This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package RSD (BW: General data basis) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.
Package | RSD |
Short Text | BW: General data basis |
Parent Package | RS_BW_STRUPAK |
SAP Package RSD contains 23 function groups.
RSAB_MPRO | BAPI's MultiProvider (Temporary) |
RSD_DDIF | BW: DDic Interface |
RSDG_AREA_DB_READ | InfoAreas: Reading Modules |
RSDG_CUBE | Utilities: InfoCubes |
RSDG_CUBE_DB_READ | InfoCube: Reading Modules |
RSDG_DIME_DB_READ | Dimensions: Reading Modules |
RSDG_ICON | BW database: Icon management |
RSDG_IOBC | Utilities: InfoObject catalogs |
RSDG_IOBC_DB_READ | InfoObject Catalogs: Reading Modules |
RSDG_IOBJ_DB_READ | BW Reading Modules for InfoObjects |
RSDG_MPRO | Help Functions for MultiProvider |
RSDG_ODSO | Help Functions for ODS Objects |
RSDG_SSC | Metadata maintenance: Subscreens |
RSDI | Ass.BW Reading Module InfoObjs in Cube |
RSDM | Data basis: Read master data |
RSDM_F4 | Master data F4 |
RSDMDF | Read InfoObject specific texts and data |
RSDMDT | BW: Master data- and text maintenance |
RSDMETADATASAVE | Meta data manager: Write module |
RSDN | BW Data Basis: Name sfktn. General |
RSDN_CUBE | BW database: Naming funct. for InfoCubes |
RSDN_IOBJ | BW database: InfoObject namespaces |
RSDV | Treatment of the validity table |
SAP Package RSD contains 3 transactions.
RSD_ACAT | Maintain InfoObject catalog |
RSDODS | Initial Screen: ODS Object Processng |
RSDODSD | Initial Screen: ODS Proces. (Deliv.) |
SAP Package RSD contains 79 database tables.
RSDAREA | Directory of InfoAreas |
RSDAREAT | InfoArea texts |
RSDATRNAV | Navigation Attributes |
RSDATRNAVSID | Assignment: Navigation attribute -> SID field name |
RSDATRNAVT | Navigation Attributes |
RSDBCHATR | Master data attributes |
RSDCHA | Characteristic Catalog |
RSDCHABAS | Basic characteristics (for chars, time-chars and units) |
RSDCHABASLOC | Basic chars system-local properties (not transport.) |
RSDCOBPROTSTMPL | Time Stamp for Buffer Management Class CL_RSD_DTA |
RSDCUBE | Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider |
RSDCUBEIOBJ | Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) |
RSDCUBELOC | Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider) |
RSDCUBEMULTI | InfoCubes concerned with MultiCube |
RSDCUBET | Texts for the InfoCubes |
RSDDIM | Directory of dimensions |
RSDDIME | Dimensions directory |
RSDDIMEIOBJ | InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list) |
RSDDIMELOC | Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.) |
RSDDIMET | Dimension Texts |
RSDDKF | Derived key figures |
RSDDPA | Data package characteristics |
RSDDSTAT | Statistics data BW for aggregate selection and accounting |
RSDDSTATCOND | BW Statistics: Data on Condensing Run InfoCube |
RSDDSTATDELE | BW Statistics: Data on Deletion of Data in InfoCube |
RSDDSTATEXTRACT | Extractor BW statistics: Time of last delta load |
RSDDSTATLOG | BW statistics - Sequence of events for DEBUG user |
RSDDSTATWHM | Statistics Data: BW for Warehouse Management |
RSDHIECHA | Characteristics that occur in hierarchies |
RSDICE | Elimination of Internal Business Volume for Key Figures |
RSDICHAPRO | InfoCube-specific characteristic properties |
RSDICMULTIIOBJ | MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects |
RSDICVALIOBJ | InfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCube |
