SAP Package P99_INFTY0185

Infotype 0185

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The package P99_INFTY0185 (Infotype 0185) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package P99_INFTY0185
Short Text Infotype 0185
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 4 function groups.

EHH18 HR ESS - Alternative Names Asia
EHR14 HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Singapore )
PALT Business object: AlternativenameEmp
PPID BAPI'S for Personal IDs


SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 2 transactions.

PZ39 Personal ID Information
PZ42 ESS Alternative Name

Database Tables

SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 9 database tables.

PA0182 HR Master Record: Infotype 0182 [Alternative Names] (SG)
PA0183 HR Master Record: Infotype 0183 [Awards] (SG)
PA0185 HR Master Record: Infotype 0185 [Identification] (SG)
PB0185 HR Master Record: Infotype 0185 (Personal ID)
T5R01 Award types
T5R02 Award type texts
T5R05 Types of Identification
T5R05_ESSEX ESS:Deactivation of subtypes for Personal IDs (IT0185)
T5R06 Types of Identification - Texts


SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 3 views.

V_T5R01 Award
V_T5R05 Type of Identification
V_T5R05_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of subtypes for PIDs ( IT 0185 )


SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 11 structures.

BAPIP0182 Alternative name Infotype 0182
BAPIP0185 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0185 (Identification SEA)
P0182 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0182 (Alternative Names)
P0183 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0183 (Awards)
P0185 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0185 (Identification SEA)
PS0182 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0182 (Alternative Names)
PS0183 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0183 (Awards)
PS0185 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0185 (Identification SEA)
Q0182_ESS HR ESS Family/Related persons
Q0185 Screen fields for infotype P0185 (Personal IDs)
Q0185_ESS Subtype for Infotype 0185


SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 5 programs.

MP018200 Module Pool for P0182
MP018300 Modulpool for P0183
MP018500 Module Pool for P0185
SAPMPZ39 ESS: Infotype Control With Overview and Detail Screen
SAPMPZ42 ESS: Infotype Control With Overview and Detail Screen

Search Helps

SAP Package P99_INFTY0185 contains 1 search helps.

PREMI IC number