
SAP Package PB14

HR master data: Malaysia

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The package PB14 (HR master data: Malaysia) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCMY.

Technical Information

Package PB14
Short Text HR master data: Malaysia
Parent Package HRCMY

Function Groups

SAP Package PB14 contains 13 function groups.

0PL0 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PL1 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PL3 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
EHMY1 ESS Malaysia ( Address )
EHMY14 HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Malaysia )
EHMY3 ESS - Bank details Malaysia
EHMY5 ESS Personal Data - Malaysia
EHMY6 Enterprise HR ESS Family/Related Info MY
OPL1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
PADR_MY Business Object AddressEmp (MY)
PERS_MY Business object: PersData Malaysia
PFAM_MY Business Object Family - Malaysia
RPL0 Malaysian specific Function Modules


SAP Package PB14 contains 1 transactions.

PC00_M99_RPIADVL0 Advance Payment-Generation Internat.

Database Tables

SAP Package PB14 contains 38 database tables.

PA0196 HR Master Record:Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
PA0197 HR Master Record:Infotype 0197 (SOCSO Contributions MY)
PA0198 Sheduled Tax Deductuion Malaysia
PA0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
PA0213 Additional family information - Malaysia
PA0374 Infortype 0374: General Eligibility
PA0547 BIK Infotype for Malaysia
T5L03 Employee Subgroup grouping for Malaysia
T5L0P Personnel Areas/Subareas for Malaysia
T5LCA Employees' eligibility categories
T5LCT Text table for Employees' eligibility categories
T5LEP Employee Provident fund for Malaysia
T5LER Employee Provident Fund rates (Malaysia)
T5LGA Text for employee Subgroup grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LGB Text for Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia
T5LGC Text for employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia)
T5LGE Employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia)
T5LGS Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia
T5LGT Employee Subgroup grouping for Tax Malaysia
T5LMA Text for Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LMB Text for Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LMC Text for Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia)
T5LMD Text for Tax office grouping for Malaysia
T5LME Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia)
T5LMO Tax office grouping for Malaysia
T5LMS Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LMT Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LSC Table to maintain state codes for EPF download formats
T5LSP Employer reference for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LSR SOCSO contributions for Malaysia
T5LTA Additional tax table - Malaysia
T5LTD Additional tax - text table (Malaysia)
T5LTE Tax relief information on Education (Malaysia)
T5LTK Reference Number output attributes
T5LTO Tax office table for Malaysia
T5LTP Employer reference for tax
T5LTR Tax rates for Malaysia
T5LTT Tax office text table Malaysia


SAP Package PB14 contains 13 views.

V_5L03_B Employee Subgroup grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
V_5L03_C Employee Subgroup grouping for EPF (Malaysia)
V_5L0P_B Personnel SubArea grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
V_5L0P_C Grouping of Personnel SubAraeas for EPF (Malaysia)
V_T5L03 Employee Subgroup grouping for tax (Malaysia)
V_T5L0P Personnel SubArea grouping for tax (Malaysia)
V_T5LBA Code Number for BIK ( Malaysia )
V_T5LSC State Codes for EPF Download Formats
V_T5LTE Tax relief information on Education (Malaysia)
V_T5LTK_A Maintain Employer Reference Number for Tax
V_T5LTK_B Maintain Employer's CP39 Tax Reference Number
V_T5LTK_C Maintain details for head office tax reference number
V_T5LTP Payee Key and Refno view.


SAP Package PB14 contains 28 structures.

BAPIP0002LMY HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
BAPIP0006LMY HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
BAPIP0021LMY HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person)
BAPIP0021MY HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person)
BAPIP0022L HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
P0196 HR Master Record:Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
P0196_SENIOR Employee Seniority (Malaysia)
P0197 HR Master Record:Infotype 0197 (SOCSO Contributions MY)
P0198 Sheduled Tax Deduction Malaysia
P0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
P0213 Additional family information - Malaysia
P0374 Infotype 0374: General Eligibility
P0547 HR Master Record for Infotype 0547
PME56 Field String for Feature : General Eligibility
PMEMY Field string for feature LEPF MY SENIO (Char 4).
PS0196 HR Master Record:Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
PS0197 HR Master Record:Infotype 0197 (SOCSO Contributions MY)?
PS0198 Sheduled Tax Deduction Information Malaysia
PS0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
PS0213 Additional family information - Malaysia
PS0374 Infotype 0374: General Eligibility
PS0547 BIK Infotype for Malaysia
Q0022_ESS Education Types
Q0196 Screen Fields: Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
Q0197 Screen Fields: Infotype 0196 (SOCSO MY)
Q0198 Screen Fields for Infotype 0198 ( Tax Malaysia )
Q0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
Q0374 Screen Fields: Infotype 0374 (General Eligibility)


SAP Package PB14 contains 11 programs.

MP019600 Infotype 0196 - Employee Provident Fund (EPF - Malaysia)
MP019700 Infotype 0197 - Employee Social Security (SOCSO - Malaysia)
MP019800 Infotype 0198 - Schedular Tax Deduction (Tax - Malaysia)
MP019900 Infotype 0199 - Additional Tax Deduction ( Malaysia)
MP037400 Infotype 0374 - General Eligibility
MP054700 BIK Infotype screen
MPV21300 Module Pool: Infotype 0021 Family
RPCANGL0 Angkasa Report (Malaysia)
RPCEUIL0 EPF upload of INITIAL to Infotype 0196
RPIADVL0 Batch Input For Advance Payment
RPLTFIL0 Employees dependents details for tax purpose.

Message Classes

SAP Package PB14 contains 1 message classes.

5L Messages for Malaysian HRMS.