correction Relevant Fields
P05T_CUM_KENT Wage Return: Cumulation Wage Types for Indicator
P05T_CURR_NUMIV Wage Return: current IR number
P05T_CURR_VNR_JR Wage Return: Current sequence number per year
P05T_CURR_VOLGNR Wage Return: Current Sequence Number
P05T_CVZ_HEADER Header Lines of HCIB Transfer File
P05T_CVZ_REG HCIB: Registration/Deregistration Table
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT Data for Registration with/Deregistration from HCIB
P05T_CVZ_UITW CVZ: Tabel voor uitwisselingsbestand
P05T_EDM_PERSOON Personal data for Day-one-announcement (EDM)
P05T_IV_AA_BSN Wage Return: Cumulated Values for BSN Changers
P05T_IV_AANG_CUM Wage Return: Cumulated Values per Income Relationship
P05T_IV_AANGIFTE Wage Return: Income Relationship - Nominative Return
P05T_IV_ADM Wage Return: Income Relationship - Admin. Table
P05T_IV_ADM_STAT Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status Table
P05T_IV_DA Wage Return: Income Relationship - Return Data
P05T_IV_DA_BSN Wage Return: Other Cumulated Return Data
P05T_IV_DA_CUM Wage Return: Other Cumulated Return Data
P05T_IV_INKPER Loonaangifte: Inkomstenverhouding - Inkomstenperiode
P05T_IV_INKPERSA Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income Period SI
P05T_IV_PERSOON Wage Return: Income Relationship - Personal Data
P05T_IV_RG Wage Return: Income Relationship - Risk Group Sector
P05T_IV_RG_CUM Wage Return: Income Relationship: Sect./Riskgrp. cumulated
P05T_IV_SA Wage Return: Income Relationship - Special Indicators
P05T_JLO_DATA Data for Annual Wage Return
P05T_JLO_FIELDS Use of table fields for Annual Wage Return
P05T_JLO_HEADER Data and heading for Annual Wage Return CSV transfer file
P05T_JLO_STAT Annual Wage Return status
P05T_KENT_CUST Wage Return: Customer Indicator Customizing
P05T_KENT_TXT Wage Return: Indicator Text Table
P05T_KENTEKEN Wage Return: Indicator
P05T_LL_SPLIT Aangifte LH: Splitting of life-course saving scheme payments
P05T_MAX_NUMIV Wage Return: highest assigned IR number so far
P05T_MFTP Possible Incorrect Nominative Contribution
P05T_NO_XML_TAG Wage Return: Text Table Feature without XML Tags
P05T_NOM_ERROR Errors in Nominative Returns
P05T_RESP_LINE Wage Return: Table for Response Message Errors
P05T_RESP_LINE_A Wage Return: Table for Resp. Message Errors (Add. Fields)
P05T_RESP2LA Wage Return: Relationsh.Between Response Msg and Wage Return
P05T_RESPONSE Wage Return: Table for Response Messages
P05T_SOM_KENT Wage Return: Indicators
P05T_T_WCR_CODE Codes for the Work Cost Regulation
P05T_T_WCR_CODET WCR Code Description
P05T_TIMEFRAME Timeframe About Which a Response Message Contains Data
P05T_UITS_KENT Indicator Exclusion
P05T_WCR_EE_DATA WCR Data on Employee Level
P05T_WCR_ER_DATA WCR Data on Employer Level
P05T_WCR_ER_INFO WCR Info on Employer Level
P05T_WCR_FL WCR: Final Levy and Final Settlement
P05T_WCR_PROT WCR Protocol Table
P05T_WCR_STAT WCR Status Table
P05T_XML_KENT Wage Return: XML Tag Mapping Indicator
P05T_XML_VERSION Wage Return: Versions
T5N1U Check Table for Employer
T5N76 Municipal Personal Records Database [GBA] Code Countries


SAP Package P05T contains 38 views.

