SAP Package PM01

HR Funds and Position Management

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The package PM01 (HR Funds and Position Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PM01
Short Text HR Funds and Position Management
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PM01 contains 91 function groups.

HR_CDOC_IT1500 CHDO HR_IT1500 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1501 CHDO HR_IT1501 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1502 CHDO HR_IT1502 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1503 CHDO HR_IT1503 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1504 CHDO HR_IT1504 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1505 CHDO HR_IT1505 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1506 CHDO HR_IT1506 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1507 CHDO HR_IT1507 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1513 CHDO HR_IT1513 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1517 CHDO HR_IT1517 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1518 CHDO HR_IT1518 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1519 CHDO HR_IT1519 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1520 CHDO HR_IT1520 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HRFPM_ADT Functions for Job Title
HRFPM_ADT_CUST Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRFPM_ADT_SUB_SCREEN Job Title Subscreen
HRFPM_WIZ001 Wizard for Generation... Enhancement
HRFPM_WIZ002 Wizard for Reconcile... Enhancement
HRFPM_WIZ003 Wizard for Activate Document Display
HRFPM_WIZ004 Summarization Required Funds
HRFPM_WIZ005 Required Funds for Vacant Positions
HRFPM_WIZ006 Enhanced Financing Distribution
HRFPM_WIZ007 Enhancement Coll. Procg for Financing
HRPBC_ADT_CUST Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RHB_BASICS HR-FPM Basic Functions
RHB_EXCEL Excel Communication
RHB_IAC HR-FPM Internet Scenarios
RHB_MASSFIN Mass Financing
RHB_MDT Functions for HR-FPM'S Desktop
RHB_OM_INT OM Integration Modules
RHB_PLANNING_1 Position Planning Functions
RHB_PLANNING_2 Position Planning: Mass Processing
RHB_ROLL Totaling Up
RHB_USERSETTINGS Administration of User Settings
RHB1 Budget Structure
RHB1_1 Enhanced Budget Functions
RHB1_2 Enhanced Budget Functions -> Period
RHB1_3 Hierarchy Check for Overall Budget
RHB1_4 Validity
RHB2 Extended Object Attributes
RHB3 Classification
RHB3_2 Classification
RHB3_SPEC Additional Fields for Pay Scale Classif.
RHB4 Central Modules
RHB5 Original Budget
RHB5_2 Original Budget
RHB6 Recalculations
RHB7 Financing Functions
RHB7_2 Financing Functions
RHB7_3 Additional Financing Functions
RHB7_4 Financing Functions
RHB7_5 Validation Modules for Financing
RHB7_6 Financing Functions
RHB7_BASICS Encapsulation of Financing Functions
RHB8 Rules (Availability Restrictions)
RHB9 Person-Based Functions
RHBA Service Type/Category Infotype...
RHBB Integration PA/PD
RHBC Monitor Budget
RHBC_2 New: Monitor Budget
RHBE Increase/Decrease Budget
RHBF General Interface Functions
RHBF_2 General Interface Functions
RHBF_3 General Functions
RHBF_4 Last Changed By Functions
RHBF4 F4 Help
RHBG Carry-Forward Method
RHBG_2 Advanced Update Functions
RHBH Object Copier...
RHBK User Commands for Lists
RHBL Teaching Hours
RHBM Transfer Data from HR-FPM to FI-FM
RHBM_2 Funds (pre)commitments in FI-FM
RHBM_3 Compare Against Documents in FI-FM
RHBN Expenditure Types - Validations
RHBO PS Organizational Management
RHBP Reporting
RHBP_2 Reporting: Extras for Log. Database
RHBP_3 New/Redesigned Interface Functions
RHBRE Retroactive Payroll Run
RHBT Table Maintenance
RHBT_2 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RHBT_TKAUM Conversion Programs (Instead of XPRAs)
RHBW Check Consistency of HR-FPM and FI-FM
RHBW_2 Functions for Payroll Simulation
RHBW_3 Enhanced Integration Functions
RHBX Additional Budget Structure Functions
RHBY FM Integration Modules
RHBY_2 Integration Switches
RHBY_3 Query Integration Switches (Distributed)


SAP Package PM01 contains 163 transactions.

