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Check it out on →The package PC32 (Payroll - Mexico) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCMX.
Package | PC32 |
Short Text | Payroll - Mexico |
Parent Package | HRCMX |
SAP Package PC32 contains 26 function groups.
31MX | tmp copy of 31MX |
3MX0 | |
3MX1 | |
3MX2 | |
3MX3 | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3MX3 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
3MX4 | Maintain expanded tables (generated) |
3MX5 | Maintain expanded tables (generated) |
3MX6 | Table update for severance payment |
HRMXL00_CUMULATIONS | Function module for MX cumulations |
HRMXPAYCURRENCY | Functions access type S tables w/currncy |
HRPAYMX_DAILY_SALARIES | Calculation of daily wages |
HRPAYMX_DAQ | HR-MX: Generic functions for DAQ |
HRPAYMX_DAQ_SOSA | HR-MX: Social Insurance audits |
HRPAYMX_DAQ_STATETAX | HR-MX: State tax detail |
HRPAYMX_DAQ_TERM | HR-MX: Termination |
HRPAYMX_DATES | Mexican date modules |
HRPAYMX_TERMINATION | Termination for Mexico |
HRPAYMX01 | Infonavit/Fonacot |
HRPAYMX02 | Wage type cumulation |
HRPAYMX03 | Integrated daily wage check |
HRPAYMX04 | General function group |
HRPAYMX05 | Absences Mexico |
HRPAYMX06 | Function module for reports |
HRPAYMXCLST | Print routine Mexico |
HRSP_MX | payroll splits MX |
SAP Package PC32 contains 57 transactions.
PC00_M32 | Area menu-Payroll Mexico |
PC00_M32_CAFL0 | Integrated daily wage notification |
PC00_M32_CAGU0 | Annual bonus |
PC00_M32_CAJD0 | Adjustment of annual deferred tax |
PC00_M32_CALC | Payroll |
PC00_M32_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting 32 |
PC00_M32_CCRE0 | Credit on wage paid in cash |
PC00_M32_CCSD0 | Integrated daily wage calculation |
PC00_M32_CDAN0 | Annual Declaration |
PC00_M32_CDEM0 | Multiple Electronic Documents |
PC00_M32_CDIE0 | HR-MX: State tax detail |
PC00_M32_CDNT0 | Delete IT 372 notification |
PC00_M32_CDSS0 | Wages and salaries declaration |
PC00_M32_CDTA | Payroll - Pre-prog. DME-32 |
PC00_M32_CEDT | Payroll remuneration statement - 32 |
PC00_M32_CETS0 | IDW limit surplus |
PC00_M32_CFIC0 | Theor. tax. income frm loans |
PC00_M32_CFIN0 | Termination details |
PC00_M32_CFNC0 | FONACOT credit balances |
PC00_M32_CGRB | Prepare evaluation |
PC00_M32_CGRH | Garnishments 32 |
PC00_M32_CGRI0 | Deducted tax |
PC00_M32_CIFA0 | Interest distribution Savings Fund |
PC00_M32_CINF0 | FONACOT/INFONAVIT discounts made |
PC00_M32_CINO0 | State tax |
PC00_M32_CISR0 | Tax formulas |
PC00_M32_CKTO | Payroll account 32 |
PC00_M32_CLFA0 | Savings fund settlement |
PC00_M32_CLJN | Payroll journal 32 |
PC00_M32_CLSTR | Tools - payroll result - 32 |
PC00_M32_CMCI0 | Tax Methods Comparative |
PC00_M32_CRET0 | Tax deduction statements |
PC00_M32_CRFC0 | RFC Notification |
PC00_M32_CRNS0 | Wage range remuneration |
PC00_M32_CRUT0 | Profit sharing |
PC00_M32_CSDI0 | Wage integration |
PC00_M32_CSFA0 | Savings Fund balances |
PC00_M32_CSSA0 | HR-MX: Social Insurance audits |
PC00_M32_CSSI | IMSS contrib. report 32 |
PC00_M32_CSSI0 | IMSS-INFONAVIT contributions |
PC00_M32_CSSS | IMSS related earnings 32 |
PC00_M32_CVAL0 | Food vouchers magnetic format |
PC00_M32_FFOC | Print check |
PC00_M32_FFOT | Create DME |
PC00_M32_FFOV | Payment notification |
PC00_M32_FVAL0 | Food voucher format |
PC00_M32_JAHRLICHE | Area menu-Subseq. activities Annual |
PC00_M32_MONATLICHE | Area menu-Subseq. activities Annual |
PC00_M32_PAP | Area menu-Subs. act. Per payr. per. |
PC00_M32_PDUNABHAGIG | Area menu-Subs. act. Period-indep. |
PC00_M32_SONSPERIOD | Area menu-Subs. act. Other periods |
PC00_M32_TRM0 | Termination driver |
PC00_M32_TRTR0 | Occupational hazard |
PC00_M32_TVAC0 | Vacation quota settlement |
PC32 | Area menu-Payroll Mexico |
S_AL0_96000754 | Maintain substitute tax percentage |
S_PH9_46000330 | file format for food vouchers |
SAP Package PC32 contains 46 database tables.
