This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package PTRA (Travel Expenses Application Dev. (R/3 Enterprise Core)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PTRAVEL.
Package | PTRA |
Short Text | Travel Expenses Application Dev. (R/3 Enterprise Core) |
Parent Package | PTRAVEL |
SAP Package PTRA contains 5 function groups.
HRTL | HR TRV: FM Interfaces PAY |
HRTRV_F4 | F4 Help Module Travel Management |
HRTV | HR TRV: Coding block |
PAUW_CORE | Travel Management Modules in Core |
RPDA | HR TRV: Date routines |
SAP Package PTRA contains 115 database tables.
PA0017 | HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges) |
PTRV_ADMIN | Travel Management: Administrative Data for Personnel Numbers |
PTRV_ARCH_HEAD | Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD (Temporary) |
PTRV_ARCH_PERIO | Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERIO (Temporary) |
PTRV_ARCHIVE | Administrative Table for Archived Trip Data |
PTRV_BTRGSUM | Table for Treatment of Accumulation of Amounts |
PTRV_CCC | Error Receipts for Credit Card Clearing |
PTRV_COUNT | Number of function calls in posting run management |
PTRV_DOC_HD | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV int. document |
PTRV_DOC_IT | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document |
PTRV_DOC_MESS | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements of TRV Receipt |
PTRV_DOC_TAX | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document |
PTRV_F_CLM | Columns for Which Suppression in Form Block is Allowed |
PTRV_F_CLM_TXT | Columns that may be suppressed in form block (sp) |
PTRV_F_COLDEP | Display Forms for Texts |
PTRV_F_COLDEPS | Display Formats for Texts (Language-Dependent) |
PTRV_F_FBLK | Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form |
PTRV_F_FBLK_TXT | Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form |
PTRV_F_SORTKEY | Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block |
PTRV_F_SORTKEY_T | Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block |
PTRV_HEAD | General Trip Data |
PTRV_KMSUM | Table for Use of Miles/Kms Accumulation |
PTRV_PERIO | Period Data of a Trip |
PTRV_ROT_AWKEY | Assignment of Trip Results to Posting Doc. Number and Line |
PTRV_RPRPOSTD | Log of Posting Program RPRPOSTD |
PTRV_SADD | Trip Statistics - Add. Receipt Data |
PTRV_SBACKLOG | Trip Statistics - Batch/Backlog Processing |
PTRV_SCOS | Trip Statistics - Cost Assignment |
PTRV_SHDR | Trip Statistics - Trip Amounts |
PTRV_SREC | Trip Statistics - Receipts |
PTRV_T706Z_DNPR | Field Control Screens |
PTRV_T706Z_DNPRT | Field Control Screens |
PTRV_T706Z_FLDS | Field Names for Field Control |
PTRV_TRIP_DELETE | Trips Deleted in R/3 For Offline Travel Manager |
PTRV_TRIPCHN_46C | Table of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest. |
PTRV_USERPREFS | User Profiles in Travel Management |
PTRV_WAFGUID | Logging for Synchronization GUID (DUPRECS) |
T702A | Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type |
T702B | Credit Card Clearing Assignment Table |
T702C | Name for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type |
T702E | Vehicle Types |
T702G | Statutory trip types |
T702H | Caculation Guide Lines: Meals PD/Max.Amounts Scaled by Time |
T702I | Statutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accommodations |
T702J | Enterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm. |
T702K | Service provider |
T702L | Name of Service Provider |
T702N | Trip Provision Variants |
T702O | Trip country/Trip region/Trip country group |
T702P | Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types |
T702Q | Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types |
T702R | Trip Activity Types |
T702V | Calc.Guide Lines for Scaling Meals PD/Max.Amounts by Hours |