RSDIKYFPRO | InfoCube-specific key figure properties |
RSDINFOPROVDATA | Time of Last Data Change in an InfoProvider |
RSDIOBC | InfoObject catalogs |
RSDIOBCIOBJ | InfoObjects in InfoObject catalogs |
RSDIOBCT | Texts of the InfoObject catalog |
RSDIOBJ | Directory of all InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJCMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJFIX | Delivered Fixed System InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJHIE | Hierarchy Attributes for InfoObject |
RSDIOBJT | InfoObject texts |
RSDIX | BW: Cluster table info. system |
RSDKYF | Key figures |
RSDMASITAB | Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent) |
RSDMASTTAB | Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent) |
RSDMCHNTAB | Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent) |
RSDMCHTTAB | Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent) |
RSDMDIMTAB | Model table: Dimensions table |
RSDMFACTAB | Model table: Fact table |
RSDMHIETAB | Model table: Hierarchies of a characteristic |
RSDMHIETABNEW | Model Table: Hierarchies of a Characteristic (from 3.0B) |
RSDMHINTAB | Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic |
RSDMHINTABNEW | Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic |
RSDMHSITAB | Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID |
RSDMHSITABNEW | Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID |
RSDMINCTAB | Model table: SID structure of the hierarchies of a charact. |
RSDMODSTAB | Model Table: ODS Table Active Records |
RSDMODSTAB_M | Model Table: ODS Table (Revised Records) |
RSDMODSTAB_UR | Model Table for ODS Update and Rollback |
RSDMSIDTAB | Model table: Master data IDs of a characteristic |
RSDMTXTTAB | Model table: Texts of a characteristic |
RSDNAIP | Navigation Attributes of Characteristics as InfoProvider |
RSDODSO | Directory of all ODS Objects |
RSDODSOATRNAV | Navigation Attributes in ODS |
RSDODSOINDX | Indexes for ODS Objects |
RSDODSOIOBJ | InfoObject in ODS |
RSDODSOIOBJIND | InfoObjects in ODS Indexes |
RSDODSOIOBJPRO | InfoObject Properties within the ODS object |
RSDODSOLOC | Local Properties of ODS Objects |
RSDODSOT | Texts of ODS Objects |
RSDODSOTABL | Directory of all ODS Tables |
RSDTIM | Time characteristics |
RSDUNI | Units |
RSPSPACE | Partner Namespace for BW Objects |
RSSOURSYSTEM | BW: Souce system IDs table |
RSSSY_SWCLA | System Classes and Releases |
RSSSY_SWCLAT | System Classes and Releases, Texts |
SAP Package RSD contains 15 views.
RSD_S_ODSO | View of Properties and Texts for ODS Objects |
RSDAREAV | View of InfoAreas with texts |
RSDATRNAVV | View of navigation attributes and texts |
RSDDIMEV | View of dimensions with texts |
RSDDIMEV_DTA | View of dimensions with texts |
RSDIOBCV | View of InfoObject catalogs with texts |
RSDIOBJV | View of InfoObjects and texts |
RSDMCHKTAB | View of the master data tables |
RSDMHSIVIEW | View across Hierarchy SID and Hierarchy Nodes |
RSDMSIDVIEW | View across SID and Characteristic Value |
RSDMVIEW | Model view InfoCube |
RSDVCHA | View of characteristics, basic chars and local properties |
RSDVDIME | View of dimensions and local properties |
RSDVTIM | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties |
RSDVUNI | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties |
SAP Package RSD contains 161 structures.
