This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package P13P1 (HR-AU-PS: Master data for Public sector Australia) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCAU.
Package | P13P1 |
Short Text | HR-AU-PS: Master data for Public sector Australia |
Parent Package | HRCAU |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 17 function groups.
31AU_PS_1 | Output module for Australia IBU PS |
3QP0 | Industry within a Country |
3QP1 | HDA & Superannuation |
3QP10 | Table views for Equity and Diversity |
3QP2 | Time related function modules |
3QP3 | Increment Progression |
3QP3A | Function Modules |
3QP4 | Term. & Redundancies, Payroll |
3QP8 | Time related calculation function mod. |
3QPA | HR AU PS:Leave loading |
3QPB | HR AU PS:LSL part time avg calculation |
3QPF | Leave provision |
3QPG | Authorization for Higher duty allowance. |
EHA21PBS | HR ESS -Superannuation-Australia(PBS) |
EHA22PBS | HR ESS-Absence(573) for PS Australia |
PABSENCE573PBS | Business Objects for Absence(573)-PS-AU |
PSUPPBS | BAPI'S for Superannuation Australia(PBS) |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 30 transactions.
P1Q0 | Increment Progression |
PC00_M13_AAFI_PS | APS Agest Fund Interface |
PC00_M13_ABSR_PS | Aus. Bureau of Statistics (ABS) |
PC00_M13_AGEST_PS | AGEST Interface |
PC00_M13_ATOR_PS | Employment Detail Declaration (ATO) |
PC00_M13_CCDT_PS | Continuous Contribution Details |
PC00_M13_CDTB_PS | BT with extra payment |
PC00_M13_EG98_PS | ETP Group Certificate 98 |
PC00_M13_EPDD_PS | Employment Detail Declaration (ABS) |
PC00_M13_HDCS_PS | Higher Duty Cessation Report |
PC00_M13_HDLT_PS | Long Term Higher Duty Report |
PC00_M13_HDNA_PS | Nominal/Actual Position Report |
PC00_M13_INDR_PS | Increment Due Report |
PC00_M13_INHDA_PS | HDA Increment Report |
PC00_M13_INPR_PS | Increment Progression Report |
PC00_M13_INPW_PS | Increment Progression Workbench |
PC00_M13_INRR_PS | Increment Register |
PC00_M13_JAHRLICH_PS | Area menu |
PC00_M13_LVAP_PS | Leave Advance Payment |
PC00_M13_PAP_PS | Area menu-Subsequent activities per |
PC00_M13_PAYG_PS | Pay As You Go Contribution |
PC00_M13_PDUNABHA_PS | Area Menu-Subsequent Activities-Inde |
PC00_M13_PIF_PS | PIF Interface |
PC00_M13_PS | Payroll accounting for Germany |
PC00_M13_PSMP_PS | PSMPC Interface |
PC00_M13_SEDR_PS | Superannuation Exception Data |
PC00_M13_SONSPERI_PS | Area Menu-Subsequent Activities-Othe |
PZ53 | ESS for Prior Service Public Sector |
PZ54 | ESS for Leave Public Sector AU |
S_AL0_96000502 | HDA Increment Progression |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 22 database tables.
PA0507 | HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation) |
PA0619 | HR-AU-PS : Equity and Diversity |
T5QPBS0A | Industry within a HR country |
T5QPBS1C | Superannuation contributor status |
T5QPBS1CT | Text for Contributor status |
T5QPBS1D | Superannuation funds for Public Sector |
T5QPBS1E | National Wage Case (NWC) increase for Superannuation |
T5QPBS1F | Work schedules for Shifts/Non-shifts for Superannuation |
T5QPBS1G | EPSC Contribution Table |
T5QPBS1H | Priority Table used in calculating HDA super salary comp. |
T5QPBS1J | Additional contribution table for Public sector |
T5QPBS3A | Eligibility Criteria for Increment |
T5QPBS3AT | Text for Eligibility Criteria for Increment |
T5QPBS5A | HR AU PS:Australian Leave Loading |
T5QPBS5B | HR AU PS:Australian Leave Loading for varying percentage |
T5QPBS5C | HR AU PS:Australian absence type grouping |
T5QPBS6A | Type of data for Equity and Diversity |
T5QPBS6AT | Text for Type of data for Equity and Diversity |
T5QPBS6B | PSMPC Codes |
T5QPBS6BT | Text for PSMPC codes |
T5QPBS6C | Assignment of APS classification structure |
T5QPBS6D | Mapping SAP events to APSC movement codes |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 18 views.