T702W | Vehicle Classes |
T702X | Enterprise-specific Trip Types |
T702Y | Employee Groupings for Travel Management |
T706_CCOMP | Credit Card Companies |
T706_CCOMP_TXT | Name of Credit Card Company |
T706_CITY_CD_46C | Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code Number |
T706_CITY_CD_D_2 | Definition: City Codes / Community Code No, Date-Dependent |
T706_CONST | PA parameters: Travel Management |
T706_CONSTTEXT | Names of Accounting Constants for Travel Expenses |
T706_DEFAULTTEXT | Names of Reference Texts for Entering Trips |
T706A | Trip Provision Deduction Amount/Percentage |
T706B | Travel Expense Types |
T706B1 | Travel Expense Types |
T706B2 | Travel Expense Types: Default Value/Maximum Amounts |
T706B3 | Travel Expense Type Grouping |
T706B4 | Travel Expense Types: Assignment of Wage Types |
T706B5 | Names for Travel Expense Types |
T706C | Names for Travel Expense Types |
T706D | Default Values for Dialog |
T706E | Names for vehicle types |
T706ESS1 | FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet Scenario |
T706ESS2 | Travel Expenses Customizing for ESS Scenario |
T706ESS3 | Mapping table for docu in Excel sheet |
T706F | Trip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel Costs |
T706F1 | Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/Class |
T706F2 | Accumulation of Amounts Depending on Vehicle Type/Class |
T706FORM_BCKGRND | Form background |
T706FORM_BLK_HDL | Form block titles |
T706FORM_BLKATTR | Form block attributes |
T706FORM_BLKHDLS | Form block titles |
T706FORM_CLMATTR | Suppressable columns per block |
T706FORM_FIXTXT | Fixed texts |
T706FORM_FIXTXTS | Fixed texts (language-dependent) |
T706FORM_FLDS | Information in fixed positions |
T706FORM_VAR | Form variant |
T706FORM_VAR_TXT | Form variant (language-dependent) |
T706FORM_VARFLD | Variable fields |
T706FORM_VARFLDS | Variable fields (language-dependent) |
T706G | Names for statutory trip types |
T706H | Trip Provision:Per-diem/Maximum Amount for Meals by Time |
T706I | Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm. |
T706J | Name for enterprise-specific for meals/acc. |
T706K | Initial Account Assignment for FI |
T706L | Assignment of Trip Country - Country Group - Region |
T706M | Input Tax for International Per Diems |
T706N | Names for trip provision variants |
T706O | Names for trip country/trip country group/trip region |
T706P | Date Interval for Miles/Kms Accumulation |
T706Q | Names for period indicator for miles/kms accumulation |
T706R | Names for trip activity types |
T706S | Trip Schema |
T706T | Names for trip schema |
T706U | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Accommodations |
T706V | Trip Provision: Meals Per-diem/Maximum Amount by Hours |
T706W | Names for vehicle classes |
T706WWW | HTML Links and File Paths |
T706WWW_TXT | Text Table HTML Links and File Paths |
T706X | Names for enterprise-specific trip types |
T706Y | Names for Employee Groupings for Travel Management |
T706Z | Individual Field Control for Dialog |
T706Z1 | Individual Field Control for Dialog |
T706Z1_TXT | Text table: Individual Field Control for Dialog |
SAP Package PTRA contains 153 views.
H_706B1 | Travel Expense Types |
H_706B1_FIRMA | Travel Expense Types |
H_706B4 | Service Provider per Expense Type |
H_PTRV_F_FBLKATT | Limited Help View for Form Blocks |
H_T702C | Name for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type |
H_T702E | Vehicle Type |
H_T702G | Statutory Trip Types |
H_T702O | Trip Country/Trip Region/Trip Country Group |
H_T702Q | Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types |
H_T702R | Trip Activity Types |
H_T702W | Vehicle Classes |
H_T702X | Enterprise-Specific Trip Type |