PA0372 | Master data: Infotype 0372 (Integrated daily wage) |
PA0426 | Garnishment |
PA0427 | Debts by garnishment |
PA0561 | Data for tax |
PA0654 | Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination) |
T7MX01 | Additional Company Informaton |
T7MX02 | Mexican reasons for personnel actions |
T7MX03 | Assignment tax table to employee group/subgroup |
T7MX0P | Personnel area/subarea additional information |
T7MX11 | Tax table types |
T7MX12 | Tax tables |
T7MX13 | Tax allowance table |
T7MX14 | Wage credit table |
T7MX15 | State tax |
T7MX16 | Company tax allowance |
T7MX17 | Groupers for breakdown of state tax basis |
T7MX17T | Texts for groupers of breakdown of state tax basis |
T7MX18 | Wage types for forming state tax basis |
T7MX19 | Additional tax categories for state tax |
T7MX19T | Additional tax catergories for state tax texts |
T7MX1T | Tax table texts |
T7MX20 | IMSS occupational hazard |
T7MX21 | Employer and Employee contributions |
T7MX22 | Wage integration exemptions |
T7MX23 | Employer and Employee contribution types |
T7MX24 | IMSS Employer Regis. nos. |
T7MX25 | Additional state taxes |
T7MX2T | Employer and Employee contribution texts |
T7MX30 | Annual bonus modifiers |
T7MX40 | Additional information for absences |
T7MX50 | Administration of investment period for savings fund |
T7MX62 | Minimum wages of economic zones |
T7MX63 | Municipalities |
T7MX64 | Economic zones for municipalities |
T7MX70 | Exemptions for tax calculation |
T7MX80 | Work termination reason |
T7MX81 | Texts for work termination reasons |
T7MX82 | Payments to be made in the work termination process |
T7MX83 | Texts for payment types for work termination |
T7MX84 | Payments corresponding to work termination reasons |
T7MX85 | Time quota settlement types for work termination |
T7MXCONV | Pay scales - Check table |
T7MXCONVT | Pay scales |
T7MXG0 | Maintenance payment debt Mexico |
T7MXG1 | Model gross/net |
T7MXG2 | Default values |
SAP Package PC32 contains 26 views.
V_52GH_C | Calculation rule characteristics |
V_7MXG0_B | Maintenance debits |
V_T7MX01 | Additional Company information |
V_T7MX03 | Assignment tax table to employee group/subgroup |
V_T7MX0P_A | Personnel area/subarea additional information |
V_T7MX11 | Tax table types |
V_T7MX12 | Tax tables |
V_T7MX13 | Tax subsidy |
V_T7MX14 | Employment subsidy for taxes |
V_T7MX17 | Groupers for breakdown of state tax basis |
V_T7MX18 | Wage types for forming state tax basis |
V_T7MX19 | Additional tax categories for state tax |
V_T7MX25 | Additional state taxes |
V_T7MX40 | Additional information for absences |
V_T7MX50 | View Administration of Savings Fund investment period |
V_T7MX80 | Work termination type |
V_T7MX82 | Payments to be made in the work termination process |
V_T7MX84 | Payments corresponding to work termination types |
V_T7MX85 | Time quota compensation types for work termination |
V_T7MXCONVN | Pay scales |
V_T7MXG1 | Model gross/net |
V_T7MXG2 | Default values |
VV_511K_B_PCIEN | Payroll constant PCIEN |
VV_5F99OSFG_R_MX_IND_RSK | HR-MX: Industrial Risk |
VV_5F99OSFG_R_MX_SI | HR-MX: Social Insurance |
VV_5F99OSFG_R_MX_TAX_ISR | HR-MX: Income Tax |
SAP Package PC32 contains 159 structures.