0FPM001 Define Standard Texts for Carry/Fwd
0FPM002 Import Logo for Reporting
0PM3 Define Career Groups and Texts
0PMDIKEY Distribution Keys
OOHRPPBC_ADT0 Switch for Main/Sub-Group
OOP1 Funds & Pos. Mgt: Current Settings
PMAH HR-FPM: Access Ad Hoc Query
PMB0 Position Management Plan Version
PMB1 Change Overall Budget
PMB1I Internet Scenario - Budget Info
PMB2 Display Overall Budget
PMBA Position Management Report Selection
PMBC Create Overall Budget
PMBD Display Overall Budget
PMBF Carry Forward Overall Budget
PMBM Change Overall Budget
PMBP Change Plan Status
PMBPI Internet Scenario - Position Mgt
PMBS Change Budget Status
PMBT Tools for Report Selection
PMC1 Check Consistency With Org. Mgt
PMEC Change Employee
PMED Display Employee
PMESIM Manual Payroll Simulation
PMFD Access HR-PFM via FM Account Assgmt
PMFM Access HR-PFM via FM Account Assgmt
PMHS Change Budget Status
PMIC Consistency check with Funds Mgt
PMIMG Access Customizing HR-FPM
PMMF Financing workbench
PMMN HR Funds and Position Management
PMOC Create Organization
PMOD Display Organization
PMOM Change Organization
PMSI Simulate Payroll Run
PMUS User-Specific Settings
PMWIZ001 'Generation...' Enhancement
PMWIZ002 'Reconcile...' Enhancement
PMWIZ003 Activate Document Display
PMWIZ004 Define Summarizt. of Required Funds
PMWIZ005 Required Funds of Vacant Positions
PMWIZ006 Enhanced Financing Distribution
PMWIZ007 Collective Processing of Financing
S_AHR_61005229 IMG Activity: OHP7_0200
S_AHR_61005236 IMG Activity: OHP7_0202
S_AHR_61005258 IMG Activity: OHP7_0310
S_AHR_61005264 IMG Activity: OHP7_0170
S_AHR_61005269 IMG Activity: OHP7_0235
S_AHR_61005275 IMG Activity: OHP7_0030
S_AHR_61005280 IMG Activity: OHP7_0795
S_AHR_61005287 IMG Activity: OHP7_0219
S_AHR_61005291 IMG Activity: OHP7_0220
S_AHR_61005317 IMG Activity: OHP7_0265
S_AHR_61005321 IMG Activity: OHP7_0721
S_AHR_61005331 IMG Activity: OHP7_0705
S_AHR_61005334 IMG Activity: OHP7_0760
S_AHR_61005336 IMG Activity: OHP7_0770
S_AHR_61005338 IMG Activity: OHP7_0790
S_AHR_61005341 IMG Activity: OHP7_0360
S_AHR_61005346 IMG Activity: OHP7_0180
S_AHR_61005350 IMG Activity: OHP7_0190
S_AHR_61005354 IMG Activity: OHP7_0195
S_AHR_61005356 IMG Activity: OHP7_0198
S_AHR_61005364 IMG Activity: OHP7_0300
S_AHR_61005368 IMG Activity: OHP7_0270
S_AHR_61005372 IMG Activity: OHP7_0350
S_AHR_61005375 IMG Activity: OHP7_0440
S_AHR_61005414 IMG Activity: OHP7_0500
S_AHR_61005418 IMG Activity: OHP7_0520
S_AHR_61005456 IMG Activity: OHP7_0650
S_AHR_61005458 IMG Activity: OHP7_0370
S_AHR_61005461 IMG Activity: OHP7_0390
S_AHR_61005465 IMG Activity: OHP7_0400
S_AHR_61005469 IMG Activity: OHP7_0410
S_AHR_61005473 IMG Activity: OHP7_0430
S_AHR_61005477 IMG Activity: OHP7_0570
S_AHR_61005483 IMG Activity: OHP7_0020
S_AHR_61005488 IMG Activity: OHP7_0580
S_AHR_61005491 IMG Activity: OHP7_0590
S_AHR_61005497 IMG Activity: OHP7_0010
S_AHR_61005505 IMG Activity: OHP7_0620
S_AHR_61005510 IMG Activity: OHP7_0540
S_AHR_61005512 IMG Activity: OHP7_0550
S_AHR_61007535 IMG Activity: OHP7_0070
S_AHR_61007538 IMG Activity: OHP7_0260