H_T706B | Travel Expense Types |
H_T706C | Names for Travel Expense Types |
H_T706E | Names for Vehicle Types |
H_T706FORM_CLMBL | Help View Columns in Form Block |
H_T706FORM_COLDP | Help View Color Display |
H_T706FORM_VAR | Help View Form Variant |
H_T706FORM_VAR2 | Help View Form Variant |
H_T706G | Names for Statutory Trip Types |
H_T706I | Name for Statutory Reimbursement Group for Meals/Accomm. |
H_T706J | Name for Enterprise-Specific Reimburs.Group for Meals/Acc. |
H_T706O | Name for Trip Country, Trip Country Group, Trip Region |
H_T706Q | Names for Period Indicator for Miles/Kms Accumulation |
H_T706R | Names for Trip Activity Types |
H_T706S | Trip Schema |
H_T706T | Names for Trip Schema |
H_T706W | Names for Vehicle Classes |
H_T706X | Names for Enterprise-Specific Trip Types |
H_T706Y | Names for Employee Groupings for Travel Management |
M_PREMS | Generated View for Matchcode ID PREM -S |
SH_PREMS | Personnel Numbers with Trip Data by Organiz. Assignment |
SH_T706B1 | Selection Method for Search Help SH_EXPENSE_TYPES |
TRV_PKWRG | Reimbursement Group for Travel Costs |
U_27000 | Trip Provision Variant |
U_27002 | Trip Type: Statutory |
U_27003 | Trip Type: Enterprise-Specific |
U_27004 | Trip Activity Type |
U_27007 | Vehicle Type |
U_27008 | Vehicle Class |
U_27009 | Trip Provision Variant - Trip Activity Type - Assignment |
U_27010 | Trip Provision Variant - Trip Type - Assignment |
U_27011 | Travel Expense Type |
U_27013 | Travel Expense Type - Permissibility |
U_27015 | Reimbursement group - travel costs |
U_27016 | Reimbursement Group for Meals/Accommodations: Statutory |
U_27017 | Reimbursement Group for Meals/Accomm. - Enterprise-Specific |
U_27018 | Additional Travel Flat Rate Type |
U_27019 | Travel Expenses Deduction Type |
U_27020 | Employee - trip privileges |
U_27021 | Travel Expense Type - Per Diem |
U_27022 | Travel Expense Type - Individual |
U_27024 | Trip provision - deduction amount/percentage |
U_27028 | Calculation specification - meals per diem - scale |
U_27029 | Calculation specification - maximum amount for meals - scale |
U_27036 | Trip provision - meals per diem |
U_27037 | Trip provision - maximum amount for meals |
U_27038 | Trip provision - maximum amount for meals - scale |
U_27039 | Trip provision - meals per diem - scale |
U_27043 | Trip provision - travel costs flat rate |
U_27044 | Trip provision - accommodations per diem |
U_27045 | Trip Area |
U_27047 | Trip area - hierarchy |
U_27049 | Trip Provision Variant - Travel Expense Type |
U_27050 | Trip provision variant - Travel Expense Type - Per Diem |
U_27052 | Trip Provision Variant - Travel Expense Type - Individual |
U_27061 | Trip provision variant - vehicle type - assignment |
U_27062 | Trip provision variant - vehicle class - assignment |
U_27063 | Trip provision variant - add. trav. flat rate type - assign. |
V_702H_B | Calc.Guidelines: Maximum Amount for Meals Scaled by Time |
V_702V_B | Calc.Guidelines: Maximum Amount for Meals Scaled by Hours |
V_706D_B | Global Settings |
V_706D_C | Integration of Travel Planning |
V_706H_B | Trip Provision: Maximum Amount for Meals Saled by Time |
V_706H_C | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Meals/Time per Day |
V_706H_D | Trip Provision: Maximum Amount for Meals/Time per Day |
V_706U_B | Trip Provision: Maximum Amount for Accommodations |
V_706V_B | Trip Provision: Maximum Amount for Meals Scaled by Hours |
V_706V_C | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Meals per Day |
V_706V_D | Trip Provision: Maximum Amount for Meals per Day |
V_PTRV_CCC | Correction View For Credit Card Transactions With Errors |
V_T513A | Assignment: User - Personnel Number |
V_T702B | Assignment of Credit Card Travel Expense Types |
