SAP Package P99E

Human Resources Department: Cross-Country Objects East Asia

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The package P99E (Human Resources Department: Cross-Country Objects East Asia) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package P99E
Short Text Human Resources Department: Cross-Country Objects East Asia
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package P99E contains 3 function groups.

3HKC HR-HK: Time Calculation Functions
HRPADKR_STRING_ADJUST String adjustment in Unicode
HRPAYJP_GENERAL_001 HR Payroll Japan - General Modules

Database Tables

SAP Package P99E contains 4 database tables.

T5JOCC Payroll Category for Payroll Reason
T7CN43 Apply Status
T7CN4W Apply Status Text
T7TW10 System table for VB Up/download


SAP Package P99E contains 1 structures.

PME64 Field String for Feature in T549B

Message Classes

SAP Package P99E contains 2 message classes.

HR99E00_5R Reuseable messages from message class 5R
HR99E00_JP Error messages HR Master Data Japan (Reuseable)