S_AHR_61007542 IMG Activity: OHP7_0200
S_AHR_61007543 IMG Activity: OHP7_0202
S_AHR_61007546 IMG Activity: OHP7_0800
S_AHR_61007548 IMG Activity: OHP7_0130
S_AHR_61007550 IMG Activity: OHP7_0310
S_AHR_61007551 IMG Activity: OHP7_0170
S_AHR_61007553 IMG Activity: OHP7_0235
S_AHR_61007556 IMG Activity: OHP7_0030
S_AHR_61007557 IMG Activity: OHP7_0795
S_AHR_61007561 IMG Activity: OHP7_0050
S_AHR_61007562 IMG Activity: OHP7_0219
S_AHR_61007563 IMG Activity: OHP7_0220
S_AHR_61007566 IMG Activity: OHP7_0229
S_AHR_61007570 IMG Activity: OHP7_0230
S_AHR_61007575 IMG Activity: OHP7_0234
S_AHR_61007577 IMG Activity: OHP7_0265
S_AHR_61007578 IMG Activity: OHP7_0721
S_AHR_61007581 IMG Activity: OHP7_0722
S_AHR_61007584 IMG Activity: OHP7_0700
S_AHR_61007585 IMG Activity: OHP7_0705
S_AHR_61007586 IMG Activity: OHP7_0760
S_AHR_61007587 IMG Activity: OHP7_0770
S_AHR_61007588 IMG Activity: OHP7_0790
S_AHR_61007589 IMG Activity: OHP7_0360
S_AHR_61007590 IMG Activity: OHP7_0180
S_AHR_61007591 IMG Activity: OHP7_0190
S_AHR_61007592 IMG Activity: OHP7_0195
S_AHR_61007593 IMG Activity: OHP7_0198
S_AHR_61007594 IMG Activity: OHP7_0199
S_AHR_61007595 IMG Activity: OHP7_0300
S_AHR_61007596 IMG Activity: OHP7_0270
S_AHR_61007597 IMG Activity: OHP7_0350
S_AHR_61007598 IMG Activity: OHP7_0440
S_AHR_61007599 IMG Activity: OHP7_0450
S_AHR_61007604 IMG Activity: OHP7_0470
S_AHR_61007606 IMG Activity: OHP7_0480
S_AHR_61007613 IMG Activity: OHP7_0490
S_AHR_61007614 IMG Activity: OHP7_0500
S_AHR_61007615 IMG Activity: OHP7_0520
S_AHR_61007629 IMG Activity: OHP7_0640
S_AHR_61007632 IMG Activity: OHP7_0650
S_AHR_61007635 IMG Activity: OHP7_0370
S_AHR_61007637 IMG Activity: OHP7_0390
S_AHR_61007638 IMG Activity: OHP7_0400
S_AHR_61007642 IMG Activity: OHP7_0410
S_AHR_61007643 IMG Activity: OHP7_0430
S_AHR_61007644 IMG Activity: OHP7_0570
S_AHR_61007647 IMG Activity: OHP7_0020
S_AHR_61007648 IMG Activity: OHP7_0580
S_AHR_61007650 IMG Activity: OHP7_0590
S_AHR_61007651 IMG Activity: OHP7_0010
S_AHR_61007655 IMG Activity: OHP7_0610
S_AHR_61007658 IMG Activity: OHP7_0620
S_AHR_61007660 IMG Activity: OHP7_0540
S_AHR_61007664 IMG Activity: OHP7_0550
S_AHR_HRFPM_0001 Max. FTEs
S_AHR_HRFPM_0002 Reconstruct Funds Precommitments
S_AL0_96000702 Crryfwrd of Budget Hierarchy per F
S_AL0_96000703 Crryfwrd of Financing per FMAA
S_AL0_96000705 Validate Funding of Basic Pay
S_AL0_96000706 RHPMSIM3
S_AL0_96000771 Transfer of Payroll Already Posted
S_L9C_94000025 Ad Hoc Query
S_PH0_48000214 Mass Planning
S_PH9_46000826 Financing Overview
S_PH9_46000827 Overfinancing/Underfinancing
S_PH9_46000828 Overfinancing/Underfinancing
S_PH9_46000837 Display Carryforward Logs
S_PH9_46000838 Carry/Fwd Log by Responsibility
S_PH9_46000839 Display Carryforward Logs
S_PH9_46000840 Carry/Fwd Log by Responsibility
S_PH9_46000851 Check Carry Forward
S_PH9_46000852 Work List Log by Responsibility
S_PH9_46000859 Financing from BS Element Budgets
S_PH9_46000860 Available Budget Per BS Element
S_PH9_46000867 Different Service Type/Service Cat.
S_PH9_46000918 Financing Overview

