
SAP Package PB28

HR master data: China

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The package PB28 (HR master data: China) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCCN.

Technical Information

Package PB28
Short Text HR master data: China
Parent Package HRCCN

Function Groups

SAP Package PB28 contains 21 function groups.

EHCN1 Employee Self-Service Address (CN)
EHCN14 HR ESS - Personal IDs ( China )
EHCN5 ESS - Personal Data - China
EHCN6 Enterprise HR ESS Family/Rel. persons CN
HRADMCNGENERAL Gerneral Function for China
HRPADCN00 View maintenance
HRPADCN01 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN02 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN03 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN04 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN05 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN06 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN07 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN08 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN09 maintenance view
HRPADCN10 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN11 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPADCN15 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPAQCN_ADD_FIELDS HR-CN Query: additional fields
PADR_CN Business object: AddressEmp_CN
PFAM_CN Business Object Family CN

Database Tables

SAP Package PB28 contains 94 database tables.

PA0528 HR Master Record: Infotype 0528 (Family information)
PA0529 HR Master Record: Infotype 0529 (Add. Personal Data CN)
PA0530 HR Master Record: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund)
PA0531 HR Master Record: Infotype 0531 (Income Tax)
PA0532 HR Master Record: Infotype 0532 (Insurance)
PA0533 HR Master Record: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Managment)
PA0534 HR Master Record: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation)
PA0535 HR Master Record: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement)
PA0536 HR Master Record: Infotype 0536 (Administration)
PA0537 HR Master Record: Infotype 0537 (Going Abroad Information)
PA3211 HR Master Record: Infotype 3211 (Contract Elements CN)
PA3212 HR Master Record: Infotype 3212 (Special Payment CN)
T7CN09 Periods of Notice (CN)
T7CN0P Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA)
T7CN13 Salary information (CN)
T7CN14 Contribution change reason
T7CN15 Social insurance authority institution information
T7CN16 Public Housing Fund authority institution information
T7CN17 Minimum Salary
T7CN17T Minimum Salary Area Description
T7CN1A Contribution change reason text
T7CN20 Contribution base
T7CN21 Contribution Group
T7CN22 Pass Rule ER-to-EE
T7CN23 Contribution Level
T7CN24 Contribution Type
T7CN25 Contribution Area
T7CN26 Contribution switch period
T7CN28 Service Fee to Holding Location
T7CN29 Social insurance
T7CN2A Contribution Area Text
T7CN2Y Contribution Type Text
T7CN30 Tax Withholding Fast Formula
T7CN31 Special rule category
T7CN32 Tax Area
T7CN33 Exempted Amount Table
T7CN34 Special Calculation Rule
T7CN35 Special rule rely on protocol
T7CN36 Tax grouping for company
T7CN37 country codes for china tax
T7CN38 Occupation category
T7CN38T Occupation category Text
T7CN39 Income Category
T7CN39T Income category Text
T7CN3A Special rule category text
T7CN3B Tax Area Text
T7CN3E Special rule rely on protocol
T7CN3F Reported Tax Data
T7CN40 Personal File Category
T7CN41 From/To Category
T7CN44 Social Class Status
T7CN45 Personal Identity
T7CN4D Personnel Class Status Text
T7CN4E Personal Identity Text
T7CN4T Personal File Category Text
T7CN4U Text for From/To Category
T7CN53 Occupation
T7CN54 Role in project
T7CN55 Achievement(Result) Level Code
T7CN56 Achievement(Reward) Code
T7CN57 Position Category Code
T7CN58 Position Name Code
T7CN59 Political status
T7CN5P Position Category Code Text
T7CN5Q Position name
T7CN5R Political status text
T7CN5S Occupation Text
T7CN5V Text for role in project
T7CN5W Achievement Level Code Text
T7CN5Y Achievement(Reward) code text
T7CN60 Appointment Reason Code
T7CN61 Position Level Code
T7CN62 Position Type Code
T7CN63 Going Abroad Purpose Category
T7CN64 Expense Provider Category
T7CN65 Occupation status for family member
T7CN67 Political Affiliation Exception Type
T7CN68 Project Type
T7CN69 Project or Achievement Related Infomation
T7CN6Q Project Type Text
T7CN6R Political Affiliation Exception Type Text
T7CN6S Position Level
T7CN6T Appointment Reason Text
T7CN6U Position Type Text
T7CN6V Going Abroad Purpose Text
T7CN6W Expense Provider Category Text
T7CN6X Occoupation status text
T7CN71 Province Key for CN
T7CN80 Service year Valuation Rule
T7CN81 Sick leave deduction rate
T7CN82 Define Relevant Absence Types
T7CN83 Long Sick Leave Salary Payment Rate
T7CN84 Medical Treatment Entitlment and Accumulation period
T7CN90 Year end tax declaration reported information - CTXE


