

Paths per account, sender and receiver

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The table FERC_D1 (Paths per account, sender and receiver) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FERC.

Technical Information

Table FERC_D1
Short Text Paths per account, sender and receiver
Package FERC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table FERC_D1

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
RUN_ID Regulatory reporting run identification number FE_RUN_ID NUMC 4 FERC_R0
ALT_ACC Posting indicator FE_DIRPOST CHAR 1
LINNO Line number DBGLINNO INT4 10
R_KTNRA Regulatory account FE_SAKNR CHAR 10 SKA1
R_BUKRS Receiving company code RECV_CMPC CHAR 4 T001
R_GSBER Receiving business area RECV_BUSA CHAR 4 TGSB
S_OBJNR Number of Source Object PVC_UOBJNR CHAR 22 ONR00
R_OBJNR Number of Final Object FE_FOBJNR CHAR 22 ONR00
S_KTNRA Natural account FE_SAKNN CHAR 10 SKA1
S_BUKRS Sending company code SEND_CMPC CHAR 4 T001
S_GSBER Sending business area SEND_BUSA CHAR 4 TGSB
PERCENTAGE Percentage for regulatory reporting FE_PERC DEC 15
AMOUNT Total Value in Controlling Area Currency WKGXXX CURR 15
R_PRCTR Receiver profit center RPRCTR CHAR 10 CEPC
S_PRCTR Sender Profit Center SPRCTR CHAR 10 CEPC