Database Tables

SAP Package PM01 contains 83 database tables.

HRFPM_SMARTFORMS HR-FPM: Use of Smart Forms in Reports
HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500
HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501
HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502
HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503
HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504
HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505
HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506
HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507
HRP1513 DB Table for Infotype 1513
HRP1517 DB-Table for Infotype 1517
HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518
HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519
HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520
HRPADP1 Additional Data PADP1
HRPADP2 Additional Data PADP2
HRPADPM Additional Data PADPM
HRPMSIM Simulated Payroll Results for HR Funds and Position Mgt
HRPMSIM_INT Selections for Payroll Simulation
HRT1505 Table Section of Infotype 1505 (Budgeting Rules)
PA0783 HR Master Record Infotype 0783
T77HRFPM_ADTKEY Key for Job Title
T77HRFPM_ADTKEYT Description: Job Title Key
T77HRFPM_MGRP Job Title Main Group
T77HRFPM_MGRPT Description: Main Job Title Group
T77HRFPM_SGRP Job Title Sub-Group
T77HRFPM_SGRPT Description: Job Title Sub-Group
T7PM_DIKEY HR-FPM: Definition of Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_DIKEY_T HR-FPM: Texts for Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_MOINT HR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping
T7PM_MOINT_T HR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping Text
T7PM_MOREQ HR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required
T7PM_MOREQ_T HR-FPM: Texts for Origin of Funds Required Groupings
T7PM_PM003 HR-FPM: Origin of Funds Required for Groupings
T7PM2 Section of Budget: Currency
T7PM3 Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM3_H Hierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM4 Budget Units
T7PM5 Budget Unit Names
T7PM6 Expenditure Types
T7PM6_MO Definition of Employee Grouping for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MOT Names of Employee Groupings for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MSG Tolerance limits for each expenditure type in payroll
T7PM6_RFI Determination of Commitment Item
T7PM7 Names of Expenditure Types
T7PM8 Names of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM9 Financial Year
T7PMA Allowance Catalog
T7PMB Allowance Catalog Name
T7PMC Allowances
T7PMD Allowance Name
T7PME Dialog Control
T7PMF Special Pay Scale Groups
T7PMG Average Amounts for Collective Agreements (PSG)
T7PMG_2 HR-FPM: Distribution Keys for Default Values
T7PMH Career Groups
T7PMI Time base
T7PMJ Texts for Time Reference
T7PMK Names of Budget Structure Elements
T7PML Determine Financing Unit per Object Type
T7PMM Combinations of Rules and Budget Structure Element Types
T7PMN Valuation of Absence Types
T7PMO Career Group Names
T7PMP Budget Carry-Forward Method
T7PMS Budget Status Changeover
T7PMS_PM005 Table for Feature PM005
T7PMT1 System Reactions in HR Funds and Position Management
T7PMT2 Name of Results for System Reactions
T7PMU Default Values for Teaching Hours
T7PMV Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMVT Text of Reason for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMW Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Classification
T7PMX FTE Ranges (Maximum)
T7PMXT Names of Maximum FTE Ranges
T7PMY1 Combinations of BS Element Types and Budget Positions
T7PMY2 Integration of FM and HR-FPM
T7PMY3 Commit Handling: Integration of FM and HR-FPM
T7PMY3A Commit Handling Activities
T7PMY3AT Names of Commit Handling Activities
T7PMY4 HR-FPM: Involved in Integration


SAP Package PM01 contains 71 views.