V_T5QPBS0A | Industry within a HR country |
V_T5QPBS1B | Reason for performing Higher duties |
V_T5QPBS1C | Contributor Status |
V_T5QPBS1D | Superannuation funds for Public Sector |
V_T5QPBS1E | National Wage Case (NWC) increase for Superannuation |
V_T5QPBS1F | Work schedules for Shifts/Non-shifts for Superannuation |
V_T5QPBS1G | EPSC Contribution Table |
V_T5QPBS1H | Priority Table used in calculating HDA super salary comp |
V_T5QPBS1J | Additional contribution table for Public sector |
V_T5QPBS3A | Eligibility Criteria for Increment |
V_T5QPBS3A_HDA | Eligibility Criteria for Increment |
V_T5QPBS5A | HR AU PS:Leave Loading |
V_T5QPBS5B | HR AU PS:Leave Loading for varying percentage |
V_T5QPBS5C | HR AU PS:Australian absence type grouping |
V_T5QPBS6A | Type of data for Equity and Diversity |
V_T5QPBS6B | PSMPC codes for Equity and Diversity |
V_T5QPBS6C | Assigment of APS Classification Structure |
V_T5QPBS6D | Mapping SAP events to APSC movement codes |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 23 structures.
AUPBS_SENIORITY | HR AUS PS:structure for calculation of seniority |
HRAUPBS_ISTAT_RANGE | Structure for Authorization during Higher duty(Planng Range) |
P0507 | HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation) |
P0507_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0619 | HR-AU-PS : Structure for infotype 619 |
P13_P0220_PBS | Super Annation Infotype 0220 AU |
P13_P0508 | Prior Service for Public Sector Australia |
P13_P0573 | Absence infotype for Australia PS - ESS |
P13_P0573_A | Structure for the Customer Exit - HR:AU:PBS - ESS |
P13P1_AGEST_ALV | Structure fo PIF interface ALV list |
P13P1_PIF_ALV | Structure fo PIF interface ALV list |
PAU01 | Field String for Feature in 13RIP |
PMPF1 | Strucure for feature 13PF1 for PIF interface |
PS0507 | HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation) |
PS0619 | HR-AU-PS : Equity and Diversity |
PTM_TRANSFER_HISTORY_AUPBS | HR-AU-PS: Transfer History of Quota Generation |
Q0507 | HR-AU-PS: Superannuation |
Q0619 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0619 (Equity and Diversity) |
Q5QPBS5A | HR AU PS:Structure for T5QPBS5A |
RPCLADQ0 | Structure for Leave Advance Payment Report parameters |
RPLPBSQ4_ALV2 | Structure for RPLPBSQ4 |
RPUPBSQ5 | HR-AU-PS structure for report RPUPBSQ5 (HDA Increment) |
SENORITY | HR AUS PS:structure for calculation of seniority |
SAP Package P13P1 contains 20 programs.
MP501310 | Include MP901310 |
RPCLADQ0 | Leave Advance Payment Calculation for Australia |
RPCPBSQ0 | Employment Declaration Details to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) |
RPCPBSQ1 | Interface to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) |
RPCPBSQ3 | Pay As You GO Contributions |
RPCPBSQ4 | Continuous Contribution Details (CCD) |
RPCPBSQ5 | Superannuation Exception Data (SED) |
RPCPBSQ6 | APS Superannuation AGEST Fund Interface |
RPCPBSQ9 | AGEST Interface |
RPLPBSQ4 | Public Service Merit Protection Commission (PSMPC) Interface |
RPLPBSQ5 | Superannuation History Report |
RPLPBSQ7 | APS Employment Database (APSED) Report |
RPPBSUQ0 | Increment Progession Menu |
RPUPBSQ0 | Increment Due Report |
RPUPBSQ1 | Increment Register |
RPUPBSQ2 | Increment Progression |
RPUPBSQ3 | Dynamic Call from Infotype 8 - Validations for Increment Progressions |
RPUPBSQ5 | HDA Increment Progression |