P0372 | Master personnel record infotype 0372 (Integ. daily wage) |
P0426 | Garnishment |
P0427 | Debts by garnishment |
P0561 | Data for tax |
P0654 | Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination) |
PAYMX_NATIONAL | Hr-pay-mx: National structure fr payr reslt |
PAYMX_RESULT | Definition of payroll result: Mexico |
PC2L4 | Payroll result: Result table Social Insurance MX |
PC2L5 | Payroll result: Cumulated results Tax MX |
PC2L6 | Maintenance payment order |
PC2L7 | Maintenance Payment Debit |
PC2L8 | Maintenance Payment payroll results |
PC2LJ | Additional tax data included for calculation |
PC2QB | Soc. Insurance for calcul. data included |
PC2QC | Tax for calculation data included |
PC2QZ | Included from Integrated Daily Wage for calcul. |
PMX01 | HRMS-MX: Structure for calculation of Integrated Daily Wage |
PMX02 | HRMS-MX: Structure for showing IMSS notifications |
PMX03 | HRMS-MX: TemSe for description of SDI calculation |
PMX04 | HRMS-MX: Interval for notification of SDI by personnel no. |
PMX05 | HRMS-MX: Log for notification of Integrated Daily Wage |
PMX06 | Struct. for IMSS employee REGISTRATIONS w/ SUA data format |
PMX07 | Struct. for IMSS employee MOVEMENTS with SUA data format |
PMX08 | Struct. for IMSS employee REGISTRATIONS w/ AFIL data format |
PMX09 | Struct. for IMSS employee MODIFICATIONS AFIL data format |
PMX10 | Struct. for IMSS employee DEREGISTRATIONS AFIL data format |
PMX11 | Total structure AFIL records (Registns, Deregistns, Changes) |
PMX12 | Main structure for record control AFIL/SUA data format |
PMX13 | Structure for wage credit cash payment (TemSe) |
PMX14 | HRMS-MX: Structure to show errors and notifications. |
PMX15 | Header for EDI file |
PMX16 | Control record for EDI file |
PMX17 | Detail data for EDI file |
PMX18 | Detail for EDI file |
PMX19 | Structure for Mex. SI Inst. workers EDI format |
PMX20 | Structure for Mex. SI Inst. movement processes, HMXCAFL0 |
PMX25 | Structure for additional taxes including amount |
PMXDAQ_ALV_KEYS | Structure with keys for DAQ declaration lists |
PMXDAQ_EMPLOYEE | Employee structure - employee record |
PMXDAQ_EMPLOYER | Employer data structure |
PMXDAQ_ERKEY | Employee key data |
PMXDAQ_FORMID | Declaration identification |
PMXDAQ_NATPER | Personal data (Employee) |
PMXDAQ_NPADDR | Person's address |
PMXDAQ_OCCU | Employment structure |
PMXDAQ_REFER | Reference |
PMXDAQ_T_EMPLOYEE | Employee structure - employee record |
PMXDAQ_T_EMPLOYER | Employer data structure |
PMXDAQ_T_FORMID | Declaration identification |
PMXDAQ_T_NATPER | Personal data (Employee) |
PMXDAQ_T_OCCU | Employment structure |
PMXDAQ_T_REFER | Reference |
PMXDAQ_T_WORKPLACE | Place of employment |
PMXDAQ_WORKPLACE | Place of employment |
PMXLIST_AGU | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCAGU0 |
PMXLIST_AJD | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCAJD0 |
PMXLIST_COMPANIA | Company (report HMXCIES0) |
PMXLIST_ETS | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCETS0 |
PMXLIST_FIC | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCFIC0 |
PMXLIST_GRI | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCGRI0 |
PMXLIST_GRI2 | HRMS-MX: Detail list structure for HMXCGRI0 |
PMXLIST_GRI3 | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCGRI0 |
PMXLIST_IFA | HRMS-MX: Structure of list for HMXCIFA0 |
PMXLIST_INF | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCINF0 |
PMXLIST_INF2 | HRMS-MX: Detail list structure for HMXCINF0 |
PMXLIST_ISS | HRMS-MX: Data structure for HMXTISS0 report |
PMXLIST_MCI | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCMCI0 |
PMXLIST_RFC | HRMS-MX: Structure for HMXCRFC0 list |