V_778U_PM1 Subtypes
V_HRP1519_1500 Selection of HRP1519 + HRP1500 for Integration Check
V_HRPMLOGO Defining Logos for HR Funds and Position Management
V_HRPMLOGO_ALV Logo for ALV Reports in HR Funds and Position Management
V_HRPMLOGO_ALV_2 Background for ALV Reports in HR Funds and Position Mgt
V_HRPMLOGO_START Logo on Initial Screen
V_T5D5L_PM Combinations of Career Groups and Pay Scale Groups
V_T77HRFPM_ADTK Maintenance of Job Title Key
V_T77HRFPM_ADTT Maintenance of Job Title Descriptions
V_T77HRFPM_MGRP Maintenance of Main Job Title Groups
V_T77HRFPM_SGRP Maintenance of Job Title Sub-Groups
V_T7PM_DIKEY_T Define Distribution Key for Default Value
V_T7PM_MOINT_T 'Involved in Integration With FI-FM' Grouping
V_T7PM_MOREQ_T HR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required
V_T7PM_PM003_T HR-FPM: Assign to Grouping for Origin of Funds Required
V_T7PM2 Define Currency of Section of Budget
V_T7PM3_A Maintain Budget Structure Element Type
V_T7PM3_H Maintain Hierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types
V_T7PM4 Maintain Budget Unit Name
V_T7PM5 Maintain Budget Unit Name
V_T7PM6 Maintain Expenditure Types
V_T7PM6_7_HELP Expenditure Types
V_T7PM6_MO Maintain Valid Employee Grouping for Determining Commit.Item
V_T7PM6_MSG_1 Maintain Tolerance Limits for each Message in Payroll
V_T7PM6_RFI Maintain How Commitment Items Are Determined
V_T7PM6_RFI_01 Maintain How Commitment Items Are Determined (HR-FPM)
V_T7PM8 Maintain Name of Budget Structure Element Type
V_T7PM9 Maintain Financial Years
V_T7PMA Maintain Allowance Catalog
V_T7PMC Maintain Allowances
V_T7PMF Defining Special Pay Scale Groups
V_T7PMG_2 Distribution of Default Value in Distribution Key
V_T7PMG_TAR Maintain Default Values on Basis of PS Classif./Expend. Type
V_T7PMG_TOT Maintain Default Values (Overall View)
V_T7PMG_ZUL Maintain Default Values for Bonuses
V_T7PMH_O Career Groups and Career Group Texts
V_T7PMK Maintain Names of Budget Structure Elements
V_T7PML Maintain Financing Types per Object Type
V_T7PMM_S Define Attributes of Budget Updates
V_T7PMM_U Combinations of Reclassification Rules and BS Element Types
V_T7PMM_V Maintain Attributes of Rules
V_T7PMN Maintain Valuation of Absence Types
V_T7PMP Define Budget Carry-Forward Method
V_T7PMS Maintain Change of Execution Status
V_T7PMT1 Maintain Events
V_T7PMT1_0001 Maintain System Reactions For Financing
V_T7PMT1_0002 Define System Reactions for Staffing
V_T7PMT1_0003 Maintain System Reaction for Consistency Check
V_T7PMT1_R Define System Reactions
V_T7PMU Defining Default Values for Teaching Hours
V_T7PMV Maintain Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours
V_T7PMW Maintain Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Valuation
V_T7PMX Maintenance Screen for FTE Ranges (Maximum)
V_T7PMY1 Combinations of BS Element Types and Commitment Items
V_T7PMY2_NEW HR-FPM: Integration of HR-FPM with PD and FI-FM
V_T7PMY2_VAR_HHM Integration with Funds Management
V_T7PMY2_VAR_OM Consistency Check With Organizational Management
V_T7PMY4_T HR-FPM: Involved in Integration
VV_T7PM2_V1 Define Currency of Section of Budget
VV_T7PM3_A_V1 Maintain Budget Structure Element Type
VV_T7PM6_V1 Maintain Expenditure Types
VV_T7PM9_V1 Maintain Financial Years
VV_T7PMG_ZUL_01_____AL0 Maintain Default Values for Bonuses
VV_T7PMK_V1 Maintain Names of Budget Structure Elements
VV_T7PML_V1 Maintain Financing Types per Object Type
VV_T7PMM_S_V1 Define Attributes of Budget Updates
VV_T7PMM_U_V1 Combinations of Reclassification Rules and BS Element Types
VV_T7PMM_V_V1 Maintain Attributes of Rules
VV_T7PMT1_R_V1 Define System Reactions
VV_T7PMV_V1 Maintain Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours


SAP Package PM01 contains 185 structures.

