

BW: Reporting Authorization Check

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The package RSSBR (BW: Reporting Authorization Check) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.

Technical Information

Package RSSBR
Short Text BW: Reporting Authorization Check
Parent Package RS_BW_STRUPAK

Function Groups

SAP Package RSSBR contains 4 function groups.

RSSBR Authorization Check Reporting
RSSBS Maintenance of BW ReportingAuthorization
RSSBT BW Reporting Authorizations: Generation
RSSBU RSSBU BW Authorizatns:RFC-compat.module


SAP Package RSSBR contains 4 transactions.

RSSM Authorizations for Reporting
RSSMQ Start Query with User
RSSMTRACE Reporting Log Authorization
RSSU53 Display authorization check BW

Database Tables

SAP Package RSSBR contains 14 database tables.

RSSAUTHHIERNODE BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes
RSSBAUTHGEN BW Reporting Authorizations: Generating Authorizations
RSSBAUTHGENERATD BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations
RSSBAUTHTRACEATR BW Reporting Authorizations Trace: Thinning-out Attributes
RSSBAUTHTRACEH Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Authorized Hierarchies
RSSBAUTHTRACEHI Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Thin Out Hierarchies
RSSBAUTHTRACEHN Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Thin Out Hierarchy Nodes
RSSBAUTHTRACEMRG Authorization Trace: Summarized Authorizations
RSSBAUTHTRACESN BW Reporting Authorization Trace: Node Selection
RSSBAUTHTRACESTD BW Reporting Authorizations Trace: Auth. Objs from Class RS
RSSBAUTHTRACESV BW Reporting Authorization Trace: Values Selection
RSSBAUTHTRACEV Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Authorized Values
RSSBAUTHTRACEVAL BW Reporting Authorization Trace - Authorized Values
RSSBAUTVAL Authorization Check Reporting: Single Values in Authorizatn


SAP Package RSSBR contains 49 structures.

RSSAUTHHIER_ALV BW Authorizations: Display of Hierarchies Authorization Def.
RSSB_S_AUTH_CHECK BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorization Information
RSSB_S_AUTH_FREE BW Reporting Authorizations:Characteristics in the Drildown
RSSB_S_AUTH_GENERATE BW Authorizations: Generation Status for Authorizations
RSSB_S_AUTH_HIER User's Authorized Hierarchies for an InfoObject
RSSB_S_AUTH_TLEVEL BW Reporting Authorizations:Valid Hierarchy Drilldown-Level
RSSB_S_AUTHTRACEH Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Authorized Hierarchies
RSSB_S_AUTHTRACEV Authorization Trace BW Reporting - Authorized Values
RSSB_S_AUTVAL_ID BW Reporting Authorizations: ID for Cluster Table
RSSB_S_AUTVALUE BW Authorization Reporting: Table with Authorized Values
RSSB_S_CHANM_UNIQUE BW Reporting Authorizations: Unique Characteristic
RSSB_S_CHANMID BW Reporting Authorizations:Buffer for ID of Characteristics
RSSB_S_FIELDRANGE Reporting Authorizations: Range of Authorized Values
RSSB_S_HIERARCHY BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Information
RSSB_S_USER_GEN User Information for Generating Authorizations
RSSB_S_USER_ROLE BW Metadata: User Role
RSSB_S_USVALUES BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorization
RSSB_SX_AUTH_BUFFER BW Reporting Authorizations: Buffer for Authorization Check
RSSB_SX_AUTH_CHECK BW Reporting Authorizations: Report Selections
RSSB_SX_AUTH_CHECK_DETAIL BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorization Information
RSSB_SX_AUTH_CHECK_MULT BW Reporting Authorizations:Report Info with Multiple Values
RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER User's Authorized Master Data Values
RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER_AUTH User's Authorized Master Data Value (for Authorized Object)
RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER_IOBJ User's Authorized Master Data Value for InfoObject
RSSB_SX_AUTHTRACE Authorization Trace BW Reporting
RSSB_SX_AUTVAL BW Authorization Reporting: Table for Authorized Values
RSSB_SX_IOBJVL_CHECK BW Reporting Authorizations: Selections for Checking
RSSB_SX_NO_AUTH BW Reporting Authorizations: Missing Authorizations Report
RSSB_SX_TOBJ_USVALUES BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorizations for Auth. Object
RSSBR_S_AUTH_GENERATED BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations
RSSBR_S_AUTH_VALUES_HIERARCHY BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorization for Hierarchy
RSSBR_S_AUTH_VALUES_RANGE BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorized Values / Intervals
RSSBR_S_AUTHHIER BW Authorization for Hierarchies (Several Nodes)
RSSBR_S_AUTHNODE BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes
RSSBR_S_AUTHORIZATION BW Authorization Reporting: List of Authorizations
RSSBR_S_AUTHT BW Authorizations: Texts for an Authorization
RSSBR_S_BUFFER_CUST_EXIT Reporting Authoriztns: Buffer for Values from Customer Exit
RSSBR_S_CHAVL_LIST BW Reporting Authorization: List of Characteristic Values
RSSBR_S_INFOPROV_AUTH Reporting Authorizations: InfoProviders with Authorizations
RSSBR_S_IOBJ_DDHANDLE BW Reporting Authorization: Drag&Drop Handle
RSSBR_S_NODE_OBJECT BW Authorizations: Nodes in Tree with Reference to Object
RSSBR_S_OBJECT BW Authorizations: List of Authorization Objects
RSSBR_S_OBJECT_DETAIL BW Authorizations: List of Authorization Objects w. Details
RSSBR_S_OBJECT_FIELDS Fields (InfoObjects) of an Authorization Object
RSSBR_S_ROLE BW Reporting Authorizations: List of Roles
RSSBR_S_TREE BW: Authorization for Reporting
RSSBR_S_USER_AUTH BW Authorizations: Assignment of Users, Authorizations
RSSBR_SX_AUTH BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorization
RSSBR_SX_AUTH_VALUES BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorizations


SAP Package RSSBR contains 9 programs.

RSSB_BW_AUTH_DEMO_1 BW Authorizations: Example on the use of RSSB_BW_AUTH_MODIFY
RSSB_BW_AUTH_DEMO_2 Read BW reporting authoriztns frm InfoCube, and generate authorizatns
RSSB_BW_SHOW_LOG_AUTH_MODIFY BW Reporting: Display Log for Generating Authorizations
RSSB_DELETE_GENERATED_PROF20 Deletes Profiles Generated in 2.0B with RSSB_BW_AUTH_MOFIDY
RSSB_GENERATE_AUTHORIZATIONS Generating Authorizations in BW from Data in the InfoProviders
RSSBR_AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_QRUN Authorization Check Test - Query Execution
RSSBR_DISPLAY_AUTH_TRACE BW Reporting: Authorization check result
RSSBR_DISPLAY_AUTHS_OF_USER Display Authorized Values for User (BW-Specific)

Search Helps

SAP Package RSSBR contains 1 search helps.

RSSAUTHHIERUID Search Help for Hierarchy Authorizations

Message Classes

SAP Package RSSBR contains 1 message classes.

RSSBR Berechtigungen Reporting im Business Information Warehouse