Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Header Information

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The table CC1ERH (Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Header Information) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PTIM.

Technical Information

Table CC1ERH
Short Text Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Header Information
Package PTIM
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table CC1ERH

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
TEVOR Pool of incorrect time events TEVOR CHAR 20
TEVORTEXT Description of error pool TEVORTEXT CHAR 40
Include Structure: HRIF_PROT
UNAME1 User who wrote record to interface PW_UNAME1 CHAR 12
DATUM1 Date on which record was written to interface PW_DATUM1 DATS 8
UZEIT1 Time at which record was written to interface PW_UZEIT1 TIMS 6
PGMID1 Write Record to Interface Report PW_PGMID1 CHAR 40
UNAME2 Name of user who initially accessed record PW_UNAME2 CHAR 12
DATUM2 Date on which record was initially accessed PW_DATUM2 DATS 8
UZEIT2 Time at which record was initially accessed PW_UZEIT2 TIMS 6
PGMID2 Report used to access record initially PW_PGMID2 CHAR 40
STATU2 Log status when record was first accessed PW_STATU2 CHAR 1
UNAME3 Last user to access record PW_UNAME3 CHAR 12
DATUM3 Date on which record was last accessed PW_DATUM3 DATS 8
UZEIT3 Time at which record was last accessed PW_UZEIT3 TIMS 6
PGMID3 Last Used to Access Record Program PW_PGMID3 CHAR 40
STATU3 Log status when record was last accessed PW_STATU3 CHAR 1
UNAME4 User who first retrieved the record successfully PW_UNAME4 CHAR 12
DATUM4 Date on which record was first retrieved successfully PW_DATUM4 DATS 8
UZEIT4 Time at which record was first retrieved successfully PW_UZEIT4 TIMS 6
PGMID4 Report first used to retrieve record successfully PW_PGMID4 CHAR 40