ADTINFO Job Title and Description
BUTREESNODE Node Structure of a Simple Tree (HR-FPM)
FIN_OBJECTS Transfer Structure for Objects Financed (RHB7_3)
FPM_FISTL Transfer Structure for Funds Center
HRF4BUDGET1 HR: F4 - Structure for Output List
HRF4BUDGET2 HR: F4 - Structure for Output List
HRFPM_ACCOBJ HRFPM: Account Assignment Objects for Cmmts in Accounting
HRFPM_ADT_BADI Transfer Structure for Validation of Job Title Key
HRFPM_ADTKEY_F4 Enhancement of F4 Help for Job Title
HRFPM_DIMENSION HR-FPM: Active FM-Dimensions (Fund, Grant,...)
HRFPM_DIMENSION_CHANGABLE hR-FPM: Ready for Input Status of Dimesions
HRFPM_DIMENSION_CHANGEABLE HR-FPM: Ready for Input Status of Dimesions
HRFPM_DYNPRO HR-FPM: Structure With Screen Fields
HRFPM_EXCEL_BU_HIERARCHY HR-FPM: Excel Communication BSE-Hierarchy
HRFPM_HEADER HR-FPM: Header for Object
HRFPM_INTEGRATION_TIMES HR-FPM: Time Frame for Integration
HRFPM_NO_INT_CONSISTENCY HR-FPM: Inconsistent Time Interval (Integration)
HRFPM_ORIGIN_OF_REQ_BUDGET HR-FPM: Time Interval With Origin of Funds Required
HRFPM_STUE_001 HR-FPM: Budget in FTEs
HRFPM_TIME HR-FPM: Validity Period
HRFPM_VALUES HR-FPM: Data Structure for Involvement in Integration
HRI1500 Budget Management
HRI1501 Fields for Infotype 1501
HRI1502 Fields for Infotype 1502
HRI1503 Fields for Infotype 1503
HRI1504 Fields for Infotype 1504
HRI1505 Fields for Infotype 1505
HRI1506 Fields for Infotype 1506
HRI1507 Fields for Infotype 1507
HRI1508 Fields for Infotype 1508
HRI1513 Fields for Infotype 1513 (Job Title)
HRI1517 Excel Communication
HRI1518 Fields for Infotype 1518
HRI1519 Fields for Infotype 1519
HRI1520 Fields for Infotype 1520
HRI1520_PLAN Enhancement to IT1520 for Position Management
HRPBC_ADT_BADI Transfer Structure for Validation of Job Title Key
OBJID_RANGES Ranges Structure for Object IDs
P0783 HR Master Record for Infotype 0783
P0783_AF Additional Query Fields
P1500 Infotype 1500: Budget Administration
P1500_AF Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1500
P1501 Infotype 1501: HR-FPM Valuation (PSG Pay Scales)
P1501_AF Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1501
P1502 Infotype 1502: HR-FPM Valuation (PSG Allowance)
P1502_AF Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1502
P1503 Infotype 1503: Service Type/Category
P1503_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1503
P1504 Infotype 1504: HR Funds and Position Mgt Budget Updates
P1504_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1504
P1505 Infotype 1505: Budgeting Rules
P1505_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1505
P1505_EXP Infotype 1505 (Expanded)
P1506 Infotype 1506: Reclassification Rules
P1506_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1506
P1507 Infotype 1507: Teaching Hours
P1507_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1507
P1513 Infotype 1513: Job Title
P1513_AF Additional Query Fields
P1517 Infotype 1517: Excel-Communication
P1517_AF Additional Query Fields
P1518 Infotype 1518: Assignments to FM Earmarked Funds
P1518_AF Additional Query Fields
P1519 Infotype 1519: Account Assignment from Funds Management
P1519_AF Additional Fields for Query of Infotype 1519
P1520 Infotype 1520: Budget Definition
P1520_AF Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1520
PADP1 Additional Data on Relationship 'Increases'
PADP1_QUE General Structure for Additional Data in Query
PADP2 Additional Data for 'reclassify as' Relationship
PADP2_QUE Structure for Additional Data in Query
PADPM Additional Data Relationship 'Financed...'
PADPM_QUE Structure for Additional Data in Query
PFPMHIDE HR-FPM: Hide Structure for FPM - tree
PM004 Transfer Structure for Feature PM004
PM005 Structure for Feature PM005
PM008 HR-FPM: Structure for Feature PM008
PMAUSART Transfer Structure for Expenditure Type (Plus Name)
PMAWKEY Structure for Funds Reservation Keys
PMBETRG Structure for Amounts
PMC0002 Transfer Structure for USER EXIT PMMN0002
PMCHECK Logo Display Option: 'Check Overall Budget'
PME80 Structure for Feature PM004 (Simulated Payroll Run)
PMFELDLIST HR-FPM: Table Field Structure with Texts
PMRESTRICT Restriction for structure search
PMRHB_ROLL HR-FPM: Structure for Totaling Up
PMRHB_ROLL_2 HR-FPM: Structure for Mass Planning
PMRHB_ROLL_ADMIN HR-FPM: Administration Fields for 'Total Up' Structure
PMRHB1 Structure for Function Group RHB1
PMRHB1_2 Structure for Function Group RHB1_2
PMRHB1_3 Structure for RHB1: Update
PMRHB1_4 RHB1: Structure for Mass Planning