V_T702C | Names: Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type |
V_T702G | Specify Characteristics of Statutory Trip Types |
V_T702H | Calc.Guidelines: Per Diem for Meals Scaled by Time |
V_T702K | Service Provider/Payee |
V_T702N_A | Accounting Control in Expert View |
V_T702N_B | Posting and Payment of Advances |
V_T702N_C | Influence of Control Parameters on Meals Per Diem |
V_T702N_D | Calculation of meals per diem |
V_T702N_E | Influence of Control Parameters on Deductions |
V_T702N_F | Statistics Data for Travel Management |
V_T702N_G | Influence of Control Parameters on accommodations per diem |
V_T702N_H | Influence of Control Parameters on Travel Costs Flat Rate |
V_T702N_I | Influence of Control Parameters on Receipt Maximum Rates |
V_T702N_J | Dialog: Reimbursement by Per Diems/Flat Rates or Receipt |
V_T702N_K | Posting of Paid Receipts |
V_T702N_L | Activate special rules for industry solutions |
V_T702N_M | Miles/Km Cumulation |
V_T702N_N | Account Assignment Validation Control in Dialog and Settlemt |
V_T702N_O | Options in Travel Manager (R/3) and for SAP EP Interface |
V_T702Q | Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types |
V_T702V | Calc.Guidelines: Per Diem for Meals Scaled by Hours |
V_T706_CITY_CD_2 | Selection of Community Code Numbers |
V_T706_CONST | Constants of Travel Expenses Accounting |
V_T706_DEF_TEXT | Names of Reference Texts for Additional Information |
V_T706A | Trip Provision Deduction Amount/Percentage |
V_T706B1 | Travel Expense Types for Receipt |
V_T706B1_A | Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates |
V_T706B1_B | Field Control for Additional Receipt Information |
V_T706B1_C | Travel Expense Types for Receipts for Public Sector |
V_T706B2 | Default Value/Maximum Amount |
V_T706B4 | Wage Type for Receipt |
V_T706B4_A | Wage Type for Per Diem/Flat Rate |
V_T706D | Default Values for Dialog |
V_T706E | Names for Vehicle Types |
V_T706ESS1 | RFCCOM Destinations for ESS Scenario Travel Expenses |
V_T706ESS2 | Travel Expenses ESS Scenario |
V_T706F | Trip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel Costs |
V_T706F1 | Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/Class |
V_T706F2 | Accumulation of Amounts Depending on Vehicle Type/Class |
V_T706FORM_BCKGR | Background Mask for Header Line |
V_T706FORM_BLKAT | Form Block Attributes |
V_T706FORM_BLKCL | Suppressible Columns |
V_T706FORM_BLKHD | Block Headers |
V_T706FORM_FLDS | Fields in Header Line |
V_T706FORM_FRTXT | Free text |
V_T706FORM_FTXT | Text Modules in Header Line |
V_T706FORM_VAR | Form Variants |
V_T706G | Names for Statutory Trip Types |
V_T706H | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Meals Scaled by Time |
V_T706I | Name for Statutory Reimbursement Group for Meals/Accomm. |
V_T706J | Name for Enterprise-Specific Reimburs.Group for Meals/Acc. |
V_T706K | Symbolic Account Assignment for Financial Accounting |
V_T706L | Assignment: Trip Country - Trip Country Group - Trip Region |
V_T706M | Input Tax for International Per Diems/Flat Rates |
V_T706N | Names for Trip Provision Variants |
V_T706O | Names for Trip Country/Trip Country Group/Trip Region |
V_T706P | Date Interval for Miles/Kms Accumulation |
V_T706Q | Names for Period Indicator for Miles/Kms Accumulation |
V_T706R | Names for Trip Activity Types |
V_T706S | Trip Schema |
V_T706U | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Accommodations |
V_T706V | Trip Provision: Per Diem for Meals Scaled by Hours |
V_T706W | Names for Vehicle Classes |
V_T706WWW | Links for Travel Manager |
V_T706X | Names for Enterprise-Specific Trip Types |
V_T706Y | Employee Grouping for Travel Management |
V_T706Z | Individual Field Control for Dialog |
SAP Package PTRA contains 244 structures.
