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Check it out on →The package P08P_HER (HR Public Sector Great Britain (Higher Education)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCGB.
Package | P08P_HER |
Short Text | HR Public Sector Great Britain (Higher Education) |
Parent Package | HRCGB |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 22 function groups.
0GPBSH_HESA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_ALL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_CLIN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_GSALC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_HER | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_HESA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_MD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_T52D7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_USS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_USSC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRGPBS_ALL | Function Group for Table T5GPBS_ALL |
HRGPBS_CLIN | Clinical Details functions |
HRGPBS_FILE_SERVER | File Server Handling |
HRGPBS_HER | HER Function Modules |
HRGPBS_HESA | HESA: Service modules |
HRGPBS_HESA_MASTER_DATA | HESA: Modules for Master Data |
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR | Service modules for HESA NISR |
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_CHECK | Check for HESA NISR validation |
HRGPBS_PROFQ | Professional qualification |
HRGPBS_TEMSE | TemSe Handling |
HRGPBS_USS1_ALV | USS Contributions ALV Output |
HRGPBS_USS2_ALV | USS Salary Changes ALV Output |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 16 transactions.
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C01 | HESA NISR new records conversion |
HRGPBS_HESA_NISR_C02 | Batch input for HESA NISR |
HRGPBS_SNRO | Number Range Maintenance |
HRGPBS_SNRO_HESA | Number Range for HESA Staff ID |
HRGPBS_TEMSE_TO_PC | Public Sector GB (TemSe to PC) |
HRGPBSSNORP08_HESA | Number range maintenace P08_HESA |
OO_GB_HESA_01 | HR: Set up GB HESA Institution Code |
PC00_M08_USS_CONTRIB | USS Contributions |
PC00_M08_USS_SALARY | USS Salary Changes |
S_KI4_55000312 | Download Data Medium to Disk |
S_KI4_55000313 | HESA Reporting (Interface to ALV) |
S_KI4_55000314 | USS Contributions (Interface to ALV) |
S_KI4_55000315 | USS Salary Changes (Interface to ALV |
S_PI6_40000223 | Check occupational categories |
S_PI6_40000224 | Map Job Keys to Occup. Categories |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 63 database tables.
PA0614 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0614 |
PA0615 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0615 |
PA0616 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0616 |
PA0617 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0617 |
PA0618 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0618 |
PA0624 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0624 |
PAPBSGB_HESA_C | HESA Archive table for NISR Contract table |
PAPBSGB_HESA_GR | HESA Archive table for NISR Grade table |
PAPBSGB_HESA_P | HESA: Archive table for NISR Person table |
T5GPBS_ALL | ALL Constants & Texts (as required) |
T5GPBS_ALLT | ALL Text Table |
T5GPBSC_BAS | Hospital |
T5GPBSC_BAST | Hospital text |
T5GPBSC_CGR | Honorary NHS Status |
T5GPBSC_CTY | HESA: Contract types |
T5GPBSC_HON | Honorary NHS Status |
T5GPBSC_HONT | Honorary NHS Status text |
T5GPBSC_NHS | HESA: Assignment of NHS Contract Grade to Honorary Status |
T5GPBSC_RBD | HESA: Regulatory body (clinical) |
T5GPBSC_REG | Registration type |
T5GPBSC_REGT | Registration type text |
T5GPBSC_RTB | HESA: Assignment of Regulatory body to Registration type |
T5GPBSC_SPE | Clinical Specialty |
T5GPBSC_SPET | Clinical Specialty text |
T5GPBSC_TRU | Health Trust |
T5GPBSC_TRUT | Health Trust text |
T5GPBSH_CCT2 | HESA: Cost centre (HEFCE) |
T5GPBSH_CHA | Mapping of Challenge group to disability |
T5GPBSH_COD | not used |
T5GPBSH_CODT | not used |
T5GPBSH_CTY | HESA: Contract types |
T5GPBSH_CTYT | HESA: Contract types (text) |
T5GPBSH_DES | HESA: Destination on leaving - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_DES2 | HESA: Destination on leaving |
T5GPBSH_DEST | HESA: Destination on leaving (text) - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_DIS | Academic disciplines |
T5GPBSH_DIS2 | Academic disciplines |
T5GPBSH_DIST | Academic disciplines text table |
T5GPBSH_ETH | HESA: Mapping of ethnicitiy code |
T5GPBSH_ETH2 | HESA: Mapping of ethnicitiy code |
T5GPBSH_GRA | HESA: Grade structure |
T5GPBSH_GRAT | HESA: Grade structure (text) |
T5GPBSH_OCC | HESA: Occupational categories |
T5GPBSH_OCCT | HESA: Occupational categories (text) |
T5GPBSH_PRV | HESA: Employment in previous year - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_PRV2 | HESA: Previous Employment |
T5GPBSH_PRVT | HESA: Employment in previous year (text) - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_PSB | HESA: Principal source of basic salary |
T5GPBSH_PSBT | HESA: Principal source of basic salary (text) - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_QUD2 | HESA: Highest academic qualification held |
T5GPBSH_RAE | HESA: Acitve in 1996 Research Assessment Exercise |
T5GPBSH_RAE2 | HESA: Active in 2001 and 2008 Research Assessment Exercise |
T5GPBSH_RAET | HESA: Acitve in 1996 Research Assessment Exercise |
T5GPBSH_SSB | HESA: Secondary source of basic salary |
T5GPBSH_SSBT | HESA: Secondary source of basic salary (text) - obsolete |
T5GPBSH_UOA | HESA: Unit of Assessment |
T5GPBSH13 | HESA: Occupational categories for HE jobs |
T5GPBSQ_ACQ | Academic qualification - obsolete |
T5GPBSQ_ACQ2 | Academic qualification |
T5GPBSQ_ACQT | Academic qualification text table |
T5GPBSQ_PRO | Professional Body |
T5GPBSQ_STA | Membership Status |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 45 views.