PMRHB2MACO Structure for RHB2
PMRHB3 Structure for Function Group RHB3
PMRHB3_SPEC HR-FPM: Structure for Function Group RHB3_SPEC
PMRHB5 Structure for Function Group RHB5
PMRHB7 Structure for Function Group RHB7
PMRHB7SEL Structure for RHB7
PMRHB8 Structure for Function Group RHB8
PMRHBC Structure for Function Group RHBC
PMRHBC_2 Structure for Function Group RHBC_2
PMRHBC_2_1504_MOD PMRHBC_2: Budget Updates
PMRHBC_2_1505_MOD PMRHBC_2: Budgeting Rules
PMRHBC_2_1506_MOD PMRHBC_2: Reclassification Rules
PMRHBC_2_ALLOCATION PMRHBC_2: Distribution of Budget
PMRHBE HR-FPM: Structure for Function Group RHBE
PMRHBF_4 Structure for Function Group RHBF_4
PMRHBH Structure for RHBH
PMRHBL HR-FPM: Structure for Function Group RHBL
PMRHBL2 HR-FPM: Structure #2 for Function Group RHBL
PMRHBM_2 Structure for Function Group RHBM_2
PMRHBM001 Structure for Function Group RHBM
PMRHBM002 Structure for Percentage Distribution (FM Account Assignmt)
PMRHBM003 Structure for Distribution (%) of Financing Assignments
PMRHBM004 HR-FPM: Structure for FM Areas
PMRHBM005 HR-FPM: Structure for Company Codes
PMRHBM006 Distribution of Travel Expenses (FM Account Assignment)
PMRHBO Structure for function group RHBO
PMRHBP HR-FPM: Dummy Structure for Referencing Data Elements
PMRHBP2 HR-PFM: Structure for FUGR RHBP2 Reporting Selection Screen
PMRHBPFLG Flag Structure for Valuation Check (FM RH_PM_CHECK_VALENCY)
PMRHBPVAL Structure for Valuation Check (FM RH_PM_CHECK_VALENCY)
PMRHBT_2 Structure for Function Group rhbt_2
PMSTA Transfer Structure for Available Full-Time Equivalents
PMTARIF PMG: Structure for PSG Rates
PMTRWAZ Transfer Structure for Standard Weekly Working Time
PMUSER Transfer Structure for Position Responsible
PMZULAGE PMG: Structure for Allowance-Wage Types
PS0783 Fields for Infotype 0783 (job title)
PT1505 Field for Table Section of Infotype 1505
Q0783 Fields for Infotype 0783 (job title)
Q1502 Screen Fields Infotype 1502: Allowances (PSG)
Q1513 Infotype 1513: Job Title
RANGES_C1 Ranges Table for Structure with Char1
RANGES_C2 Structure of a Ranges Table for a Character (2) Field
RANGES_C4 Structure of a Ranges Table for a Character (4) Field
RHB_MASSFIN HR-FPM: Structure for FUGR RHB_MASSFIN, Mass Financing
RHB_MASSFIN_HEADER Header Structure for Mass Financing
RHB_PLANNING Structure for Position Planning
RHB7_SUGGEST Standard Values for Financing
RHBM003 Structure for Distributing Expenditure to FM Account Assgmnt
RHBM004 Structure for Document Keys
RHBN001 Structure for Output Types
RHPM_REPORT Structure for Reporting in HR Funds and Position Management
RHPM_REPORT_ANSATZ Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Original Budget
RHPM_REPORT_ANSATZ1 Reporting in HR-FPM: Original Budget (Comparison Object)
RHPM_REPORT_ATTRIBUTES HR-FPM Reporting: Employee Characteristics
RHPM_REPORT_COMPARE Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Comparisons
RHPM_REPORT_DART HR-FPM Reporting: Service Type Fields
RHPM_REPORT_DATE HR-FPM Reporting: Generally Applicable Time Interval
RHPM_REPORT_FIN Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Financing By Budget
RHPM_REPORT_GROUP Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Groupings
RHPM_REPORT_HEADER Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Key Header Table
RHPM_REPORT_HHM Reporting HR Funds and Position Management: Fields for FM
RHPM_REPORT_LEGEND Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Legends
RHPM_REPORT_MERKMAL Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Pay Scale (Add.)Info
RHPM_REPORT_OBJECT Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Object Keys & Texts
RHPM_REPORT_OBJECT2 Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Obj. Keys & Texts(2)
RHPM_REPORT_OBJID HR-FPM Reporting: Special Object ID
RHPM_REPORT_TARIF Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Pay Scale Info/Class
RHPM_REPORT_TARIF2 Reporting Position Mgmt: Pay Scale/Classification Comp.Obj.
RHPM_REPORT_VERMERK Reporting in HR Funds and Position Mgt: Rules
RHPMACC_OBJ HRFPM: Account Assgnmt Objects-without Fund, FdsCen, Cmmt It
RHPMFIN Structure for Financing Functions
RHPMFM Transfer Structure for FM Area, Fund, Funds Center, CommItem
RHPMFM_OBJ FM Area, Fund, Funds Center, Commitment Item (Without Time)
RHPMPRO Structure for Financing Function
RHPMPROVIDE Structure for 'Provide' in RHB7_2
VHRT1505 Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package PM01 contains 77 programs.