BAPI6117L | MultiProvider - Details |
BAPI6117SL | MultiProvider - Selection Criteria |
RSCUBESV | ServiceCube: Settings |
RSD_S_AGGR | Special Aggregation for Multiple Charact. (Internal Struct.) |
RSD_S_ATR | Master data attrib. |
RSD_S_ATR_NAV | View on Navigation Attributes and Texts |
RSD_S_ATRNAVT | Navigation Attribute Texts |
RSD_S_COB_PRO | InfoObject Properties (in Context of InfoCube / ODS Object) |
RSD_S_DIME | Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DIME_DTA | Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DIME_IOBJ | Relation: Dimension - InfoObject |
RSD_S_DIMENSION | BW MetaData: Dimension Toolbar |
RSD_S_DTA | Properties InfoProvider |
RSD_S_DTA_DIME | Data Target: Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DTA_DIME_IOBJ | Data Target Relation: Dimension - InfoObject |
RSD_S_DTA_HEAD_BUF | Buffer for Data Target Header |
RSD_S_DTA_IOBJ | InfoObject in Data Target |
RSD_S_DTA_PRO | InfoObject Properties in Data Target |
RSD_S_DTAT | Text Data Target |
RSD_S_HIECHA | Hierarchy Characteristic |
RSD_S_ICE | Elim. of Int. Business Volume for Key Figures (Int. Str.) |
RSD_S_ICHA_PRO | Data Target-specific Characteristic Properties |
RSD_S_IKYF_PRO | Data Target-specific Key Figure Properties |
RSD_S_INFOPROV | List of InfoProviders |
RSD_S_INFOPROV_LOC | Local Characteristics of an InfoProvider |
RSD_S_IOBJ_CHANGED | Changed Properties with InfoObject |
RSD_S_IOBJ_CMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSD_S_IOBJNM | InfoObjects List |
RSD_S_IPROV | InfoProviders: Buffer Info |
RSD_S_KYF_ADV | Properties of a Basic Key Figure including Aggregation |
RSD_S_KYF_BAS | Properties of a Basic Key Figure |
RSD_S_MPRO | MultiProvider Bar |
RSD_S_MPRO_IOBJ | InfoObjects in InfoProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_IOBJ_IDENT | Identification of InfoObjects in MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_PART | InfoProviders Involved in the MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_PART_IOBJ | InfoObject in the InfoProvider Involved in the MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_SH | Bar: MultiProvider with Text |
RSD_S_NAIP | Navigation Attr. Chars. as InfoProvider (Internal Structure) |
RSD_S_OBJVERS | Toolbar: Version with Text (for Dialog) |
RSD_S_ODSO_INDX | Index on ODS Object |
RSD_S_ODSO_INDX_IOBJ | InfoObjects in ODS Index |
RSD_S_ODSO_IOBJ | InfoObject in ODS (with Properties Navigation Attribute) |
RSD_S_ODSO_PRO | InfoObject Properties in ODS Object |
RSD_S_ODSOBJECT | ODS Object Name as Structure |
RSD_S_PROV | InfoProvider |
RSD_S_PROV_SC | Bar: MultiProvider with Text |
RSD_S_TSTMPL | InfoProvider with Time Stamp |
RSD_S_VIOBJ | View of all properties of an InfoObject |
RSD_S_VIOBJ_FLAT | View on all Properties of an InfoObject (without Tab.) |
RSD_SGPAR_CUBE | InfoCube Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SGPAR_IOBC | InfoObjectCatalog Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SGPAR_ISXX | InfoSource Dialog: Parameter Bar |
RSD_SGPAR_ODSO | ODS Object Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SX_DTA_BUF | Header for Data Target Buffer |
RSD_SX_DTA_DIME_BUF | Buffer Table of Dimensions |
RSD_SX_DTA_DIME_IOBJ_BUF | Buffer of InfoObjects in Dimensions of the Data Target |
RSD_SX_DTA_IOBJ_BUF | Buffer InfoObjects in the Data Target |
RSD_SX_DTA_IOBJ_IDENT_BUF | Buffer of Identification of InfoObjects (MPRO) |
RSD_SX_DTA_PART_BUF | Buffer of Involved InfoProviders |
RSD_SX_DTAT_BUF | Buffer of Texts for the Data Target |
RSD_SX_IC_VAL_IO | InfoObjects in the Validity Table of a Cube |
RSD_SX_IC_VAL_IO_BUF | Buffer of InfoObjects in the Validity Table |
RSD_SX_IOBJ_CMP_BUF | Buffer of Compounding (InfoObjects) |
RSDAGGRTECHSTOR | Aggregate: Storage Parameter |