V_P08P_USSC | Interface Control File Maintenance |
V_T52D7_GB | Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups |
V_T52D7_GB_TPOL | TPS View T52D7 Outer London Allowance |
V_T52D7_GB_USS1 | View T52D7: (USS Contributions Interface: Contributions) |
V_T52D7_GB_USS2 | View T52D7: (USS Contributions Interface: AVCs) |
V_T52D7_GB_USS3 | View T52D7: (USS Contributions Interface: Continued AVCs) |
V_T52D7_GB_USS4 | View T52D7: (USS Contributions Interface: Exceptions) |
V_T52D7_GB_USS5 | View T52D7: (USS Salary Changes Interface: Exceptions) |
V_T539J_GB | Base Wage Type Valuation |
V_T5GPBS_ALL | All Contants & Texts (as required) |
V_T5GPBS_ALL1 | Contants: ONE RECORD ONLY (Field & Text) |
V_T5GPBS_ALL2 | Constants: ONE RECORD ONLY (Field only) |
V_T5GPBS_ALLHECA | Always use notional salary for casual staff |
V_T5GPBS_ALLHEGL | Go live |
V_T5GPBS_ALLHESA | HESA: Notional Annual Salary for Casual Employees |
V_T5GPBS_ALLHEST | HESA: Treshold (%) for annual salary calculaiton (NISR) |
V_T5GPBS_USS | USS Interface Pension Schemes |
V_T5GPBSC_HON | Honorary NHS status view |
V_T5GPBSC_NHS | HESA: Assignment of NHS Contract Grade to Honorary Status |
V_T5GPBSC_REG | Registration type |
V_T5GPBSC_RTB | HESA: Assignment of registration body to registration type |
V_T5GPBSH_CHA | HESA: Mapping of Challenge Group to Disability Code |
V_T5GPBSH_CTY | HESA: Contract types |
V_T5GPBSH_DES | HESA: Destination on leaving (maintenance view) |
V_T5GPBSH_DIS | Mapping of academic discipline to HESA code |
V_T5GPBSH_ETN | HESA: Mapping of ethnicity to codes |
V_T5GPBSH_GRA | HESA: Grade structure (maintenance) |
V_T5GPBSH_IS_O | Institution Identifier - non HESA |
V_T5GPBSH_IS_SHA | All Institution Identifiers (Help view) |
V_T5GPBSH_OCC | HESA: Occupational categories (maintenance) |
V_T5GPBSH_PRV | HESA: Employment in previous year (maintenance) |
V_T5GPBSH_PSB | HESA: Principal source of basic salary (maintenance) |
V_T5GPBSH_RAE | HESA: Active in 1996 Research Assessment Exercise |
V_T5GPBSH_RAE2 | HESA: Active in 2001 and 2008 Research Assessment Exercise |
V_T5GPBSH_SSB | HESA: Secondary source of basic salary (maintenance) |
V_T5GPBSH_UOA | HESA: Unit of Assessment maintenance view |
V_T5GPBSH13 | HESA: Occupational categories for HE jobs |
V_T5GPBSQ_ACQ | Academic qualifications |
V_T5GPBSQ_PRO | Professional Body |
V_T5GPBSQ_STA | Membership Status |
V_T5GPBSQ_STA_H | Membership Status |
VV_T5GPBSALL1_01 | USS Interfaces: Institution Code |
VV_T5GPBSALL2_01 | USS Salary Changes: Include Additional Payments in Salary |
VV_T5GPBSALL2_03 | USS Salary Change Interface: Go-live Date |
VV_T5GPBSALL3_01 | Working Time Directive Active |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 41 structures.