SAP Package PB28 contains 41 views.

H_T7CN20 Helpview T7CN20 for Contribution Group/level
V_538A_CN Time unit used by China
V_538A_CN_1 View on time unit - CN
V_5R05_CN View on visa type
V_5R05_CN_M Maintain IC Type
V_7CN09 Periods of Notice (CN)
V_7CN0P_ENT Enterprise information
V_7CN0P_PFM Personal file holding location
V_7CN0P_PHF Public Housing Fund authority institution
V_7CN0P_SI Social insurance authority institution and ID
V_7CN0P_TAX Tax authority
V_7CN13_PHF Salary information for PHF
V_7CN13_SI Salary information for SI
V_7CN14_PHF PHF contribution change reason
V_7CN14_SI SI contribution change reason
V_7CN20_PHF Public Housing Fund Contribution
V_7CN20_SI Insurance Contribution (Social Insurance)
V_7CN22_SI Passing rule from ER to EE of social insurance
V_7CN24_PHF PHF Contribution Type
V_7CN24_SI SI Contribution Type
V_7CN25_PHF PHF Contribution Area
V_7CN25_SI SI Contribution Area
V_7CN26_PHF Contribution Period for PHF
V_7CN26_SI Contribution Period for SI
V_7CN69_PATENT Maintenance View for 'Patent'
V_7CN69_PROJECT Maintenance View for 'Project'
V_7CN69_RESULT Maintenance View for 'Result'
V_7CN69_REWARD Maintenance View for 'Reward'
V_T7CN15 Social insurance authority institution information
V_T7CN17 Minimum Salary
V_T7CN29 Social insurance's payment idicator
V_T7CN34 maintain view for calculation rule
V_T7CN37 View for china country code
V_T7CN39 Assign Income Category to Tax Group
V_T7CN43 Certificate application status maintenance view
V_T7CN63 Going abroad category maintenance view
V_T7CN64 Expense provider category maintenance view
V_T7CN71 Maintain GB code for Chinese region
V_T7CN82 Define Relevant Absence Types
VV_T511K_CN_PHFCAL PHF Calculation Parameters
VV_T511K_CN_RETAGE Retirement Age


SAP Package PB28 contains 48 structures.

