
SAP Package PB44

HR master data: Finland

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The package PB44 (HR master data: Finland) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCFI.

Technical Information

Package PB44
Short Text HR master data: Finland
Parent Package HRCFI

Function Groups

SAP Package PB44 contains 6 function groups.

HR_FI_MAINTVIEW HCM FI: Table maintenance views
HR_FI_MASTERDATA_GENERAL Finnish functionality for master data
HR_FI_STATVIEW Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_FI_TELME Messages for TEL
HRPAYFI_COMP_CAR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPAYFI_PERSVIEW HCM FI: Views for org. assignments


SAP Package PB44 contains 3 transactions.

PC00_M44_TCDOWN Tax card download
PC00_M44_TCUP Tax card upload
PC00_M44_UCPL Check for locked personnel numbers

Database Tables

SAP Package PB44 contains 31 database tables.

PA0205 HR Master Record: Infotype 0205 (taxes Finland)
PA0206 HR Master Record: Infotype 0206 (SI Finland)
PA0228 HR Master Record: Infotype 0228 (garnishments Finland)
T7FI01 Finnish tax offices
T7FI02 Pension insurance table (Finland)
T7FI03 Pension insurance groups (Finland)
T7FI04 Pension insurance departments (Finland)
T7FI05 Insurance codes (Finland)
T7FI06 Risk groups for accident insurance (Finland)
T7FI07 Accident insurance table (Finland)
T7FI08 Finnish Unemployment Percentages
T7FI09 Type of establishment (Finland)
T7FI0P Addtional information on personnel area/subarea (Finland)
T7FI10 Type of establishment (Finland)
T7FI11 Place of business related info (Finland)
T7FI12 Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea
T7FI13 Fields in Statistical file (Finland)
T7FI14 Fields in Statistical file (Finland)
T7FI15 Statistical ID
T7FI16 Statistical Branch text
T7FI17 File Format for Statistics ID
T7FI1P Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea
T7FI510 TVR relevant payscale group/level (Finland)
T7FIA File Format for Statistics ID - Blue collar employees
T7FIB Fields in Statistical file(Finland) - Blue collar employees
T7FIBT Fields in Statistical file(Finland) - Blue collar employees
T7FIC0 Age groups for company cars (Finland)
T7FITELME TEL messages
T7FITELME_ABS TEL messages - Absences
T7FIU0 Unemployment percentages (Finland)
T7FIVAC Wage types, constants and rules for Vacation Statement


SAP Package PB44 contains 34 views.

H_T521B_FI Help view for payee keys (Finland)
H_T521C_228 Execution offices for garnishments (Finland)
H_T7FIA2 Help for pension insurance contract (Finland)
H_T7FIA2_OLD Help for pension insurance contract (Finland)
V_T7FI01 Tax offices (Finland)
V_T7FI02 Pension insurance contract (Finland)
V_T7FI07 Help for accident insurance contract (Finland)
V_T7FI09 Type of establishment (Finland)
V_T7FI0P Additional information for personnel area/subarea (Finland)
V_T7FI11 Place of business related info (Finland)
V_T7FI12 Time Dependant information at Personnel area/sub area level
V_T7FI13 Maintain the fields for Statistics file
V_T7FI15 Maintain Statistical branch
V_T7FI17 Maintain the Statistics file format for different industries
V_T7FI1P Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea (FI)
V_T7FI1P_2003 Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea (FI)
V_T7FI43F Assign IT0033 4-char. exceptions to 10-digit POB IDs (FI)
V_T7FI510 TVR Relevant Payscale group/level
V_T7FIA Maintain the Statistics file format for blue collar EE
V_T7FIB Maintain the fields for Statisitcs file for Blue Collar EE
V_T7FIC0 Age groups for company car (Finland)
V_T7FIU0 Unemployment percentages (Finland)
V_T7FIVAC Wage types, constants and rules for Vacation statement
VV_001P_FI_WT Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types FI
VV_503_FI_WT Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types FI
VV_510A_FI_PARAKE Identify Parake Structure by Internal Pay Scale Type '02'
VV_512Z_FI_0057 IMG Activity: Trade Union fees Finland
VV_52D7_FI_0057 Check Wage Type Group 'Membership Fees' Finland
VV_T510J_FI Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants Finland
VV_T549S_FI Payroll dates Finland
VV_T554C_FI Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
VV_T591A_FI_TUMF Define Membership Fee Types
VV_T7FIA4_FI Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector)
VV_T7FID0_FI TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS) Finland


SAP Package PB44 contains 26 structures.

HFILPEN0_OUTPUT Change of insurance type
P0205 HR Master Record for Infotype 0205
P0206 HR Master Record for Infotype 0206
P0228 HR Master Record for Infotype 0228
P44_TALEL_REC1 TaEL/LEL: Record-type 1
P44_TALEL_REC2 TaEL/LEL: Record-type 2
P44_TALEL_REC3 TaEL/LEL: Record-type 3
P44_TEL_REC1 TEL: Record type 1
P44_TEL_REC2 TEL: Record type 2
P44_TEL_REC3 TEL: Record type 3
P44_TEL_REC4 TEL: Record type 4
P44_TEL_REC5 TEL: Record type 5
P44_TELME Relevant master data for TEL messages
P44_TELME_ABS TEL messages - Relevant absences from Master Data
P44_TELSTS TemSe structure for TEL reporting
P44_VAC_RULE Structure to store the pernr and vacation calculation rules
PFI_HTVRST Structure for selecting the Type of highest TVR
PFI_TCDU_AUTH Structure of tax card down- and upload
PMECT Decision fields for Feature 44CTP
PS0205 Tax card Information for Finland (IT0205)
PS0206 Finnish Social Insurance Infotype
PS0228 Garnishments Finland
Q0205 Screen Fields Tax Infotype Finland (IT0205)
Q0206 Finnish Social Insurance Infotype, Q-structure
Q0228 Screen Fields Garnishment Infotype Finland (IT0228)
VACST Fields used to decide the grouping for vacation statement


SAP Package PB44 contains 12 programs.

HFILAAI0 Annual accident insurance statement (Finland)
HFILTALEL0 LEL/TaEL reporting (Finland)
HFILTCRE Display tax card information (Finland)
HFILTEL0 TEL employment and year statement (Finland)
HFILTVR0 Pay Scale Reclassification data for Parake employees
HFIUCPL0 Personnel numbers that have to be unlocked for payroll runs
HFIUTCCP Delimitation and copying of tax infotypes
HFIUTCDL Download tax card (Finland)
HFIUTCUL Upload tax card (Finland)
MP020500 Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0205, Tax Card
MP020600 Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0206, Social security
MP022800 Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0228, Garnishment

Search Helps

SAP Package PB44 contains 11 search helps.

H_T521B_FI Help view for payee keys
HFI_ACRSGR Finnish risk group
HFI_IDA Finnish Accident Ins ID
HFI_IDP Finnish Pension Ins ID
HFI_INDP pension insurace departments
HFI_INGR pension insurace groups
HFI_TAUTH Tax office
HFI_TTYPE Tax card type
HFI_UNGR Finnish unemployment group help
HRPAYFI_P44_EXOFF Execution offices
HRPAYFI_TAUTH Finnish tax authority name

Message Classes

SAP Package PB44 contains 1 message classes.

HRPADFI Message Class For Finnish PA