HRI1652 | Occupational categories |
P0614 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0614 |
P0615 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0615 |
P0616 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0616 |
P0617 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0617 |
P0618 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0618 |
P0624 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0624 |
P08P_ALL | Table of Contants from T5GBPS_ALL |
P08P_HESA_ACTUAL_CONTRACT | HESA contract details |
P08P_HESA_AGGREGATE | Format of aggregate staff return |
P08P_HESA_AGGREGATE_NEW | Format for New Agg. Return output (NASR) |
P08P_HESA_CONTRACT | HESA: Individualised Staff Return Int. Internal/SAP format. |
P08P_HESA_NISR_CONTRACT | HESA: NISR Contract record |
P08P_HESA_NISR_CONTRACT_DISP | HESA NISR contract record display format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_CONTRACT_FILE | HESA: NISR Contract table format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_CONTRACT_FILE_N | HESA: NISR Contract table format 2009 |
P08P_HESA_NISR_GRADE | HESA: NISR Grade record |
P08P_HESA_NISR_GRADE_FILE | HESA: NISR Grade table format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_PERSON | HESA: NISR Person table format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_PERSON_DISP | HESA: NISR person table display format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_PERSON_FILE | HESA: NISR Person table format |
P08P_HESA_NISR_PERSON_FILE_N | HESA: NISR Person table format 2009 |
P08P_HESA_OUT | HESA: Individualised Staff Return Interface File Format |
P08P_HESA_OUT_RAW | HESA: Individualised Staff Return Int. Internal/SAP format |
P08P_HESA_OUT_SAP | HESA: Individualised Staff Return internal format |
P08P_USS_SAL | USS Salary Changes Structure |
P08P_USS8 | USS Contributions Interface: Contributions |
P08P_USS9 | USS Salary Changes Interface: Salary Changes |
P1652 | Infotype 1652: Occupational categories |
P1652_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PS0614 | HR Master data: infotype HESA Master data (0614) |
PS0615 | HR Master data: infotype HESA Contract Data (0615) |
PS0616 | HR Master data: HESA data submitted |
PS0617 | HR Master data: Clinical Details (GB) |
PS0618 | HR Master data: Academic qualification (GB) |
PS0624 | HR Master data: Professional qualification (GB) |
Q0614 | Screen fields of infotype 614 |
Q0615 | Screen Fields: Infotype HESA Contract Data (0615) |
Q0616 | Screen fields of infotype HESA Data Submitted (0616) |
Q0618 | Screen fields of infotype Academic qualifications (GB) |
RPUHESXX | Structure for Report Parameters (Teachers Pensions Return) |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 14 programs.
MP061400 | Infotype HESA Master Data (0614) |
MP061500 | Infotype 0615: HE Contract Data (GB) |
MP061700 | Turn Round Amounts from FI Documents |
MP061800 | Infotype Academic Qualifications |
MP062400 | Turn Round Amounts from FI Documents |
MP165200 | PD Infotype 1652 |
RPUHERG0 | Public Sector GB (Interface from TemSe to Work Station) |
RPUHESA00 | PY-GB-PS: HESA XPRA for tables T5GPBSH_DIS(2) and T5GPBSH_ETH(2) |
RPUHESA01 | Batch input for HESA NISR 2003/2004 ( 0614, 0615, 0618) |
RPUHESG0_ID_CHECK | Generate list of personnel numbers without HESA ID |
RPUHESG1 | HESA NISR Reporting (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
RPUUSSG0 | USS Contributions (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
RPUUSSG1 | USS Salary Changes (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 18 search helps.
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSC_CGR | HESA: Clinical contract grade |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSC_RBD | HESA: Clinical Regulatory body |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_ATITL | HESA: Academic discipline (title) |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_DES2 | HESA: Destination on leaving |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_DIS2 | HESA: Academic discipline |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_IS | HESA: Search Help for Institution ID table |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_ISA | HESA: Search Help for Institution ID table |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_PRV2 | HESA: Previous employment |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_PSB | HESA: Primary source of basic pay |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_PSB2 | HESA: Principal source of basic salary |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_QUD2 | HESA: Highest academic qualification held |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_SSB | HESA: Secondary source of basic pay |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_SSB2 | HESA: Secondary source of basic salary |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSH_UOA | HESA: Unit of Assessment |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSQ_PRO | Professional Body |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSQ_PRO_1 | Professional Body |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSQ_PRO_S | Professional Body |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBSQ_STA | Membership status |
SAP Package P08P_HER contains 1 message classes.
HRPSGB_HER | HR PS GB Higher Education Messages (USS, HESA etc) |