SAP Package PCNA

Payroll North America

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The package PCNA (Payroll North America) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PCNA
Short Text Payroll North America
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PCNA contains 5 function groups.

HRPAY99_WPCRT Accumulation Relative to Pay Date
HRPAYNA HR Payroll North America Function Group
HRPAYNA_OOS_YEA YE Adjustments prior to 6 month window
PB10 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RPPU US Payroll function modules


SAP Package PCNA contains 2 transactions.

PC00_MNA_CC_ADM Cost Center Report - Administrator
PC00_MNA_CC_MAN Cost Center Report - Manager

Database Tables

SAP Package PCNA contains 7 database tables.

PA0221 HR Master Record: Infotype 0221 (Manual Checks)
T5U8C Transfer external payroll results (USA)
T5UBX_GTL_AWART Processing group for absence types
T5UBX_GTL_SUBTY Processing group definition for Beneficiaries
T5URA HR payee derived from wage types via ZIP code
T5URB HR payee derived from wage types via org. assignment
T5URC HR payee for taxes derived from wage types via tax attr.


SAP Package PCNA contains 21 structures.

HRPAYNA_GROUP_TYPE Grouping of personnel assignments for North American payroll
HRUMODI Modifiers for US
P0221 Manual checks
PBSI_M2 BSI structure for message formatting (output)
PBSI_MISC HR: BSI Interface: Miscellaneous Fields
PC22Q Name of Employee
PC22R Personal Characteristics
PC22S Address
PC23F Payroll results: Tax accumulation (USA)
PC23H Payroll results: Tax accumulation (USA)
PC23R Payroll Results: Retroaccounting Differences -DFRT- (USA)
PC292C Cumulation for garnishment results
PC2U1_US Structure for internal payroll table XTBLGART - US
PC2U15 Pay Log US: Table USPARM
PC2UG1 Payroll US Log: Retro differences for garnishment.
PCNA_RANGE Range options
PNA_CCDATA Cost Center Report Output Structure
PS0221 Manual Checks
Q0221 Manual Checks
Q0221_US Screen fields for manual checks - US


SAP Package PCNA contains 5 programs.

MP022100 Module Pool of Infotype 221
RPCADJKU BDC data import for adjustments
RPCARRRS Convert T512W Entries of Arrears Deductions to T51P6 (74,75,81)
RPCARRWG Create T52D7 Entries of Arrears Deductions from T51P6
RPUPRAUK DDIC corrections for infotype 221

Message Classes

SAP Package PCNA contains 1 message classes.

HRPAYNA Payroll North america messages