RSDATRNAVPRO | Navigation Attribute Additional Properties |
RSDBEXMAP | BEX-MAP Basic Characteristic Properties |
RSDCHADDIC | DDIC Properties of a (Basic) Characteristic |
RSDCOBPRO | InfoObject Properties (Context of InfoProvider/Data Target) |
RSDCUBEBWSTAT | InfoCube: BW Statistics |
RSDCUBEDATASTATE | InfoCube: Data Flow/Status/Control |
RSDCUBEDBFLAGS | InfoCube: DB Performance Flags |
RSDCUBEDBSTAT | InfoCube: DB Performance Parameter |
RSDCUBEPROP | InfoCube: Version-dependent Properties |
RSDCUBEQUERYPROP | InfoCube: Default Query Properties |
RSDCUBEREQUEST | InfoCube: Request treatment |
RSDCUBETECH | InfoCube: Technical Properties |
RSDCUBETNAMES | InfoCube: Names of Tables, Structures and Views |
RSDCUBEV_DTA | InfoProvider: Attributes |
RSDDOMA | DDIC interface: Structure for domains |
RSDDTEL | DDIC Interface: Structure for data elements |
RSDG_S_AFI | Attribute with Navigation Attribute (Dialog) |
RSDG_S_TLOGO_POPUP | Toolbar for Selecting TLOGO Types |
RSDGCUBE | InfoCube |
RSDGSCICE | IBV Elminiation for Key Figures Display Structure |
RSDGSCMPRO | Structure for Outputting a MultiProvider |
RSDHIE | Hierarchy information on basic characteristics |
RSDIAGGR | Attributes Special Aggregation Regarding Multiple Charact. |
RSDICHA | Properties of a characteristic |
RSDIDDIC | DDIC Properties of an InfoObject |
RSDIICE | Attributes for Elimination of Internal Business Volume |
RSDIKYF | DDIC Interface: Properties of a key figure |
RSDIOBCPROP | InfoObjectCatalog: Version-dependent Properties |
RSDIOBJGEN | Generated objects of an InfoObject (routines, numRrange no.) |
RSDISXXPROP | InfoSource: Version-Dependent Properties |
RSDM_S_CHANMID | Chanmid -> Reader and ChaNM |
RSDM_S_CHAVL_DATETO | Help Structure for Buffering Time-Dependent Master Data |
RSDM_S_CNTL_NODE | Hierarchy Node |
RSDM5_SELSUBTYPE | Allowed Selection (Subgroup) |
RSDM5_SELTYPES | Allowed Selection with F4 |
RSDM5_SORTING | Sorting with F4 |
RSDMCHAPRSNT | BW: Characteristic, Node, Attribute and Display |
RSDMHIERKEY | External key of a hierarchy |
RSDMMD_FIELDCAT | Field Catalog Template |
RSDMODSVIEW | Model for View on Fields and Attributes of an ODS Object |
RSDMR_S_ATTRINM | BW: Attribute Name |
RSDMR_S_HIERNODE | Node Information |
RSDMR_S_NODEKEY | Structure of Keys |
RSDMR_S_RETURN | BW: Result of a Selection of Master Data |
RSDMR_S_SELOPT | Selection option |
RSDO_S_ATR | Master data attrib. |
RSDO_S_ATR_NAV | View of navigation attributes and texts |
RSDO_S_ATRNAVT | Text of a Navigation Attribute |
RSDO_S_CHA | Characteristic: Internal Structure |
RSDO_S_CMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSDO_S_CUBE_IOBJ_PROP | InfoObject Properties in Cube Context |
RSDO_S_CUBE_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoCube Class |
RSDO_S_DIME | Dimension and Properties |
RSDO_S_DIME_LOC | Dimension and Properties |
RSDO_S_DIME_SG_R | Toolbar with Pointer for Dimension Class |
RSDO_S_DTA | Bar for InfoProvider (Data Target) |
RSDO_S_DTA_R | Bar with Reference to InfoProvider (Data Target) |
RSDO_S_IOBC_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoObject Catalog Class |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_DI_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class (for Dimensions) |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_NA_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_R | InfoObject with Reference |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_SG | Toolbar for InfoObjects (Str.Gen.) |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_SG_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class |
RSDO_S_ISXX_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoSource Class |
RSDO_S_KYF | Properties Key Figure (with Outflow and Inflow) |