APPEND_BAPIPSREF | Append for bapipsref for searchhelps |
APPEND_BAPITRCATS | Append to BAPITRCATS for searchhelp |
BAPI_MY_TRIPS | Current Trip Overview, Structure for BAPI Interface |
BAPI_PTK50 | TE-Version trip data with TE key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTK51 | Trip status with TE key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTK52 | Status/Changer with TE key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTK53 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification with TE Key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTK54 | Trip Costs Accounting Results with TE Key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTK55 | Structure of ITAB V0SPLIT with TE key for BAPI |
BAPI_PTP02 | Structure of Travel Expenses Table PTRV_HEAD |
BAPI_PTP42 | Structure of transp. table PTRV_PERIO |
BAPITR706B | Table T706B, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706E | Vehicle types, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706G | Statutory trip types, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706O | Table T706O, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706R | Trip activity types, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706S | Trip Schema: BAPI Structure |
BAPITR706W | Vehicle classes, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITR706X | Enterprise-specific trip types, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRADDI | Additional receipt info, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRCURR | Currency table, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRFORM | Trav.expense form as ASCII table, Structure for BAPI interf. |
BAPITRMAIN | Header data for a trip, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRSTAO | Trip status (get), Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRTEXT | Additional trip information, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVCCE | Import error in credit card clearing, Interface HR-CCC |
BAPITRVCDF | Data file for interface HR CCC |
BAPITRVCOM | Cost distribution miles/kms, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVCOR | Cost distrib.indiv.receipt, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVCOS | Cost distribution stopovers, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVCTC | Credit card transactions in buffer, Interface HR-CCC |
BAPITRVCTT | Cred.card transactions in trips, HR-CCC interface |
BAPITRVDED | Deductions for a trip, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVDEF | Travel Expenses Default Values, Structure for BAPI Interface |
BAPITRVEMP | Employee information, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVFSEL | Travel Field Selection Control |
BAPITRVFSEL_RECEIPT_CA | Receipt Cost Assignment |
BAPITRVFSEL_STOPOVER_CA | Stopover cost assignment |
BAPITRVFSEL_TRIP_CA | Cost Assignment for Trip |
BAPITRVFSELCOST | Cost Assignment Field Selection Control |
BAPITRVMIL | Miles/Kms distribution, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVPD | Per Diem/Flat Rate (Reimbursement) Amounts for a Trip |
BAPITRVREC | Trip Costs Receipt (INPUT), Structure for BAPI Interface |
BAPITRVREO | Trip Costs Receipt (OUTPUT), Structure for BAPI Interface |
BAPITRVSP | Travel Service Providers |
BAPITRVSPCAT | Travel Service Providers - Categories |
BAPITRVSTO | Trip stopovers, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRVSUM | Totals of a trip, Structure for BAPI interface |
BAPITRWEEK | Table for weekly report (PR04), Structure for BAPI interface |
CCHEADER | Structure of data header of credit card file |
E1BP_PTK50 | TE-Version trip data with TE key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTK51 | Trip status with TE key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTK52 | Status/Changer with TE key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTK53 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification with TE Key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTK54 | Trip Costs Accounting Results with TE Key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTK55 | Structure of ITAB V0SPLIT with TE key for BAPI |
E1BP_PTP02 | Structure of Travel Expenses Table PTRV_HEAD |
E1BP_PTP42 | Structure of transp. table PTRV_PERIO |
E1HRTR0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
E1HRTR1 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - selection param. for program run |
E1HRTR2 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - person-specific data |
E1HRTR3 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - Travel Information |
E1HRTR4 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - line item |
E1HRTR5 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - PSREF data |
E1HRTR6 | HR-TRV: Transfer payroll: Structure PTRV_HEAD |
E1HRTR7 | HR-TRV: Transfer payroll: Structure PTRV_PEROD |
E1HRTR8 | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: TE version |
E1HRTR9 | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: Structure STATU |
