SAP Package PBCC

HR master data: Company Car

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The package PBCC (HR master data: Company Car) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PBCC
Short Text HR master data: Company Car
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PBCC contains 5 function groups.

0P1C Car tables
0P2C Car exl. tables
0P3C Car maintence views
HRCARCCSEARCH Search helps for company car
RP1C Infotype 442 general function modules

Database Tables

SAP Package PBCC contains 19 database tables.

PA0442 HR Master Record: Infotype 0442
T51C1 Car factory definition table
T51C2 Car factory text table
T51C3 Car model definition table
T51C4 Car model text table
T51C5 Country specific attributes
T51C8 Car maintenance rule
T51C9 Car maintenance rule texttable
T51CA Obsolete !!! Replaced by T51CB in April 2002
T51CB Wagetypes for payrollfunction P0442
T51CC Company car unavailability reason
T51CD Company car unavailability reason - text table
T51CE Pollution Categories for Company Cars
T51CET Descriptions for the Pollution Categories
T51CF Leasing Categories for Company Cars
T51CFT Descriptions for the Leasing Categories
T51CG Leasing Companies for Company Cars
T51CGT Descriptions for the Leasing Companies
T5SC3 Swedish specific car attributes


SAP Package PBCC contains 10 views.

V_T51C3 Car model definition table
V_T51C5 Common car attributes
V_T51C8 Car maintenance rule
V_T51CB Wagetypes for payrollfunction p0442
V_T51CC Car unavailability reason
V_T51CE Pollution Category
V_T51CF Leasing Category
V_T51CG Leasing Company
V_T536C_C Addresses via Address Management
V_T5SC3 Swedish specific car attributes


SAP Package PBCC contains 7 structures.

CAR_INFO Infoline for company car IT0442
P0442 HR Master Record for Infotype 0442
PMECA Limited P0001-Structure for T549B + Payroll area
PS0442 Company car
Q0442 Displayfields from VC_t51c1
STRUC_CAR_INFO Datastructure to fill VC_T51C1 from popup
STRUC51C1 Datastructure for GB Car popup


SAP Package PBCC contains 1 programs.

MP044200 Module Pool for Infotype P0442 - Company car

Search Helps

SAP Package PBCC contains 6 search helps.

H_PAD_T51CB_SUBTY Search help for subtypes from T591a
H_T51CE Pollution Category
H_T51CF Leasing Category
H_T51CG Leasing Company
HR_SE_CAR_UNAVAIL_REASONS Unavailability reasons

Message Classes

SAP Package PBCC contains 1 message classes.

HRCARXX Message class for international company car