P0528 HR Master Record: Infotype 0528 (Family information)
P0528_AF Additional query fields
P0529 HR Master Record: Infotype 0529 (Add. Personal Data CN)
P0529_AF Additional query fields
P0530 HR Master Record: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund)
P0530_AF Additional query fields
P0531 HR Master Record: Infotype 0531 (Income Tax)
P0531_AF Additional query fields
P0532 HR Master Record: Infotype 0532 (Insurance)
P0532_AF Additional query fields
P0533 HR Master Record: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Managment)
P0533_AF Additional query fields
P0534 HR Master Record: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation)
P0534_AF Additional query fields
P0535 HR Master Record: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement)
P0535_AF Additional query fields
P0536 HR Master Record: Infotype 0536 (Administration & Party)
P0536_AF Additional query fields
P0537 HR Master Record: Infotype 0537 (Going Abroad Information)
P0537_AF Additional query fields
P28_P0006L HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
P28_P0528 HR Master Record: Infotype 0021/0528 (Family/Rel.Person CN)
P3211 HR Master Record: Infotype 3211 (Contract Elements CN)
P3211_AF Additional Query Fields
P3212 HR Master Record for Infotype 3212
P3212_AF Additional Query Fields
PME77 Field string for features (China)
PS0528 HR Master Record: Infotype 0528 (Family information)
PS0529 HR Master Record: Infotype 0529 (Add. Personal Data CN)
PS0530 HR Master Record: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund)
PS0531 HR Master Record: Infotype 0531 (Income Tax)
PS0532 HR Master Record: Infotype 0532 (Insurance)
PS0533 HR Master Record: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Management)
PS0534 HR Master Record: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation)
PS0535 HR Master Record: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement)
PS0536 HR Master Record: Infotype 0536 (Administration)
PS0537 HR Master Record: Infotype 0537 (Going Abroad Information)
PS3211 HR Master Record: Infotype 3211 (Contract Elements CN)
PS3212 HR Master Record: Infotype 3212 (Special Payment CN)
Q0528 screen fields: Infotype 0528 (Family information)
Q0530 Screen Fields: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund)
Q0532 Screen Fields: Infotype 0532 (Insurance)
Q0533 Screen Fields: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Management)
Q0534 Screen fields: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation)
Q0535 Screen fields: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement)
Q0536 Screen Fields: Infotype 0536 (Administration&Clan)
Q3211 Screen Field: Infotype View 3211
Q3212 Screen Fields: Infotype 3212 (Termination Payment)


SAP Package PB28 contains 12 programs.

MP052800 Module pool of infotype view IT0021 for China
MP052900 Additional Personal Data for CN
MP053000 Public Housing Fund (CN)
MP053100 Income Tax (CN)
MP053200 Social Insurance (CN)
MP053300 Personal File Management (CN) 0532
MP053400 Party Information (CN) 0534
MP053500 Project & Achievement (CN) 0535
MP053600 Administration Information (CN) 0536
MP053700 Going Abroad Information (CN)
MP321100 Contract Elements (CN)
MP321200 Mod. Pool MP321200

Search Helps

SAP Package PB28 contains 30 search helps.

H_ETHNIC F4 help for Ethnic Origin
H_PAD_CN_CAREA Contribution area
H_PAD_CN_CGAREA Contribution area
H_PAD_CN_CGRPLV Contribution Group/Level
H_PAD_CN_CGTYPE Contribution type
H_PAD_CN_INSAR Contribution area
H_PAD_CN_INSULV Contribution Group/Level
H_PAD_CN_INSUR Insurance type
H_PAD_CN_INTYP Social insurance type
H_PAD_CN_MINAR Minimum Salary Area Search Help
H_PAD_CN_PASSRULE Social insurance pass rule from ER to EE
H_PAD_CN_PHF PHF Authority Institute Code
H_PAD_CN_SAUCD_BI Maternity insurance authority institution
H_PAD_CN_SAUCD_II On-the-job injury insurance authority institution
H_PAD_CN_SAUCD_MI Medical care insurance authority institution
H_PAD_CN_SAUCD_PI Pension insurance authority institution
H_PAD_CN_SAUCD_UI Unemployment insurance authority institution
H_PADCN_LOCATION Search help for holding location
H_PATENT Search patent number from T7CN69
H_PERS_CLS F4 help for Personnel Identity
H_PRJNA Search project number from T7CN69
H_PROJECT Search project number from T7CN69
H_RESULT Search result number from T7CN69
H_REWARD Search reward number from T7CN69
H_T7CN38 search for category code
HR_PADCN_0185_VISANUMBER Help on visa number of 0185
HR_PADCN_STATUS Search help on certificate status
HR_PADCN_T538A Time unit search help
SRCHLP_CN_538A Search help on time unit - CN
SRCHLP_CN_VISATYPE Search help on visatype-CN

Message Classes

SAP Package PB28 contains 1 message classes.

HRPADCN Message class China Master Data