SAP Package PP07

Personnel Cost Planning

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The package PP07 (Personnel Cost Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PP07
Short Text Personnel Cost Planning
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PP07 contains 11 function groups.

0H03 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRCMP00ERROR Personnel Cost Planning: Error Handling
HRPCP00DISPLAY HR-P.Cost Planning: Admin. P. Groups
HRPCP00WIZ1 HR P. Cost Planning: Customizing-Wizard
RHCO Integration HR with CO: Release pre-4.6A
RHPB Pers.Cost Planning: Basic Modules
RHPC Pers.Cost Planning: DB Routines
RHPF Pers.Cost Planning: Planning Tool/Calc.
RHPJ Personnel Cost Planning: Position Mgmt
RHPN Personnel Cost Planning: Integration CO
RHPU Pers.Cost Planning: Query


SAP Package PP07 contains 12 transactions.

PP23 Reset Password
PP25 Display Scenario Group
PP26 Plan Scenario Administration
PP27 Release plan scenario
PP28 Create Scenario (Proj.Pay)
PP29 Change Scenario Group
PP2B Create Scenario (Basic Pay)
PP2D Administer Payroll Results
PP2P Create Scenario (PyrllRes.)
PP2U Data Transfer to CO
PP74 Personnel Cost Planning
PSC0 Set Plan Version Valid for Cost Plan

Database Tables

SAP Package PP07 contains 6 database tables.

HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table
PCL5 HR/RP Cluster 5, HR Planning Usage
T77KD Admin.of Cost Planning Scenarios in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KE Assignment of Cost Planning Scenarios to CO Plan Versions
T77KL Wage Elements in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KT Plan Scenario Texts for Personnel Cost Planning


SAP Package PP07 contains 3 views.

H_T77KD Scenario Groups in Personnel Cost Planning
H_T77KL Generated Helpview for Wage Elements (Table T77KL)
H_T77KT Plan Scenario Texts


SAP Package PP07 contains 29 structures.

HRCM_ERROR Error Handling
HRCM_ERROR_OBJ Object Structure for Error Handling
HRCPRHPF Planning Tool/Calculation: Screen Fields
HRI1015 Infotype 1015 fields
HRPCP_CHOFFINDEX Index of New/Old Check-Off Indicators
HRPCP_WIZ1 Data fields for Cost Planning Wizard Screens
P1015 Infotype 1015: Cost Planning
P1015_AF Additional Query Fields
PDPLC5_PC PLC5 key for Cluster ID PC
PDRHPB Structure for Function Group RHPB
PP0N Parameter String for Creating a Scenario Group
PPCAD Personnel Cost Planning: Admin.Data for Scenario Group
PPCCO Personnel Cost Planning: CO Cost Center Data
PPCCP Personnel Cost Planning: CO period values
PPCOC Personnel Cost Planning: Costs per Organizational Unit
PPCOT Personnel Cost Planning: Texts for Org.Units and Positions
PPCOW Personnel Cost Planning: Wage Elements per Org.Unit
PPCPA Personnel cost planning: Transfer structure for payr.results
PPCPC Personnel Cost Planning: Costs per Position, etc.
PPCSS Screen Fields for Selection Screens in Pers.Cost Planning
PPCST Screen Fields for Personnel Cost Planning (Transaction)
PPCUE1015 Substructure of Infotype 1015 for User Exit Cost Planning
PPCWT Personnel Cost Planning: Wage Elements
PX015 Substructure Infotype 1015: Personnel Cost Planning
RHCO0 Table Structure for the Validation of CO Data via RFC
RHCOD Parameter Fields for HR CO Integration
RHCP_CO Format Data for Cost Planning Interface - CO
RHCPU01JA Pers. Cost Planning: Transfer Structure CO Interface
RHCPU02JA Pers. Cost Planning: Transfer Structure CO Interface


SAP Package PP07 contains 16 programs.

MP101500 PD Infotype 1015 Cost Planning
MP1015BI General Data for All PD Infotypes
RHPP25AZ Plan Scenarios of Personnel Cost Planning
RHPP25C0 Pers. cost planning: recalculate an existing scenario group
RHPP25DL Delete a Scenario Group
RHPP25L2 Display an Existing Scenario Group
RHPP25LI Display an Existing Scenario Group
RHPP25PD Personnel Cost Planning: Display/Delete Payroll Results
RHPP25PT Personnel Cost Planning: Data Transfer to Accounting
RHPP25PW Personnel Cost Planning: Change Scenario Group's Password
RHPP25R2 Data Transfer from HR Personnel Cost Planning
RHPP25SL Data Selection for Personnel Cost Planning
RHPP25ST Personnel Cost Planning: Basic Dialog
RHPP25U0 Pers. Cost Planning: Changeover for European Monetary Union
RHPP25XD Personnel Cost Planning: Delete Payroll Results
SAPMH5AK Personnel Cost Planning

Search Helps

SAP Package PP07 contains 3 search helps.

H_T77KD Scenario Groups in Personnel Cost Planning
H_T77KL Generated Helpview for Wage Elements (Table T77KL)
H_T77KT Plan Scenario Texts