E1HRTRA | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: Table AEND |
E1HRTRB | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: Table KONTI |
E1HRTRC | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: Table ROT |
E1HRTRD | HR TRV: Transfer to payroll: Table V0SPLIT |
E1HRTV0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
E2HRTR0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
E2HRTR1 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - selection param. for program run |
E2HRTR3 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - travel information |
E2HRTR4 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - line item |
E2HRTR5 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - PSREF data |
E2HRTV0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
E3HRTR0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
E3HRTR1 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - selection param. for program run |
E3HRTR3 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - travel information |
E3HRTR4 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - line item |
E3HRTR5 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - PSREF data |
E3HRTV0 | HR-TRV: Transfer FI/CO - header |
KOSTR_STAMM | Percent Distribution of Travel Expen.-Master Account Assign. |
MTREESNODECH_T706Z | Hierarchy of Field Control Simple Tree |
P0017 | HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges) |
P0017_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PATRVOA | Key to archive objects for travel documents |
PME14 | Field String for Feature: Travel Management |
PME90 | Field String for Travel Info System |
PMEFO | Field String for Feature: Travel Management |
PS0017 | HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges) |
PSREF_FIELD | Selection Fields for CO Object Types in Cost Assignment |
PTK_COST_DIST | Assignment Values for HR Objects |
PTK_COST_DIST_RE | Assignment Values for HR Objects |
PTK01 | TE version trip data |
PTK03 | Travel Expense Specifications According to Indiv. Receipt |
PTK04 | Deductions due to free entertainment |
PTK05 | Stopover |
PTK05_N | Stopover |
PTK07 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification for Indiv. Receipt |
PTK08 | Trip advance |
PTK09 | Additional Trip Information |
PTK10 | Leg of trip |
PTK11 | Status/Changed by |
PTK12 | Trip status |
PTK13 | Travel Expense Assignment Specification for Entire Trip |
PTK14 | Travel Expense Assignment Specification for Entire Trip |
PTK15 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification for Indiv. Receipt |
PTK16 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification for Trip Destination |
PTK17 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification |
PTK18 | Cost distribution for miles/kms distribution |
PTK20 | Trip reimbursement amounts for individual receipts |
PTK21 | Trip reimbursement amounts for travel costs |
PTK22 | Trip reimbursement amounts for meals |
PTK23 | Travel Expense Deduction Amounts for Meals |
PTK24 | On-debiting results |
PTK25 | Trip Reimbursement Amounts for Per-Diem Accommodation |
PTK27 | Travel Expense Transfer |
PTK30 | Travel Expenses Results for HR Payroll, FI, DME |
PTK32 | Weekly report |
PTK33 | Supplemented individual receipt |
PTK34 | Existing credit card documents |
PTK34_NEW | Existing Credit Card Documents - Extension to R/3 Enterprise |
PTK34_OLD | Existing Credit Card Documents |
PTK40 | TS key for trip data |
PTK41 | TS version for trip data |
PTK43 | Miles/Kms Cumulation |
PTK44 | Directory of archived trips |
PTK50 | TE-Version trip data with TE key for BAPI |
PTK51 | Trip status with TE key for BAPI |
PTK52 | Status/Changer with TE key for BAPI |
PTK53 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification with TE Key for BAPI |
PTK54 | Trip Costs Accounting Results with TE Key for BAPI |
PTK55 | Structure of ITAB V0SPLIT with TE key for BAPI |
PTK99 | Field string/Table for USER Screen |
PTKXX | Field documentation structure for HR Travel |
PTP_F4_KEEPMAX | User Profile for Personal F4 Help |
PTP_TOGGLE_STATUS | Control of Data Areas in Travel Management |
PTP_VARIOUS_FIELDS | General User Profiles in Travel Management |
PTP00 | TE key for trip data |
PTP02 | Structure of Travel Expenses Table PTRV_HEAD |
PTP02_ITAB | Structure of int. table t_head |
PTP09 | Text for Trip/Period (P.Sect.) |
PTP1000 | Structure of Screen SAPMP56T 1000 |
PTP40 | Key for Travel Expenses Table PTRV_PERIO |
PTP42 | Structure of transp. table PTRV_PERIO |
PTP60 | Key for Travel Expenses Table PTRV_HEAD |
PTP61 | Framework data for period |
PTP62 | Trips to New Place of Work (Business Trips, Sep. Allowance) |
PTP63 | Structure for passenger table |
PTP65 | Results of Comparison Accounting |
PTP66 | Structure of return trip table |
PTP67 | Specifications for Rent Benefits (Separ. Allowance, PS) |
PTP68 | Aux. structure for dynpro fields |
PTP69 | Structure for table of absences from place of work (PS) |
PTP70 | Structure of ITAB V0SPLIT |