V_5N14_CATT Maintenance View for T5N14 (CATT)
V_CVZ_UITW_PERNR View for direct access from HCIB extractor
V_P05T_A_EXT Collective Employer Data - Wage Return
V_P05T_CORR_REL Wage Return: Correction Relevance of Table Fields
V_P05T_CR_CUST Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections (Customer)
V_P05T_CR_TABS Wage Return: Correction Relevant Tables
V_P05T_CUM_KENT Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_P05T_CVZ_HEAD Maintenance View for HCIB File Fields
V_P05T_CVZ_REG Person Registration to/Deregistration from HCIB
V_P05T_CVZ_UITW Maintain Error Messages for HCIB Files Manually
V_P05T_EDM_PERS Personal data for Day-one-announcement (EDM)
V_P05T_IV_SA Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_P05T_JLO_FIELD Mapping of fields for Annual Wage Return
V_P05T_JLO_HEAD View for content determination of fields in the AWR
V_P05T_KENT_SAP Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_P05T_KENTEKEN Wage Return: Indicator
V_P05T_LL_SPLIT Splitting of Life-Course Saving Scheme Payments
V_P05T_NO_TAG Wage Return: Text Table Feature without XML Tags
V_P05T_SOM_KENT Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_P05T_UITS_KENT Wage Return: Exclusion of Indicators
V_P05T_XML_KENT Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_P05T_XML_VERS Wage Return: SAP Internal
V_T5N14_WCR Additional Legal Person Data for the Work Cost Regulation
V_T5N1U Employer
V_T5N76 GBA Codes
V_WCR_UPDATE WCR: Manual Update of Collective Employer Data
VV_P05T_CVZ_HEAD_AA Check format of HCIB registration/deregistration file
VV_P05T_CVZ_HEAD_UIT Check format of HCIB transfer file
VV_P05T_KENT_SAP_LACA Indicator with Subapplication LACA
VV_P05T_KENT_SAP_LACS Indicator with Subapplication LACS
VV_P05T_KENT_SAP_LANA Indicator with Subapplication LANA
VV_T50BK_NL_CVZ B2A manager parameters for HCIB return
VV_T50BK_NL_EDM B2A manager parameters for Day-one-announcement (EDM)
VV_T50BK_NL_LA06 B2A Manager Parameters for Wage Return
VV_T596D_NL_CVZ HCIB start date
VV_T596D_NL_LA06 Start Date Wage Return
VV_T596I_LACL Wage Type Assignment to Cumulation Wage Types Appl. LACL


SAP Package P05T contains 65 structures.

P05T_A_EXT_ALV Collective Employer Data: ALV Display
P05T_AE_AANG_CUM_ALV Wage Return: Cumulated Values Collective
P05T_AE_AANGIFTE_ALV Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Collective Return
P05T_AE_AANGIFTE_OVERVIEW Wage Return: Overview of available payroll taxes returns
P05T_AE_AANGIFTE_OVW_DISP Display structure for collective return data (RPLLAEN0)
P05T_AE_AANGIFTE_VIEWER Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Collective Return
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT_ALV Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Status Table
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT_C Wage Return: Adm. Unit - Status and Period Type
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT_F4 Wage Return: Structure for Displaying F4 Help
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT_VIEWER Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Status Table
P05T_AE_ADM_VIEWER Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Admin. Table
P05T_AE_CORSALDO_VIEWER Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Balance Adjustments
P05T_AE_WGF_ALV Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Sector fund contribution
P05T_AE_WGF_CUM_ALV Wage Return: Administrative Unit: Sect/Risk Group Cumulated
P05T_AE_WGF_VIEWER Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Redundancy Pay Scheme
P05T_B2A_STATES Status of B2A Manager Entry
P05T_CVZ_DETAIL_OVERZ Details HCIB Amount Overview
P05T_CVZ_DETAIL_OVERZICHT Details HCIB Amount Overview
P05T_CVZ_UITW_ALV Structuur voor ALV-weergave van P05T_CVZ_UITW
P05T_EDM_DAQ_ADEE Administrative unit (DAQ)
P05T_EDM_DAQ_DIBE Employment (DAQ)
P05T_EDM_DAQ_EDMT Day-one-announcement (DAQ)
P05T_EDM_DAQ_PERS Natural person (DAQ)
P05T_GLBID_DATA B2A Manager Status
P05T_INDICATORS Wage Return: Indicators (kenteken)
P05T_IV_AA_BSN_ALV Wage Return: Cumulated Values for BSN Changers
P05T_IV_AANG_CUM_ALV Wage Return: Cumulated Values per Income Relationship
P05T_IV_AANGIFTE_ALV Wage Return: Income Relationship - Employee data
P05T_IV_AANGIFTE_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Nominative Return
P05T_IV_ADM_STAT_ALV Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status Table
P05T_IV_ADM_STAT_C Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status and Type
P05T_IV_ADM_STAT_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status Table
P05T_IV_ADM_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Admin. Table
P05T_IV_DA_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Return Data
P05T_IV_INKPER_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income Period
P05T_IV_INKPERSA_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income Period SI
P05T_IV_PERSOON_ALV Wage Return: Income Relationship - Personal Data
P05T_IV_PERSOON_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Personal Data
P05T_IV_RG_ALV Wage Return: Income Relationship - Risk Group Sector
P05T_IV_RG_CUM_ALV Wage Return: Income Relationship: Sect./Riskgrp. cumulated
P05T_IV_RG_VIEWER Wage Return: Income Relationship - Risk Group Sector
P05T_JLO_OVERVIEW_ALV Overview for Annual Wage Return (for ALV in RPCLAJN0)
P05T_JUPER_RANGE_STRUC Wage Return: LePer Selection (Structure)
P05T_KENT_MAPPING Structure for Mapping Indicators to Fields in Viewer
P05T_KENT_OVW_ALV Structure f.Displaying P05T_KENTEKEN, P05T_CUM_KENT, T596I/J
P05T_LA_XRT Wage Return: Detailed Result Table (RT) Structure
P05T_MAX_SEQNO Wage Return: Maximum Sequence Number in a period
P05T_NOM_AANGIFTE Structure for Displaying Nominative Return in Viewer
P05T_PARAMETER_LIST Wage return: Parameter list
P05T_PERNR_RANGE_STRUC Wage return: Pernr Selection (Structure)
P05T_RESP_LINE_ALV Wage Return: Table for Response Message Errors
P05T_RG_DESCRIPTION Wage Return: Description of sector risk group
P05T_S_KEY Wage Return: Collective Key for Wage Return 2006 Table
P05T_S_KEY_IV Wage Return: Collective Key for WR 2006 Table
P05T_SA_TXT Wage Return: Special indicator
P05T_STATUS_RANGE_STRUC Wage Return: Status Selection (Structure)
P05T_STATUS_TXT Wage Return: Return Status and Status Text
P05T_WCR_KEY WCR: Shared Key for WCR Tables
P05T_WCR_RPCWCRN0_DATA_ALV Data part for ALV structure for RPCWCRN0
P05T_WCR_RPLWCEN0_ALV Display Structure for Report RPLCWCEN0
P05T_XML_LINE Wage Return General XML String
PMENC Wage Return (NL): Structure for Feature NLINK
PMENW Detailed Structure for WCR Features