RSDO_S_MPRO_R | Bar with Reference to MultiProvider Class |
RSDO_S_ODSO_ATR_NAV | Navigation Attribute in ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_ATR_NAV_R | Nav. attribute in ODS object with ref. to bearing char. |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ | InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_PRO | InfoObject Properties within the ODS object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_PRO_R | InfoObject Properties within the ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_R | InfoObject in ODS object with reference to InfoObject |
RSDO_S_ODSO_R | ODS Object with Reference |
RSDO_S_ODSO_VERS_R | ODS Version Object with Reference |
RSDO_S_UNI | Unit - Internal Structure |
RSDODSOAUTO | ODS Object: Automation flags |
RSDODSOPRO | Additional Properties for InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDODSOPRO_DTA | Additional Properties for InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDODSOREQUEST | ODS Object: Flags for Request Handling |
RSDODSOTECH | ODS Object: Technical Properties |
RSDODSOV_DTA | ODSO Attributes for InfoProvider |
RSDPARTVALUES | InfoCubes: Value Range for Partitioning Criterion |
RSDPROVADDI | InfoProvider: Supplementary Properties |
RSDPROVGENE | InfoProvider: General Attributes |
RSDPROVTECH | InfoProvider: Technical Parameters |
RSDPROVTECHPART | InfoProvider: Partitioning Parameters |
RSDPROVTECHSTOR | InfoProvider: Storage Parameters |
RSDPROVTYPE | InfoProvider: Type Attribute |
RSDRECHA | BEx attributes characteristic |
RSDRECUB | Reporting attributes InfoCube |
RSDREKYF | Reporting attributes key figure |
RSDSHBUFID | Key Structure for Shared Buffer |
RSDSIDATTR | Attributes part of the SID table |
RSDTBFD | DDIC interface: Table fields |
RSDTBHD | DDIC interface: Structure for table header |
RSRV_S_FIELDNAME_COL_COUNT | Table Field Name and Various Column Entries |
SAP Package RSD contains 18 programs.
RSCOMPCONS | Consistency Check of Compounding from MultiProviders |
RSD_20AP1_IOBJ_CHANGE | Update of techn. InfoObjects with BW 2.0A Patch 1 |
RSD_CLIENT_COPY_REPAIR_NUMBR | Repair of BI Number-Range Objects after Client Copy |
RSD_NEW_TEXT_FIELDS | Initialization of new fields of text table for already existing data |
RSDDK_STA_WRITE_IN_CUBE | Loading data in an InfoCube via internal interface |
RSDG_CUBE_COPY | Make InfoCube Copies |
RSDG_CUBE_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_CUBE_TABLES_CONVERT | Help Program for the Conversion of InfoCube Tables |
RSDG_CUBE_VALT_MODIFY | BW Metadata: Change the validity slice of a non-cumulative Cube |
RSDG_IOBC_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_IOBC_REPAIR | Delete Inactive InfoObjects from InfoObjectCatalogs |
RSDG_IOBJ_ACTIVATE | Activation of InfoObjects (w'out automatic transport connection !) |
RSDG_MPRO_ACTIVATE | Activating MultiProviders |
RSDG_MPRO_COPY | Make InfoCube Copies |
RSDG_MPRO_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_MPRO_REORG_TEXTS | Reorganization of Texts for InfoCubes/MultiProviders |
RSDXPRA30 | XPRA BW data basis for Rel. 3.0 |
SAP Package RSD contains 8 search helps.
RS_LOGSYS | Search Help for Logical System |
RSD_IOBJNM | Search Help for InfoObjects |
RSDMSEAHLP | Model search help for a BW characteristic |
RSF4DATCLS | Search Help for Data Class |
RSF4SIZCAT | Search Help for Size Category |
RSF4SLOGSYS | BW: Search Help for Logical Systems |
RSINFOPROV | Search Help for Characteristic 0INFOPROV |
RSRTYPE | Search Help for 0RTYPE |
SAP Package RSD contains 4 message classes.
R7B | BW Metadaten (InfoCube, InfoObject, InfoObjectCatalog) |
R7I | InfoProvider |
RSDMDT | Übersetzung von BW-Objekten |
RSDODSO | Nachrichten zu ODS Objekten |