Manage critical archiving objects (database conversion)

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The table ADMI_CRIT (Manage critical archiving objects (database conversion)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package BEWU.

Technical Information

Short Text Manage critical archiving objects (database conversion)
Package BEWU
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ADMI_CRIT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
OBJECT Archiving Object OBJCT_TR01 CHAR 10 *
XCRIT_ARCH Archiving data could conflict with database conversion XCRIT_ARCH CHAR 1
XCRIT_READ Reading could conflict with database conversion XCRIT_READ CHAR 1
XCONT_READ Contents description required for conflict check XNEED_CONT CHAR 1
XCRIT_RELO Reloading could conflict with database conversion XCRIT_RELO CHAR 1
XCONT_RELO Contents description required for conflict check XNEED_CONT CHAR 1
XCRIT_DBCV Database conversion could conflict with archived data XCRIT_DBCV CHAR 1
XCONT_DBCV Contents description required for conflict check XNEED_CONT CHAR 1
VERANTWORT Last person to change the entry EUARUSER CHAR 12
TAG Date on which the entry was last changed EUARDATE DATS 8
UHRZEIT Time of last change to entry EUARTIME TIMS 6
RELEASED Released flag for the object EUARRLEASD CHAR 1
ICON Maintenance status of the object EUARICON CHAR 132
RELEASER Person who unlocked or locked the object EUARRLEASR CHAR 12
RELEASEDAY Date on which the object was unlocked or locked EUARRLEDAY DATS 8
RELEASETIM Time at which the object was unlocked or locked EUARRLETIM TIMS 6
INSDUMMY Dummy field for adding a new object EUARDUMMY CHAR 10