SAP Package P05T contains 47 programs.

RPCEDKN0 Day-one-announcement: Process response message
RPCEDMN0 Create Day-one-announcement
RPCEDZN0 Day-one-announcement: B2A manager
RPCLAAN0 Close Wage Return
RPCLACN0 Wage Return: Balancing Data (Balancer)
RPCLADN1 Wage Return: Display Data (TemSe Download)
RPCLAFN0 Wage Return: Classifying Errors
RPCLAJN0 Annual Wage Return
RPCLAKN0 Wage Return: Processing Response Messages
RPCLAKN0_OLD Wage Return: Processing Response Messages
RPCLALN0 Wage Return: Displaying Data (Viewer)
RPCLALN1 Wage Return: Display Data (Viewer) New
RPCLAON0 Wage Return: Set Status to Sent
RPCLARN0 Display response messages
RPCLASN0 Wage Return: Creating Files (Composer)
RPCLASN0_MAP01 Wage Return: XML Composer - Mapping (Versions >= 2.22)
RPCLASN0_MAP02 Wage Return: XML Composer - Mapping (Versions >= 3.1)
RPCLASN0_MAP03 Wage Return: XML Composer - mapping (version 2007)
RPCLAVN0 Wage Return: Collecting Data (Extractor)
RPCLAXN0 ISO compliant date conversion in wage returns provided every 4 weeks
RPCLAZN0 Wage Return: B2A Manager
RPCVZAN0 HCIB: Create Registrations/Deregistrations
RPCVZDN0 HCIB: Download Transfer File
RPCVZPN0 Select Persons for Registration with/Deregistration from HCIB
RPCVZUN0 HCIB: Upload Transfer File
RPCVZZN0 HCIB return: B2A manager
RPCWCEN0 WCR Extractor
RPCWCRN0 WCR Administration Tool
RPLCVZN0 HCIB Return: Annual Overview
RPLLAEN0 Wage return: Collective return overview
RPUCVZN0 Care Insurance Board: Manual Entry of De-/Registrations or Updates
RPUITWN0 Care Insurance Board: Manual Entry of Transfer File
RPULACN0 Wage Return: Checking Customizing
RPULADN0 Delete Wage Return
RPULAEN0 Wage Return: Checking Master Data
RPULALN0 Wage Return: Downloading XML Display for Return from TemSe
RPUTAEN0_DISPLAY Wage Return: Displaying Collective ER Data
RPUTAEN0_UPDATE Wage Return: Changing Collective ER Data

Search Helps

SAP Package P05T contains 5 search helps.

H_P05T_KENT_CUST Wage Return Indicator
H_P05T_KENT_SAP Wage Return: Search Help for SAP Internal Tables
H_P05T_KENTEKEN Wage Return Indicator
H_P05T_T_WCR_CODE Search help for WCR Codes
H_T5N1U Searchhelp for T5N1U (Employer)

Message Classes

SAP Package P05T contains 2 message classes.

HRPAYNLLA Meldingen voor Loonaangifte Nederland
HRPAYNLLA_EN Error Messages for Wage Return NL

Authorization Objects

SAP Package P05T contains 2 authorization objects.

P_NL_AEDM HR: Authorization object for Day-one-announcement
P_NL_LA06 HR: Authorization Object for Wage Return 2006