PMXLIST_RT1 | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXTRTR0 |
PMXLIST_RT2 | HRMS-MX: Structure for HMXTRTR0 list detail |
PMXLIST_RUT | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCRUT0 |
PMXLIST_SDI | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCSDI0 |
PMXLIST_SDI2 | HRMS-MX: Detail list structure for HMCSDI0 |
PMXLIST_SFA | HRMS-MX: List structure for HMXCSFA0 and HMXCLFA0 |
PMXLIST_SSI | HRMS-MX: Structure of data for HMXCSSI0 report |
PMXLIST_VAC | HRMS-MX: Structure of list for HMXTVAC0 |
PMXP_ISTEM_CANC | ISSTE TemSe data structure - Canceled |
PMXP_ISTEM_EXTP | ISSTE TemSe data structure - Out of date |
PMXP_ISTEM_OLD | Estructura datos TemSe ISSTE - Formato Antiguo |
PMXP_ISTEM_ORD | ISSTE TemSe data structure - Ordinary |
PMXSOSA_ALV_DETAIL_FIXED | Fixed elements list for Social Insurance audit |
PMXSOSA_ALV_DETAIL_LIMITS | List of limit surpluses for Social Insurance Audit |
PMXSOSA_ALV_DETAIL_VAR_SPLIT | List of variable elements for Social Insurance Audit |
PMXSOSA_ALV_DETAIL_VARIABLE | List of variable elements for Social Insurance Audit |
PMXSOSA_ALV_OVERVIEW | Structure for Social Insurance Audits (HMXCSSA0) |
PMXSOSA_FIXED | Fixed elements |
PMXSOSA_LIMITS | Limits Surpluses |
PMXSOSA_T_FIXED | Fixed elements |
PMXSOSA_T_LIMITS | Limits Surpluses |
PMXSOSA_T_VARIABLE | Variable elements |
PMXSOSA_T_VARIABLE_SPLITTED | Variable elements - Breakdown |
PMXSOSA_VARIABLE | Variable elements |
PMXSOSA_VARIABLE_SPLITTED | Variable elements - Breakdown |
PMXSTAX_ALV_DETAIL_DESGLOSE | State tax list structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_ALV_DETAIL_INCOME | State tax detailed list structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_ALV_DETAIL_SUPPLEMENT | State tax list structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_ALV_DETAIL_TOTALS | State tax totals structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_ALV_KEYS | State tax list keys structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_ALV_OVERVIEW | State tax list structure (HMXCDIE0) |
PMXSTAX_BASE_WAGES | Basic wages |
PMXSTAX_DETAIL | State tax declaration details |
PMXSTAX_EMPLOYEE | Employee structure - employee record |
PMXSTAX_SUPPLEMENTARY | State Tax supplementary wages |
PMXSTAX_T_BASE_WAGES | Basic wages |
PMXSTAX_T_DETAIL | State tax declaration details |
PMXSTAX_T_EMPLOYEE | Employee structure - employee record |
PMXSTAX_T_SUPPLEMENTARY | State Tax supplementary wages |
PMXSTAX_T_TOTALS | Totals by Employee / State / Employee |
PMXSTAX_TOTALS | Totals by Employee / State / Employee |
PMXTERM_ALV_DETAIL_DEDUCTION | ALV deduction details structure (HMXCTRM0) |
PMXTERM_ALV_DETAIL_INCOME | ALV payment details structure (HMXCTRM0) |
PMXTERM_ALV_DETAIL_INFORMATIVE | ALV reporting details structure (HMXCTRM0) |
PMXTERM_ALV_KEYS | Termination list structure with keys (HMXCTRM0) |
PMXTERM_ALV_OVERVIEW | Termination list structure (HMXCTRM0) |
PMXTERM_DED_LOANS | Deductions - loans |
PMXTERM_DED_OHTER_DEDUCT | Deductions - Other deductions |
PMXTERM_DED_OTHER_DEDUCT | Deductions - Other deductions |
PMXTERM_DED_SI | Deductions - Social Insurance |
PMXTERM_DED_TAXES | Deductions - Taxes |
PMXTERM_INFO_EXEMPTIONS | Reporting - Exemptions |
PMXTERM_INFO_OTHERS | Reproting - Others |
PMXTERM_INFO_SALARY | Reporting - Wages |
PMXTERM_INFO_TAX | Reporting - Tax bases |
PMXTERM_SALA_BENEFITS | Wages - Benefits |
PMXTERM_SALA_INCENTIVES | Wages - Bonuses and incentive wages |
PMXTERM_SALA_XTRA_HOURS | Wages - Overtime and attendance |
PMXTERM_T_DED_LOANS | Deductions - loans |
PMXTERM_T_DED_OHTER_DEDUCT | Deductions - Other deductions |
PMXTERM_T_DED_OTHER_DEDUCT | Deductions - Other deductions |