PTP70_VINFO_NO | Structure of Field V0-VINFO for Norwegian Accounting |
PTP71 | Travel Management General Purpose Text Editor |
PTP80 | Trip Statistics - Key Fields |
PTP81 | Trip Statistics - Cost Assignment |
PTPDE | Structure for internal table ZIELE (for TRV accounting) |
PTPFL | Structure of Flight Time Fields for Trip Costs Dialog |
PTPHD | Structure of Travel Expenses Table PTRV_HEAD |
PTPPD | Structure of transp. table PTRV_PERIO |
PTPRW | Structure for Internal Read and Security Function Modules |
PTPSD | Statistic Data of a Trip |
PTRV_APPR | Trip Approval |
PTRV_APPR_UNDO | Undo Function for Trip Approval/Rejection |
PTRV_AUTOHIDE | Structure for Autohide Functions |
PTRV_BUKRS_SO | SELECT-OPTIONS Structure for Company Code |
PTRV_BZ | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Structure of posting items BZ |
PTRV_CCCMAIN | Main Structure for Travel Credit Card Clearing |
PTRV_EP | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Structure of line items |
PTRV_EPK | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Structure of LIs with acct assign. |
PTRV_KOSTL_SO | SELECT-OPTIONS Structure for Cost Center |
PTRV_PAYMENT_HISTORY_FI | Payment History: Travel Expenses FI |
PTRV_PDVRS_SO | SELECT OPTIONS Structure for Trip Version |
PTRV_PERIO_SO | SELECT OPTIONS Structure for Trip Periods |
PTRV_PERNR_SO | SELECT-OPTIONS Structure for Personnel Numbers |
PTRV_PHELP | Transfer Structure for Saving Personal Help |
PTRV_POST_RESULT | Results List of Checks for Posting Interface |
PTRV_RECEIPT_LIST | Receipt List |
PTRV_REINR_SO | SELECT-OPTIONS Structure for Trip Numbers |
PTRV_ROT_EP | Assignment of ROT lines to EP lines |
PTRV_SPKZL_SO | SELECT-OPTIONS Structure for Travel Expense Type |
PTRV_STATS_DOCU | Fields for Documentation of Trip Statistics |
PTRV_STATS_P0001 | Trip Statistics - Organizational Assignment |
PTRV_TRIPS | Trip Overview |
PTRV_TRVCT_B | Accounting Control for Receipts |
PTRV_TRVCT_F | Accounting Control for Travel Costs |
PTRV_TRVCT_P | Accounting Control for Public Sector |
PTRV_TRVCT_R | General Accounting Control |
PTRV_TRVCT_U | Accounting Control for Accommodations |
PTRV_TRVCT_V | Accounting Control for Meals |
PTRV_TRVCT_XX | Structure for Field Documentation in T702N |
PTRV_WAF_TRIP | Trip Number for Offline Travel Manager |
PTRV_ZWEP | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Interim Items |
RPR_T706Z1_PROTOCOL | Protocol Structure for Copying T706Z1 Travel |
RPRXXXXX | Structure for report parameter RPR* |
T706FORM_TRVFO | Structure for Return Value Feature |
T706Z1_CB | Checkboxes for Field Control T706Z1 |
T706ZNODE | Structure for Simple Tree T706Z |
T706ZNODE_CH | Hierarchy of Field Control Simple Tree |
TABZUG_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TBELEG_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TBELEG_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TBEREI_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TCURRY_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TFZART_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKMVER_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKMVER_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKOSTB_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKOSTR_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKOSTZ_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKZREA_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TKZTKT_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TLAND1_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TLAND1_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TMESSG_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TP0001_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TP0001_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TP0017_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TP0017_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TPERNR_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TPKWKL_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TREISE_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TREISE_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TRIP_AMNTS | Trip Amounts |
TRV_PERSDATA | FI-TV: Person-Specific Data for Personnel No. |
TRVSTA_DIS | List of eval. fields for receipt detail display, RPRSTA01 |
TSPKZL_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TSPTXT_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TSTOPS_30 | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TSTOPS_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TTEXTE_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TVORSC_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
TVORSL_RFC | HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface |
SAP Package PTRA contains 3 programs.
MP001700_CORE | Module Pool: Infotype P0017 Travel Privileges |
RPR_T777D | Activate/Deactivate Travel InfoTypes using Table T777D |
RPRDTA_SRE | Status of Reset in DTA Program (Only Form Routine for Ext. Perform) |
SAP Package PTRA contains 63 search helps.