MP150000 HR infotype 1500
MP150100 HR Infotype 1501
MP1501BI Program MP1501BI (Batch Input)
MP150200 HR Infotype 1502
MP150300 HR Infotype 1503
MP1503BI Batch Input for Infotype 1503 'Service Type/Category'
MP150400 HR Infotype 1504
MP150500 HR Infotype 1505
MP150600 HR Infotype 1506
MP150700 HR Infotype 1507
MP151300 RP-PLAN Infotype 1513
MP151800 Hr Infotype 1518
MP151900 HR Infotype 1519
MP152000 HR infotype 1520
RHPM_LFBGR HR-FPM: Convert Career Group
RHPMADDPAY HR-FPM: Convert Allowances into Expenditure Types
RHPMBA00 Report tree
RHPMBA01 Report Tree: Tools
RHPMBART Staffing types
RHPMBSTAT Change Budget Status
RHPMBUDGET01 Determining the Personnel Budget and Transfer to Funds Management
RHPMBUFI Financing from budgets of budget structure elements
RHPMCBEX Check Financing of Basic Pay
RHPMCBEX_NEW Check Financing
RHPMCHCK01 Check overall budget
RHPMDA01 Different service type/service category
RHPMDA01_OLD Different service type/service category
RHPMDYNMASS Dynamic personnel action for HR Funds and Position Management
RHPMEXT10 Carry forward in background
RHPMEXT20 Carry forward rules in background
RHPMEXT30 Carry forward financing details in background
RHPMEXT40 Carrying Forward Financing in Background for Each FM Acct Assignment
RHPMEXT50 Carrying Fwd Bdgt Structure in Background for Each FM Acct Assignment
RHPMEXT60 Carry forward in background
RHPMFC00 Summary of Financing Objects
RHPMGVPL Business distribution plan
RHPMHIS0 HIS for HR Funds and Position Management
RHPMINTOMCHECK Consistency Check for FM Area in Organizational Management
RHPMLDP1 Report on teaching hours
RHPMLIFI Financing Overview
RHPMMASSFIN Mass Finanzier
RHPMMASSFIN_PROT00 Display mass financing log
RHPMMASSFIN_PROT10 Display Mass Financing Log for Each Person Responsible
RHPMMWB1 Start HR Funds and Position Management Desktop
RHPMOFIN Financing in organizational unit
RHPMPROT00 Display Carryforward Log
RHPMPROT10 Display Carryforward Log per Person Responsible
RHPMPROT20 Display Carryforward Log
RHPMPROT30 Display Carryforward Log per Person Responsible
RHPMPROT40 Display Messages
RHPMRESUPD Reconstruct funds precommitments and commitments
RHPMROLL1504 Total up budget updates into original budget
RHPMSIM0 Payroll Simulation for Entire Organization/Overall Budget
RHPMSIM1 Payroll Simulation for Persons
RHPMSIM2 Resimulate Incorrect Simulation Results
RHPMSIM4 Copy posted financial results
RHPMSIMG Access Customizing for HR Funds and Position Management
RHPMSTKA Job chart
RHPMSTUE_EXT Enhanced Budget in FTEs
RHPMTL_T7PM6_MSG Conversion: Event in T7PM6_MSG
RHPMTL00 Maintain Table T777Z
RHPMTL05 Conversion of table HRP1500 to expenditure types
RHPMTL06 Conversion of table HRPMPAD (funding) to expenditure types
RHPMTL10 Create number range intervals for Position Management
RHPMTODO Different valuations
RHPMTODO_PROT00 Display worklist log
RHPMTODO_PROT10 Display work list log (broken down by responsibility)
RHPMVHHJ Compare Budget Financial Years with Fiscal Years
RHPMVMFS Available Budget per Budget Structure Element
RHPMXFORT_CHECK Check rules carried forward
RHPMZWBI Earmarking Infringements
RHU40CO0 Conversion of table HRP1500 to expenditure types

Search Helps

SAP Package PM01 contains 9 search helps.

AUSART_A HR-FPM: Expenditure Types as Allowances in Default Value Tab
AUSART_N HR-FPM: Expenditure Types as Allowances in Default Value Tab
AUSART_Z HR-FPM: Expenditure Types as Allowances in Default Value Tab
HRBAS00BUDGET Search Help for Object 'Budget'
HRBAS00BUDGET1 FM Account Assignment
HRBAS00BUDGET2 External Number/Name
HRBAS00BUDGET3 Earmarking
HRBAS00BUDGET4 Overall Budget Structural Search
LFBGR Search Help for Career Group

Message Classes

SAP Package PM01 contains 2 message classes.

FPM01 Nachrichten HR-FPM
H1 Nachrichten Stellenbewirtschaftung