PMXTERM_T_DED_SI | Deductions - Social Insurance |
PMXTERM_T_DED_TAXES | Deductions - Taxes |
PMXTERM_T_INFO_BENEFITS | Wages - Benefits |
PMXTERM_T_INFO_EXEMPTIONS | Reporting - Exemptions |
PMXTERM_T_INFO_OTHERS | Reproting - Others |
PMXTERM_T_INFO_SALARY | Reporting - Wages |
PMXTERM_T_INFO_TAX | Reporting - Tax bases |
PMXTERM_T_SALA_BENEFITS | Wages - Benefits |
PMXTERM_T_SALA_INCENTIVES | Wages - Bonuses and incentive wages |
PMXTERM_T_SALA_XTRA_HOURS | Wages - Overtime and attendance |
PMXTRM_S_PAR | Extra parameters for termination |
PMXTRM_S_PYMNT | Structure containing payments, related texts and wage types |
PMXTRM_S_RSN | Structure with termination reason and related text |
PMXTYP_DEGLOSE | Breakdown of payments (HMXCIES0) |
PMXTYP_HEADER | Header (Report HMXCIES0) |
PMXTYP_SUPPLEMENT | Supplementary state tax (HMXCIES0) |
PS0372 | Integrated Daily Wage |
PS0426 | Garnishment |
PS0427 | Debts by garnishment |
PS0561 | Data for tax |
PS0654 | Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination) |
Q0426 | Garnishment |
Q0427 | Infotype 0427: Dynamic Program Structure |
Q0561 | Screen fields for Infotype 0561 (Fiscal data) |
Q0654 | Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination) |
SAP Package PC32 contains 54 programs.
HMXCAFL0 | Generation of IMSS notifications |
HMXCAGU0 | Annual bonus calculation |
HMXCAJD0 | Adjustment of annual deferred tax |
HMXCALC0 | Mexican payroll accounting program |
HMXCCRE0 | Annual declaration of wage credit paid in cash |
HMXCCSS0 | IMSS and INFONAVIT Contribution Calculation |
HMXCDAN0 | Annual Declaration |
HMXCDEM0 | Multiple electronic documents |
HMXCDIE0 | State tax details |
HMXCDNT0 | Delete notification for Integrated daily wage infotype (0372) |
HMXCDSS0 | Wage and Salary Declaration |
HMXCDTA0 | Pre-program Data medium exchange Various payment processes |
HMXCEDT0 | Remuneration statement Mexico |
HMXCETS0 | Limit surplus report for daily integrated wage (SDI) |
HMXCFIC0 | Calculation of theoretical taxable income |
HMXCFIN0 | Termination details |
HMXCFNC0 | Generation of FONACOT initial file, issue and payments |
HMXCGRB0 | Maintenance payments: beneficiaries |
HMXCGRH0 | Garnishment history |
HMXCGRI0 | Regular tax calculation report |
HMXCIES0 | State tax |
HMXCIFA0 | Savings fund interest distribution |
HMXCINF0 | Deductions by INFONAVIT and FONACOT credits |
HMXCINO0 | Payroll tax report |
HMXCISR0 | Income Tax Calculation |
HMXCKTO0 | Payroll account |
HMXCLFA0 | Savings fund settlement |
HMXCLJN0 | Payroll journal |
HMXCLLO0 | Specific Mexico include for RPCLSTLO |
HMXCLSTR | Payroll accounting results (Cluster MX) |
HMXCMCI0 | Tax Methods Comparative |
HMXCNOM0 | State tax calculation |
HMXCRET0 | Payments and deductions record for Income Tax purposes |
HMXCRNS0 | Annual report on payments by minimum wage levels |
HMXCRUT0 | Profit share calculation |
HMXCSDI0 | Wage integration report |
HMXCSFA0 | Balance report for Savings Fund |
HMXCSSA0 | Social Insurance audits |
HMXCSSI0 | IMSS-INFONAVIT contribution report |
HMXCTAL0 | INFONAVIT deduction release record |
HMXCVAL0 | File format for food vouchers |
HMXDYNM0 | HRMS-MX: Module pool for dynamic actions |
HMXP5000 | Module pool for Austria payroll menu |
HMXTISS0 | List of personnel absences and incapacities |
HMXTRTR0 | Annual percentage calculation of industrial risk contribution |
HMXTVAC0 | Settlement of Vacation Quotas |
HMXUTMS0 | Display of TemSe files |
MP042600 | Garnishment Order Infotype |
MP042700 | Garnishment Debts Infotype |
MP065400 | Infotype 0654. Work termination (Mexico) |
RPU_M32_FFOC | Transfer to FI/CO 29 |
RPU_M32_FFOV | Tax 29 |