FIND_RUNID | Current posting runs from table PEVSH |
H_706B1 | Travel Expense Types |
H_706B1_FIRMA | Travel Expense Types |
H_706B4 | Service provider per expense type |
H_PTRV_F_FBLKATTR | Limited search help for form blocks |
H_T702C | Name for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type |
H_T702E | Vehicle type |
H_T702G | Statutory trip types |
H_T702O | Trip country/Trip region/Trip country group |
H_T702Q | Name: for travel costs/add.flat rate types |
H_T702R | Trip Activity Types |
H_T702W | Vehicle Classes |
H_T702X | Enterprise-specific trip type |
H_T706B | Travel Expense Types |
H_T706C | Names for Travel Expense Types |
H_T706E | Names for vehicle types |
H_T706FORM_CLM | Search help columns in form block |
H_T706FORM_CLMBL | Search help blocks with suppressible columns |
H_T706FORM_COLDEP | Search help color display |
H_T706FORM_VAR | Search help for form variants |
H_T706FORM_VAR2 | Search help for form variants |
H_T706G | Names for statutory trip types |
H_T706I | Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm. |
H_T706J | Name for enterprise-specific for meals/acc. |
H_T706O | Name for trip country, trip country group, trip region |
H_T706Q | Names for period indicator for miles/kms accumulation |
H_T706R | Names for trip activity types |
H_T706S | Trip Schema |
H_T706T | Names for trip schema |
H_T706W | Names for vehicle classes |
H_T706X | Names for enterprise-specific trip types |
H_T706Y | Names for employee groupings for Travel Management |
PREMS | Personnel numbers with trip data by organiz. assignment |
PREMT | Personnel numbers with trip data |
SH_EXPENSE_TYPES | Search help for Travel Expense Types |
SH_PAYOUT_CURRENCY | Search help for payout currency FI Travel |
SH_RECEIPT_ABOVE_LIMIT | Search help for trip receipts with amounts > customiz.limit |
SH_T007A_V | Help_View for T007A with tax type |
SH_TRIP_BUSINESS_PURPOSE | Search Help for Reason for Expense Receipt of a Trip |
SH_TRIP_BUSINESS_RELATIONSHIP | Search Help for Invited Business Partner |
SH_TRIP_CAR_MAKE | Search Help for Car Make (Type) |
SH_TRIP_COSTCENTER | Collective Search Help for Cost Centers (Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_COSTCENTER1 | Dummy Search Help for Cost Center |
SH_TRIP_COSTOBJECT | Collective Search Help for Cost Object (Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_COSTOBJECT1 | Dummy Search Help for Cost Object |
SH_TRIP_DESCRIPTION | Search Help for Reason |
SH_TRIP_LOCATION | Search Help for Trip Destination |
SH_TRIP_NETWORK | Collective Search Help for Network (Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_NETWORK1 | Dummy Search Help for Network |
SH_TRIP_NUMBERS | Trip Numbers for a Personnel Number in Descending Order |
SH_TRIP_ORDER | Collective Search Help for Internal Order(Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_ORDER1 | Dummy Search Help for Internal Orders |
SH_TRIP_PLACE | Search Help for Trip Location |
SH_TRIP_PLAN_NUMBERS | Trip Numbers (Plans) for Personnel Number: Sorted Descending |
SH_TRIP_PLATE_NUMBER | Search Help for License Plate Number |
SH_TRIP_REASON | Search Help for Trip Reason |
SH_TRIP_RECEIPT_AMOUNT | Search Help Exit for Expense Amount |
SH_TRIP_SALESORDER | Collective Search Help for Sales Order (Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_SALESORDER1 | Dummy Search Help for Sales Orders |
SH_TRIP_WBSELEMENT | Collective Search Help for WBS Elements (Travel Management) |
SH_TRIP_WBSELEMENT1 | Dummy Search Help for WBS Elements |
TRV_CUMPT | Cumulation procedure (1-3) |
TRV_PKWRG | Reimbursement Group for Travel Costs |
SAP Package PTRA contains 1 message classes.
56_CORE | Klasse für die Anteile des Reisemanagement im R/3 Core |